Interface DataRoutePartitionAware

public interface DataRoutePartitionAware
Identifies a component whose execution should be tied to a particular route (or flow). This is useful for pipeline style patterns where a mixture of common and service specific processing components are called. By defining a compatible data route partition, these processing components can be included, or excluded, dynamically from pipeline processing during a flow.
Jeff Fischer
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The data route identifying package fragment.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getDataRoutePartition

      String getDataRoutePartition()
      The data route identifying package fragment. Note, there is some nuance here. For services, a qualifying partition would be the uniquely identifying package fragment for the service. However, for common libraries contributing processing components, the qualifying partition would be the DataRouteSupporting.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT for the specific DataRouteSupporting extension that relates to the concept from the common library. BulkUpdateNotificationStateMapperMember is an example of the latter, and uses the package fragment defined in BulkDataRouteSupporting.
      The data route identifying package fragment.