All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract implementation for an item merging service.
Holds common logic for validating different fulfillment types (address validation).
A grouping of customers which may represent things like a B2B business account or a telco account.
DTO for a request to add a Cart attribute.
Exception thrown when adding a promotional code to the Cart fails.
DTO for a request to add a promotional code to the Cart.
DTO for communicating the results of adding an offer or campaign code to the cart.
The AddCodeToCartResponseType is used to describe the results of adding an offer code to the cart.
Represents an AddItemRequest that failed due to either an inability to identify the Product that is being added to cart or the request does not specify all required attributes for the Product
A request DTO for adding ItemLists to a cart.
A request DTO for adding an item to a cart.
ApiError used for errors during CartItem validation.
A "tag" represents a unique purchasing attribute for a product such "new", "on sale", "fairtrade", etc.
Many entities have customizable dynamic attributes, and this class is intended to hold such values.
Customer-facing input to take in additional information about the product that they are purchasing.
A single value within a AttributeChoice.
Thrown when a user attempts to do an action that requires authentication, but the user is not authenticated.
Thrown when the number of item requests exceeds the set limit.
The response object used when multiple items are added to the cart simultaneously, including the updated cart & a collection of any individual add to cart failures.
Deprecated as of 1.8, if using OfferService 2.0, this class is not used
Provider for interfacing with CartActionAudits.
Describes the user who created the CartActionAudit
Used to categorize the reason that a step in cart approval flow failed.
Request DTO used for providing information for the cart approval flows, such as submitting cart for approval or rejecting cart.
DTO for communicating the result of the cart approval flow, such as request cart for approval or rejecting a cart.
Thrown when a cart approval request event cannot be sent by DefaultCartApprovalService
Defines a service that handles cart approval operations performed on a Cart.
Thrown when an issue is encountered in the CartApprovalValidationService
This service is responsible for validating the CartStatus of a Cart to perform actions in the cart approval flow.
Contains all the constants for Cart.getAttributes() and Cart.getInternalAttributes().
Responsible for issuing and resolving cart cookies.
as we are moving away from using request state for cart resolution
A request DTO used to create a new Cart.
Thrown when an issue is encountered during the finalization of a Cart following a successful checkout
Validates the fulfillment information on the cart.
Resolves the Cart parameter for controller methods that require it.
CartHolder<P extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.Cart>
in favor of new APIs driven by explicit Cart IDs and not request state
Maps CatalogItem information into the CartItem.
Enumerations to drive configuration errors for cart items.
CartItemMergingService<I extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem>
Item merging service for Carts and Cart Items.
Base request for any request that modifies a cart item directly.
Validates cart item requests that will modify the cart.
Utility class to aid in processing CartItems regarding offers.
Collection of utilities for PriceableTargets related to CartItem.
Utility to aid in pricing CartItems.
Handles mapping specific Product and Variant information into the CartItem in addition to the mapping performed in CartItemCatalogInformationService.
Provider for interfacing with operations around a Catalog related entities.
This CheckoutWorkflowActivity is responsible for validating that the cart's CartItems include all necessary selections and data so that we can clearly understand what is being purchased and must later be fulfilled.
Thrown when a CartItem is invalidly configured.
Base request for any request that modifies the cart directly.
Validates cart requests that will modify the cart.
Utility class to aid in retrieving offer information from Cart.
This CheckoutWorkflowActivity is responsible for validating that the cart's offers, offer codes, and campaign codes are still valid.
Guest token properties.
Spring Boot default property overrides for this service
see ManageCartEndpoint for the new operation endpoint
General exception handler registry for handlers not exclusive to a single controller.
Service for orchestrating the different workflows on various cart operations.
Wrapper for the offer utils required by CartOperationService.
Contains properties for bulk add to cart operations from the API.
Properties related to access control of item lists.
Contains properties that determine whether certain operations from the API cause prices to be invalidated.
Wrapper for the providers required by CartOperationService.
A cart operations specific implementation of the message lock service.
This CheckoutWorkflowActivity is responsible for validating that the cart includes PaymentSummaries whose sum is equal to CartPricing.getTotal().
A message event dispatched after one or more of a cart's payments failed.
Helper class to calculate rounding of monetary unit amounts for cart pricing.
Defines a service that handles pricing operations on a Cart.
This CheckoutWorkflowActivity is responsible for validating that the Cart and its CartItems have been successfully priced.
Provider for interfacing with operations directly involving a Cart.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This event is now sent from Cart Services in response to the update to the cart's status.
Thrown when a cart rejection event cannot be sent by DefaultCartApprovalService
Represents a cart request (when a cart is submitted as the request body).
Determines what cart to use for the request and stores it in a request scoped CartHolder bean.
The interface used for resolving in-progress Carts.
This CheckoutWorkflowActivity is responsible for validating that the Cart and its CartItems have the actual (latest) prices.
Properties to configure CartStalePricingValidationActivity.
This CheckoutWorkflowActivity is responsible for validating that the cart is able to be checked out, based on its status.
Service that assists CartPricingService in calculating price totals for the various members of a Cart.
Service for performing ownership transfers between anonymous, CSR, and customer-owned carts.
An exception that occurs as a result of validating the cart.
Properties for controlling the validation of requests.
Describes configuration for controlling how guest token validation applies or not.
Describes configuration for controlling validation that should apply to the version for carts.
A request which can contain a cart version for optimistic locking enforcement.
Validates cart (item) version is present when appropriate.
Exception thrown by CartVersionValidationService when a cart version is not provided when validating the cart version for an update operation.
Service used for validating the version of a Cart for reads and updates within this service.
A reference to a catalog item, typically used as a holder for information communicated from an external service.
A DTO that holds catalog item references for bulk operations, and lists of failed request params.
A request DTO to fetch a catalog item, typically used as a holder for information required to determine the item within the catalog.
Provider for interfacing with operations around a Catalog related entities.
A reference to a category, typically used as a holder for information communicated from an external service.
A message event dispatched after a cart checkout completes successfully.
Thrown when an issue is encountered while sending a checkout completion message to notify external & internal listeners that a cart has successfully completed checkout
Endpoints for resending events.
Thrown when an issue is encountered during the execution of a CheckoutWorkflow
The CheckoutFailureType is used to categorize the reason that a checkout submission failed.
DTO that provides information about the payment methods that are configured for checkout.
Fees are represented as separate CartItems but not placed in any fulfillment group to avoid repricing the fulfillment costs.
This service provides information about the configured payment methods and gateways.
Request DTO used for providing information upon submitting a cart for checkout.
DTO for communicating the results of a checkout submission
A message event dispatched when a CheckoutWorkflow encounters an unrecoverable error & must roll back the work of its CheckoutWorkflowActivities.
This producer is deprecated because it doesn't send durable messages.
Thrown when an issue is encountered during the rollback of a Cart.
Implementations of this class are responsible for coordinating the execution & rollback of CheckoutWorkflowActivities.
Within the execution of a CheckoutWorkflow, implementations of this interface are responsible for contributing an independent & isolated portion of the work required for a cart to complete checkout.
Thrown when an issue is encountered during the execution of a CheckoutWorkflowActivity
Thrown when an issue is encountered during the execution of a CheckoutWorkflow
Thrown when an issue is encountered during the execution of CheckoutWorkflowActivity#rollback(Cart, String)
Thrown when an issue is encountered while sending a checkout completion message to notify external & internal listeners that a cart has successfully completed checkout
Request domain used to claim checkout transactions.
An exception that occurs when a cart's selected payment method is COD but updates to the cart render the COD payment method not applicable
DTO for a request to update the Cart's contact info.
The credit account is an alternative form of payment which has been granted to the customer (or account).
Exception is thrown when the credit account has insufficient balance.
The reference to the credit account.
The transaction information for the credit account.
Provider for interfacing with a CreditAccountService's APIs to execute credit account transactions.
The source user type for the credit account transactions.
Service for orchestrating the different CSR triggered workflows on various cart operations.
Represents a customer
Provider for interfacing with operations directly involving customer related domain.
Resolves the CustomerRef parameter for controller methods that require it.
in favor of CSRCartEndpoint
A reference to a data driven enum, typically used as a holder for information communicated from an external service.
The default set of addCodeToCartResponseTypes used to describe the results of adding an offer code to the cart.
The default set of cart approval process failure types.
The default implementation of CartApprovalService.
The default implementation of CartApprovalValidationService.
Maps Product and Variant information into the CartItem.
DefaultCartItemMergingService<I extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem>
The default implementation of a cart item merging service.
The default implementation of CartVersionValidationService that uses CartValidationProperties to decide whether or not to validate cart versions within this service.
The default set of checkoutFailureTypes used to categorize the reason that a checkout submission failed.
Implementation of a Classifier that is used to identify a RetryPolicy based on a provided Throwable.
Default implementation of the CheckoutService that is responsible for processing checkout requests
The default source user types for the credit account transactions.
This implementation of TaxService calls TaxDelegate, which has a discovery process to determine the best TaxProvider implementation based on configured properties, the provided TaxCalculationRequest, and the ContextInfo.
Performs basic validation of the address of a fulfillment group to ensure required fields are present.
Performs validation for a fulfillment group.
Default implementation of GuestCartProtectionService that clears typical customer information and utilizes CartProvider for storing guest tokens.
DefaultItemListItemManagementService<I extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemListItem>
Default implementation of an item list item management service.
DefaultItemListItemMergingService<I extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemListItem>
The default implementation of an item list item merging service.
DefaultItemListManagementService<L extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemList>
Default implementation of an item list management service.
DefaultItemListSecurityService<R extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemListAccessRule>
Default implementation of an item list security service.
Out of the box merging types for Products.
The default set of payment gateway types.
The default payment summary attributes.
This service is meant to coordinate the execution of payment transactions against the cart's PaymentSummaries in the context of a checkout submission.
This represents types of payments that can be applied to a cart.
The possible types of targets a Product can have.
The default cart resolver for servlet requests.
The default implementation for StaleCartItemsService.
DefaultTaxService<F extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.FulfillmentGroup,TREQ extends,TRES extends,TI extends>
The default set of transactionFailureTypes that we expect to encounter with payment gateway interactions
The TransactionType is used to represent the types of operations/transactions that could occur against a single payment.
This is an "empty" or "pass-through" Inventory Provider.
Deprecated as of 1.8, if using OfferService 2.0, this class is not used
Deprecated as of 1.8, if using OfferService 2.0, this class is not used
This particular implementation of CatalogProvider is designed to interact with a provider that will provide fully hydrated catalog entities, i.e., there is no need for additional calls to get a product's variants or item choices.
This particular implementation of CatalogProvider is designed to interact with a provider that will provide fully hydrated catalog entities, i.e., there is no need for additional calls to get a product's variants or item choices.
Properties for interacting with an external credit account service.
The default implementation for CreditAccountTransactionExecutionProvider.
Properties for interacting with an external Inventory system.
Component that, by default, attempts to invoke Broadleaf Inventorry Services to reserve inventory.
ExternalItemListAccessRuleProvider<P extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemListAccessRule>
External (HTTP) implementation of an item list access rule provider.
ExternalItemListItemProvider<P extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemListItem>
External (HTTP) implementation of an item list item provider.
ExternalItemListProvider<P extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemList>
External (HTTP) implementation of an item list provider.
Properties for interacting with an external payment transaction service.
This particular implementation of PaymentProvider is designed to interact with the payment transaction service.
Obtains and releases locks in an external service (cart services over HTTP).
Properties defining how to interact with the shipping service.
Resolves exceptions to error views for when exceptions are thrown from a filter (e.g.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Scheduled Job listener that is responsible for finalizing or rolling back Carts that have the status of DefaultCartStatuses.AWAITING_PAYMENT_RESULT.
Validates a submitted address of a fulfillment group.
Represents a flat fulfillment rate (e.g., shipping price) for a particular fulfillable item (e.g., CatalogItem, Variant) and fulfillment option (e.g., standard shipping).
Validator for the submission of fulfillment groups.
Validates a submitted fulfillment item of a fulfillment group.
Validates a submitted fulfillment option of a fulfillment group.
Defines a service that provides fulfillment pricing for a Cart, e.g., shipping price.
Utility class with helper functions to perform validation.
Exception thrown when an operation is taken for a register cart that is only available to guest carts.
Interface for a service that is used for protecting customer information within guest carts.
Validator interface used for validating a guest token for a Cart.
Exception thrown when there is an attempt to generate a guest token and that functionality is disabled.
A generator of GuestToken.
Used for resolving ResolveGuestToken-annotated arguments for endpoints.
Provider for storing GuestToken.
Exception thrown when a guest token is required and not provided for an endpoint.
A DTO object used for returning the cart and guest token.
Exception thrown to indicate a failure to validate a GuestToken.
A DTO object used for returning whether a guest token is valid and its details.
Resolves the cart version from a request header.
The possible types of targets a IncludedProduct can have.
Please use SynchronizedDelegatingOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager or InMemoryOAuth2AuthorizedClientService, which is used internally by SynchronizedDelegatingOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager.
Exception denoting that the request to add a payment was invalid
Exception denoting that the request to update a payment was invalid
A request DTO to fetch the inventory availability status of a catalog item.
Provides a generic API to reserve inventory during checkout.
Provides a representation of a SKU reference.
Exception to indicate that inventory was unavailable, typically after trying to reserve inventory.
Configuration state for ProductOptionType.ITEM_CHOICE.
Describes restrictions placed on the customer's ability to select items from the targeted set.
The possible types of targets a ItemChoice can have.
ItemListAccessRuleProvider<P extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemListAccessRule>
A provider of item list access rules.
DTO for communicating the results of a checkout submission
Service for adding ItemList(s) to the cart
ItemListItemManagementService<I extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemListItem>
Service responsible for managing actions to item list items.
ItemListItemMergingService<I extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemListItem>
Item merging service for Item Lists and Item List Items.
ItemListItemOperationEndpoint<I extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemListItem>
Endpoint for management of item list items.
ItemListItemProvider<I extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemListItem>
A provider of item list items.
ItemListManagementService<L extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemList>
Service responsible for managing actions to item lists.
ItemListOperationEndpoint<L extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemList>
Endpoint for management of item list(s).
ItemListProvider<P extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemList>
A provider of Item Lists.
ItemListSecurityService<R extends com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.ItemListAccessRule>
Manages security/access-control for item lists.
Service for handling merges of similar items within some container.
A default implementation of the TransferCartTokenDecoder that decoded the TransferCartToken from a JWT token string.
Properties used to support the JWTTransferCartTokenDecoder in decoding transfer cart tokens from JWTs.
A default implementation of the TransferCartTokenEncoder that encodes the TransferCartToken into a JWT token string.
Properties used to support the JWTTransferCartTokenEncoder in encoding preview tokens as JWTs.
A request DTO used to establish locks on a set of payments.
Response object describing the locked payment summaries.
A matched pair of items.
Thrown when a user makes an attempt to access a resource they don't own.
Alternative to DefaultClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient that uses WebClient and allows for access token response that contain additional non-String parameters.
Captures audit relevant data when an offer was applied to an order.
Provider for interfacing with an Offer Engine that can supply discounts and promotions base on the contents of a Cart.
Contains all the constants for OrderLineItemDto.
DTO for a request to update the prices.
When a payment gateway declines a payment, this value indicates whether it is a "soft" (insufficient funds) or "hard" (stolen card) decline.
Identifies the payment gateway related to a payment.
Exception thrown when an issue is encountered while obtaining a payment lock.
Describes the status of a payment.
Describes the owner of a payment.
A helper component that has understanding of which PaymentSummaries take precedence and should be applied first in various operations such as payment authorize.
Provider for interfacing with a Payment Management system for operations around payment related entities.
Describes the source of a payment.
The domain that summarizes the current state of transactions against the payment.
Populates the tax address from the billing address.
This CheckoutWorkflowActivity is responsible for executing payment transactions that are required to complete a successful checkout.
Provider for interfacing with a PaymentTransactionService's APIs to execute payment transactions.
This service is meant to coordinate the execution of payment transactions against the cart's PaymentSummaries in the context of a checkout submission.
DTO for communicating the details of a failed payment transaction executed during checkout.
Exception thrown if there was an issue while attempting to execute a payment transaction for one of the cart's PaymentSummaries.
Represents the default possible values for a payment transaction's source entity type.
This represents types of payments that can be applied to a cart.
Thrown when an issue is encountered while sending a pending payment failed message to notify external & internal listeners that one or more of cart's pending payments has failed.
Validates fulfillment information specific to FulfillmentType.PICKUP fulfillment groups.
A DTO used to provide context on a request to price a cart.
Provider for interfacing with operations around pricing.
A reference to a product, typically used as a holder for information communicated from an external service.
A "product option" encapsulates additional, variable information about a Product explicitly designed for customer-facing input.
Out of the box forms that a ProductOption can take.
This defines the relationship between a Product and AdvancedTag.
Defines a generic error that can be thrown in response to receiving an error from an API that one of the providers (e.g., CatalogProvider) received.
Exception thrown when an item is being added that already exists, and that behavior is disallowed by the merge type (DefaultMergingType.REJECT_OR_IGNORE).
Used for determining what version of the cart the client is using based off of attributes from the request.
Used for resolving the guest token string from a request.
Validates a Request Body.
Applies request validator validation to request bodies marked with a Validated annotation.
An extension of CheckoutWorkflowActivity}, implementations of this interface require secure payment information (i.e.
Triggers resolution of the current cart version for a parameter on an endpoint.
Triggers automatic resolution of any customer references on an endpoint.
Triggers resolution of the GuestToken parameter on an endpoint.
Provides the ability to lock and unlock resources.
Generates a Page representing the data and page data received as a response from another service.
DTO for communicating the results of resending a CheckoutCompletionEvent, CheckoutRollbackEvent, or CartPendingPaymentFailedEvent.
A request body to share an item list.
Validates a share item list request.
Provider for interacting with shipping APIs.
Populates the tax address from the shipping address.
Validates fulfillment information specific to FulfillmentType.SHIP fulfillment groups.
A simple page DTO into which a Page can be deserialized and that can be easily re-serialized without concern for implementation details.
Request to check availability for a SKU with a specified minimum quantity.
Container to allow serialization and transport of specific inventory reservation requests.
Component to allow us to group SkuInventoryReservationRequestItem instances together for Inventory reservation, based on the fulfillment type and either shipToAddress or requestedInventoryLocationId.
Simple wrapper to contain InventoryTransaction records after an Inventory Reservation.
When a ItemChoice is determined to be a ItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS or ItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_VARIANTS, this holds the relationship that the customer should select from
Supported types for SpecificItemChoice.getType()
Contains properties dictating SSL verification.
An API Error due to a stale cart.
Exception thrown when attempting to modify a cart when the client has an out of date version of the cart.
Service for removing the CartItems from the cart if the appropriate product doesn't exist.
Holds the old cart price and whether or not the cart price was updated with new catalog prices on this request.
This component implements OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager and internally instantiates and delegates to AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager.
Determines how to populate the tax address based on the value of FulfillmentGroup.getTaxAddressSource().
Represents the tax calculation strategy.
Service for calculating and applying taxes to a Cart, typically by integrating with one or more TaxProviders, depending if there should be estimated and actual taxes calculated.
Object describing the resulting transaction detail.
The request payload used to execute a transaction against a PaymentSummary.
Response object describing the resulting transaction details and PaymentSummary.
The TransactionFailureType is used to identify the category of failure that was encountered while processing a payment gateway transaction
The TransactionType is used to represent the types of operations/transactions that could occur against a single payment.
The response object used to provide details of the cart transfer token and the token itself.
Exception that results from a failure to create a TransferCartToken within the CartTransferService.
An interface used for decoding transfer cart tokens.
An interface used for encoding transfer cart tokens.
An exception thrown when there is a failure to encode the transfer cart token.
Exception that results from a failure to parse a TransferCartToken from an encoded token string.
Validates a fulfillment group information specific to a certain FulfillmentGroup.getType().
An implementation of GuestTokenGenerator that uses ULID to generate the token string.
A request DTO used to release locks on a set of payments.
A request containing the new version of Cart for update or replace operations, along with a CartActionAudit to create if needed.
A group of items designated to a certain fulfillment location and type.
A request DTO for updating a cart item.
A request DTO used to update the payment for the resolved Cart.
Response object describing the successful and failed payment summaries.
Abstraction of a user that different entities, like offers and pricing, can target.
Supported strategies determining when generic choices are validated.
Supported means of validating product options.
Variants can help further identify the specifics of a Product by narrowing down the Sku via * additional user data.
Request body advice which validates that the cart version is present and up to date for CartVersionedRequests.
Validates fulfillment information specific to FulfillmentType.VIRTUAL fulfillment groups.
Sizing attributes of a Product or Variant
Units for weight