
public class FulfillmentValidationUtil extends Object
Utility class with helper functions to perform validation.
Jacob Mitash
  • Constructor Details

    • FulfillmentValidationUtil

      public FulfillmentValidationUtil()
  • Method Details

    • hasHint

      public static boolean hasHint(@NonNull @NonNull Collection<Object> hints, @NonNull @NonNull String requestedHint)
      Tells if the specified hint is in the collection of hints.
      hints - the collection of hints to check
      requestedHint - the hint to check if present
      true if the hint is present, false otherwise
    • rejectIfNegative

      public static void rejectIfNegative(@NonNull @NonNull org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, @NonNull @NonNull String fieldName, @NonNull @NonNull String errorCode)
      Rejects a value if it is non-null and negative.
      errors - the errors container to pull the value and add the rejection to
      fieldName - the name of the field to test
      errorCode - the error code to add to the errors
    • rejectIfNull

      public static void rejectIfNull(@NonNull @NonNull org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, @NonNull @NonNull String fieldName, @NonNull @NonNull String errorCode)
      Rejects a value if it is null.
      errors - the errors container to pull the value and add the rejection to
      fieldName - the name of the field to test
      errorCode - the error code to add to the errors
    • rejectIfTrue

      public static void rejectIfTrue(@NonNull @NonNull org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, @NonNull @NonNull String fieldName, @NonNull @NonNull String errorCode)
      Rejects a value if it is non-null and true.
      errors - the errors container to pull the value and add the rejection to
      fieldName - the name of the field to test
      errorCode - the error code to add to the errors
    • rejectIfFalse

      public static void rejectIfFalse(@NonNull @NonNull org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, @NonNull @NonNull String fieldName, @NonNull @NonNull String errorCode)
      Rejects a value if it is non-null and false.
      errors - the errors container to pull the value and add the rejection to
      fieldName - the name of the field to test
      errorCode - the error code to add to the errors
    • rejectIfEmptyCollection

      public static void rejectIfEmptyCollection(@NonNull @NonNull org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, @NonNull @NonNull String fieldName, @NonNull @NonNull String errorCode)
      Rejects a collection value if it is empty or null.
      errors - the errors container to pull the value and add the rejection to
      fieldName - the name of the field to test
      errorCode - the error code to add to the errors
    • getField

      @Nullable public static <T> T getField(@NonNull @NonNull org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, @NonNull @NonNull String fieldName, @NonNull @NonNull Class<T> clazz)
      Gets the value from a field casted to the requested type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type the field value should be cast to
      errors - the errors container to grab the value from
      fieldName - the name of the field to fetch the value of
      clazz - the class the field value should be cast to
      the value of the field
    • validateFields

      public static void validateFields(@NonNull @NonNull org.springframework.validation.Errors errors, @NonNull @NonNull Collection<String> fieldNames, @NonNull @NonNull FulfillmentValidationUtil.FieldValidator fieldValidator, @NonNull @NonNull String errorCodePattern)
      Validates multiple fields' values.
      errors - the error container to pull values and add rejections to
      fieldNames - the names of the fields to validate
      fieldValidator - the validator that will validate the fields value
      errorCodePattern - the error code with a '{}' in place of the field name (see errorCode(String, String))