Enum DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes

All Implemented Interfaces:
CheckoutFailureType, Serializable, Comparable<DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes>

public enum DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes extends Enum<DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes> implements CheckoutFailureType
The default set of checkoutFailureTypes used to categorize the reason that a checkout submission failed.
Chris Kittrell (ckittrell)
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes INTERNAL_ERROR
      Represents an unexpected error during the processing of the checkout submission.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes DUPLICATE_REQUEST_ID
      The current checkout request ID is a duplicate within the cart's checkout IDs

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes INVALID_CART_STATUS
      The cart is in an invalid status to complete checkout.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes INVALID_CART_ITEM_CONFIG
      There is invalid or missing cart item information and therefore it is unclear what the customer is attempting to purchase.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes INVALID_CART_FULFILLMENT_CONFIG
      There is invalid fulfillment data and therefore it is unclear how each cart item should be fulfilled once the checkout is complete.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes INVALID_CART_FULFILLMENT_MISSING
      There is missing fulfillment data and therefore it is unclear how each cart item should be fulfilled once the checkout is complete.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes INVALID_CART_PRICING
      The cart and all of its items must have finalized pricing before the checkout can be processed.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes STALE_CART_PRICING_HIGHER
      The cart pricing is out of date and the latest prices are higher than they previously were.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes STALE_CART_PRICING_LOWER
      The cart pricing is out of date and the latest prices are lower than they previously were.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes STALE_CART_ITEM
      The cart contains the stale cart items - i.e. the product is no longer present in the catalog.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes INVALID_PAYMENT_CONFIG
      The cart must have valid payments and the sum of those payment amounts must be equal to the order total.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes INVALID_OFFER_OR_OFFER_CODE_USAGE
      If the cart is using offers or offer codes, the usage of those offers or offer codes must still be valid when the customer attempts to checkout. This is primarily relevant for offers and offer codes that include maximum usage configuration. These offers or offer codes must be removed from the cart before checkout can be completed.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes INVALID_CAMPAIGN_CODE_USAGE
      If the cart is using campaign codes, the usage of those codes must still be valid when the customer attempts to checkout. This is primarily relevant for campaign codes that include maximum usage configuration. These campaign codes must be removed from the cart before checkout can be completed.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes FAILED_INVENTORY_CHECK
      An inventory check against the cart's items failed. Therefore, checkout cannot be completed.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes PAYMENT_REQUIRES_3DS_VERIFICATION
      The confirmation of the cart's payment(s) failed because 3DS verification is required. Once the verification is completed, the related payment can contribute to a successful checkout.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes FAILED_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION
      The execution of transactions for the cart's payment(s) failed. Therefore, checkout cannot be completed.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes FAILED_CART_FINALIZATION
      An error was encountered while finalizing the cart.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes FAILED_CHECKOUT_ROLLBACK
      An error was encountered while performing checkout rollback.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes SEND_CHECKOUT_COMPLETION_EVENT_ERROR
      An error was encountered while sending the checkout completion event.

      public static final DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes CREDIT_ACCOUNT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE
      The validation of the cart's payment(s) failed because a credit account payment is present and is lacking funds.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static DefaultCheckoutFailureTypes valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • isInternalError

      public static boolean isInternalError(String failureType)
    • isInvalidCartStatusFailure

      public static boolean isInvalidCartStatusFailure(String failureType)
    • isInvalidCartItemConfigFailure

      public static boolean isInvalidCartItemConfigFailure(String failureType)
    • isInvalidCartFulfillmentConfigFailure

      public static boolean isInvalidCartFulfillmentConfigFailure(String failureType)
    • isInvalidCartFulfillmentMissingFailure

      public static boolean isInvalidCartFulfillmentMissingFailure(String failureType)
    • isInvalidCartPricingFailure

      public static boolean isInvalidCartPricingFailure(String failureType)
    • isInvalidPaymentConfigFailure

      public static boolean isInvalidPaymentConfigFailure(String failureType)
    • isInvalidOfferOrOfferCodeUsageFailure

      public static boolean isInvalidOfferOrOfferCodeUsageFailure(String failureType)
    • isInvalidCampaignCodeUsageFailure

      public static boolean isInvalidCampaignCodeUsageFailure(String failureType)
    • isPaymentRequires3dsVerification

      public static boolean isPaymentRequires3dsVerification(String failureType)
    • isFailedPaymentTransaction

      public static boolean isFailedPaymentTransaction(String failureType)
    • isFailedCartFinalization

      public static boolean isFailedCartFinalization(String failureType)
    • isStaleCartItemFailure

      public static boolean isStaleCartItemFailure(String failureType)
    • isCreditAccountInsufficientBalanceFailure

      public static boolean isCreditAccountInsufficientBalanceFailure(String failureType)
    • getMessagePath

      public String getMessagePath()
      Specified by:
      getMessagePath in interface CheckoutFailureType