Interface CatalogProvider<P extends CatalogItem>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CatalogProvider<P extends CatalogItem>
Provider for interfacing with operations around a Catalog related entities. Typically utilizes WebClient to make requests to an external REST API.
Chad Harchar (charchar)
  • Method Details

    • retrieveProduct

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default P retrieveProduct(String productId, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Retrieve the product for the context information provided. The product should be fully hydrated with all of its relationships including pricing (although not offers).
      productId - The id of the product to be retrieved.
      contextInfo - Context information around sandbox and multitenant state.
      The product for the id and application provided.
    • retrieveProducts

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default CatalogItemList<P> retrieveProducts(Collection<String> productIds, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Retrieve the products for the context information provided. The products should be fully hydrated with all of their relationships including pricing (although not offers).
      productIds - The ids of the products to be retrieved.
      contextInfo - Context information around sandbox and multitenant state.
      The products for the ids and application provided.
    • retrieveCatalogItem

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default P retrieveCatalogItem(CatalogItemRequest catalogItemRequest, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Retrieve the catalog item for the context information provided. The item should be fully hydrated with all of its relationships including pricing (although not offers).

      The default implementation uses the product ID to fetch the catalog item.

      catalogItemRequest - The information required to retrieve the catalog item.
      contextInfo - Context information around sandbox and multitenant state.
      The catalog item for the request and application provided.
    • retrieveCatalogItem

      default P retrieveCatalogItem(CatalogItemRequest catalogItemRequest, @Nullable com.broadleafcommerce.pricing.client.domain.context.PriceContext priceContext, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Retrieve the catalog item for the context information provided. The item should be fully hydrated with all of its relationships including pricing (although not offers).

      The default implementation uses the product ID to fetch the catalog item.

      catalogItemRequest - The information required to retrieve the catalog item.
      priceContext - Pricing context information about the cart
      contextInfo - Context information around sandbox and multitenant state.
      The catalog item for the request and application provided.
    • retrieveCatalogItems

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default CatalogItemList<P> retrieveCatalogItems(Collection<CatalogItemRequest> catalogItemRequests, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Retrieve the catalog items for the context information provided. The items should be fully hydrated with all of their relationships including pricing (although not offers).

      The default implementation uses the product IDs to fetch the list of catalog items.

      catalogItemRequests - The information required to retrieve the catalog items.
      contextInfo - Context information around sandbox and multitenant state.
      The catalog items for the request and application provided.
    • retrieveCatalogItems

      default CatalogItemList<P> retrieveCatalogItems(Collection<CatalogItemRequest> catalogItemRequests, @Nullable com.broadleafcommerce.pricing.client.domain.context.PriceContext priceContext, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Retrieve the catalog items for the context information provided. The items should be fully hydrated with all of their relationships including pricing (although not offers).

      The default implementation uses the product IDs to fetch the list of catalog items.

      catalogItemRequests - The information required to retrieve the catalog items.
      priceContext - The PriceContext that is used to retrieve the correct item prices.
      contextInfo - Context information around sandbox and multitenant state.
      The catalog items for the request and application provided.
    • retrieveCartItemProductMappings

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default List<CartItemMappingProperties.FieldMapping> retrieveCartItemProductMappings(@Nullable contextInfo)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Retrieve a list of cart item to product mappings
      contextInfo - Context information around sandbox and multitenant state.
      The list of FieldMapping