Package com.broadleafcommerce.catalog.domain.product.commerce
package com.broadleafcommerce.catalog.domain.product.commerce
ClassesClassDescriptionA version of
tailored toward the needs of a commerce-facing product details page.A structure containing the details of anItemChoice
targeting acategory
useful for a commerce-facing product details page.A version ofItemChoice
tailored toward the needs of a commerce-facing product details page.A structure containing all the info necessary for a product details page shown in a commerce-facing app (as opposed to a PIM UI).Information required to buildProductDetails
for a commerce-facing product details page.A DTO that holds product references for bulk operations, and lists of failed request params.A structure representing a request for a commerce-facing product details page including identifying information for the product for which to get details and interesting context information.A version ofProductOption
tailored toward the needs of a commerce-facing product details page.A structure containing the most used subset of product information that can be used in commerce-facing product list pages or components (as opposed to a PIM UI).A structure containing the most used subset of promotional category product information that can be used in commerce-facing product list pages or components (as opposed to a PIM UI).A version ofSpecificItemChoice
tailored toward the needs of a commerce-facing product details page.A version ofSpecificItemVariantPricing
tailored toward the needs of a commerce-facing product details page.A version ofVariant
tailored toward the needs of a commerce-facing product details page.