All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ItemChoice extends Object implements Serializable
Configuration state for DefaultProductOptionType.ITEM_CHOICE.
Phillip Verheyden (phillipuniverse)
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ItemChoice

      public ItemChoice()
  • Method Details

    • getAttribute

      public <T> T getAttribute(String name)
    • getDefaultPrice

      public getDefaultPrice()
      Gets the default price as appropriate for the targetType.
      The default price as appropriate for the targetType.
    • getFirstChoicesDefaultPrice

      protected getFirstChoicesDefaultPrice()
    • isDiscountAllowed

      public boolean isDiscountAllowed()
    • getTargetType

      public String getTargetType()
      Identifies the type of items that a customer can choose from, whether specific products, specific variants, or products from a specific category.
      the DefaultItemChoiceTargetType of this item choice
      See Also:
    • getSelectionType

      public String getSelectionType()
      Describes restrictions placed on the customer's ability to select items from the targeted set. Generally, this is a restriction on how many choices can be selected for a single add-to-cart request and, potentially, how quantity is distributed among multiple selected choices.
      the DefaultItemChoiceSelectionType of this item choice
      See Also:
    • getChoiceKey

      public String getChoiceKey()
      The key used during the validation of cart item's configuration to relate this ItemChoice to one of the cart item's dependent items.
      The key used during the validation of cart item's configuration to relate this ItemChoice to one of the cart item's dependent items.
    • getMaximumQuantity

      public Integer getMaximumQuantity()
      The maximum amount of this item that a customer can purchase at a time. If null, this would allow a customer to specify their own quantity for how many of these items they can add to the cart.
      the maximum quantity of the choice's target product(s) that can be added
    • getMinimumQuantity

      public Integer getMinimumQuantity()
      The minimum amount of the item that a customer must purchase.
      the minimum quantity of the choice's target product(s)
    • getOverridePrice

      public getOverridePrice()

      The price of this choice. If no pricing is specified here, the price of the target product, getDefaultVariant() () variant}, or selected product from the category will be used.

      If this is a DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS or DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_VARIANTS then any price set here will be overridden by the item pricing set on any of the specificChoices for that choice.

      the price of this choice
    • getPricingKey

      public String getPricingKey()
      System-wide unique identifier to configure specific pricing for the choice. Relevant if pricing data is managed in a separate system or data store, like the Broadleaf pricing services.
      a unique key to identify this choice
    • getCategory

      public Category getCategory()
      The Category which the choice will be chosen from by the customer if the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.CATEGORY.
      the category from which the choice will be chosen from or {@link null} if targetType is not DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.CATEGORY
    • getDefaultProductInCategory

      public Product getDefaultProductInCategory()
      The default product that can be used when driving customer selections if the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.CATEGORY.
      the defaulted selection for this choice if the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.CATEGORY, null otherwise or if there is no default selection
    • getDefaultProduct

      public Product getDefaultProduct()
      The default product that can be used when driving customer selections if the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS. Can be null.
      the defaulted selection for this choice if the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS, null otherwise or if there is no default selection
    • getDefaultVariant

      public Variant getDefaultVariant()
      The default variant that can be used when driving customer selections if the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_VARIANTS. Can be null.
      the defaulted selection for this choice if the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_VARIANTS, null otherwise or if there is no default selection
    • getSpecificChoices

      public List<SpecificItemChoice> getSpecificChoices()
      If the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS or DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_VARIANTS this holds the manually-curated options that the customer can choose from. This also allows for specific override pricing on an item-by-item basis
      the explicit choices for DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS or DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_VARIANTS value of the targetType
    • getSpecificItemChoice

      public SpecificItemChoice getSpecificItemChoice()
      If the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_PRODUCT or DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_VARIANT this holds the manually selected option that the customer can choose to add on. This also allows for specific override pricing.
      the explicit choice for DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_PRODUCT or DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_VARIANT value of the targetType
    • getAttributes

      public Map<String,Object> getAttributes()
      Miscellaneous attributes for this tag.
      Miscellaneous attributes for this tag.
    • setTargetType

      public void setTargetType(String targetType)
      Identifies the type of items that a customer can choose from, whether specific products, specific variants, or products from a specific category.
      targetType - the DefaultItemChoiceTargetType of this item choice
      See Also:
    • setSelectionType

      public void setSelectionType(String selectionType)
      Describes restrictions placed on the customer's ability to select items from the targeted set. Generally, this is a restriction on how many choices can be selected for a single add-to-cart request and, potentially, how quantity is distributed among multiple selected choices.
      selectionType - the DefaultItemChoiceSelectionType of this item choice
      See Also:
    • setChoiceKey

      public void setChoiceKey(String choiceKey)
      The key used during the validation of cart item's configuration to relate this ItemChoice to one of the cart item's dependent items.
      choiceKey - The key used during the validation of cart item's configuration to relate this ItemChoice to one of the cart item's dependent items.
    • setMaximumQuantity

      public void setMaximumQuantity(Integer maximumQuantity)
      The maximum amount of this item that a customer can purchase at a time. If null, this would allow a customer to specify their own quantity for how many of these items they can add to the cart.
      maximumQuantity - the maximum quantity of the choice's target product(s) that can be added
    • setMinimumQuantity

      public void setMinimumQuantity(Integer minimumQuantity)
      The minimum amount of the item that a customer must purchase.
      minimumQuantity - the minimum quantity of the choice's target product(s)
    • setOverridePrice

      public void setOverridePrice( overridePrice)

      The price of this choice. If no pricing is specified here, the price of the target product, getDefaultVariant() () variant}, or selected product from the category will be used.

      If this is a DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS or DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_VARIANTS then any price set here will be overridden by the item pricing set on any of the specificChoices for that choice.

      overridePrice - the price of this choice
    • setDiscountAllowed

      public void setDiscountAllowed(boolean discountAllowed)
      Dictates whether or not discounts are allowed to be applied to this choice.
      discountAllowed - true if discounts are allowed to be applied to this choice, false otherwise
    • setPricingKey

      public void setPricingKey(String pricingKey)
      System-wide unique identifier to configure specific pricing for the choice. Relevant if pricing data is managed in a separate system or data store, like the Broadleaf pricing services.
      pricingKey - a unique key to identify this choice (usually a UUID)
    • setCategory

      public void setCategory(Category category)
      The Category which the choice will be chosen from by the customer if the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.CATEGORY.
      category - the category from which the choice will be chosen from
    • setDefaultProductInCategory

      public void setDefaultProductInCategory(Product defaultProductInCategory)
      The default product that can be used when driving customer selections if the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.CATEGORY.
      defaultProduct - the default product that is automatically selected when the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.CATEGORY. Should come from within the category
    • setDefaultProduct

      public void setDefaultProduct(Product defaultProduct)
      The default product that can be used when driving customer selections if the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS. Can be null.
      defaultProduct - the default product that is automatically selected when the targetType is { DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS. Should come from the specific set of products in specificChoices
    • setDefaultVariant

      public void setDefaultVariant(Variant defaultVariant)
      The default variant that can be used when driving customer selections if the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_VARIANTS. Can be null.
      defaultVariant - the default variant that is automatically selected when the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_VARIANTS. Should come from the explicit set of variants in specificChoices
    • setSpecificChoices

      public void setSpecificChoices(List<SpecificItemChoice> specificChoices)
      If the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_PRODUCTS or DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_VARIANTS this holds the manually-curated options that the customer can choose from. This also allows for specific override pricing on an item-by-item basis
      specificChoices - manually-curated options for the user to choose from for this choice
    • setSpecificItemChoice

      public void setSpecificItemChoice(SpecificItemChoice specificItemChoice)
      If the targetType is DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_PRODUCT or DefaultItemChoiceTargetType.SPECIFIC_VARIANT this holds the manually selected option that the customer can choose to add on. This also allows for specific override pricing.
      specificChoice - manually selected option for the user to choose to add on
    • setAttributes

      public void setAttributes(Map<String,Object> attributes)
      Miscellaneous attributes for this tag.
      attributes - Miscellaneous attributes for this tag.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object