All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ProductSummary extends Object implements Serializable
A structure containing the most used subset of product information that can be used in commerce-facing product list pages or components (as opposed to a PIM UI).
Nathan Moore (nathandmoore)
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getProduct

      public Product getProduct()
    • getAssets

      public List<ProductAsset> getAssets()
      All ProductAssets for this product.
      All ProductAssets for this product.
    • getPriceInfo

      public PriceInfo getPriceInfo()
      Summary of the pricing information related to the product.
      Summary of the pricing information related to the product
    • getVariants

      public List<VariantDetail> getVariants()
      All Variants for this product.
      All Variants for this product.
    • getAdvancedTags

      public List<ProductTagDetail> getAdvancedTags()
      A list of ProductTags sorted based on the sort position of the ProductTag for the produt with ties broken by AdvancedTag.getPriority().
      A list of ProductTags.
    • setProduct

      public void setProduct(Product product)
    • setAssets

      public void setAssets(List<ProductAsset> assets)
      All ProductAssets for this product.
      assets - All ProductAssets for this product.
    • setPriceInfo

      public void setPriceInfo(PriceInfo priceInfo)
      Summary of the pricing information related to the product.
      priceInfo - Summary of the pricing information related to the product
    • setVariants

      public void setVariants(List<VariantDetail> variants)
      All Variants for this product.
      variants - All Variants for this product.
    • setAdvancedTags

      public void setAdvancedTags(List<ProductTagDetail> advancedTags)
      A list of ProductTags sorted based on the sort position of the ProductTag for the produt with ties broken by AdvancedTag.getPriority().
      advancedTags - A list of ProductTags.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getAttribute

      public <T> T getAttribute(String name)
    • isActive

      public boolean isActive()
    • isOnSale

      public boolean isOnSale()
    • getBusinessType

      public String getBusinessType()
    • getPriceWithDependentItems

      public getPriceWithDependentItems()
    • getId

      public String getId()
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • getUri

      public String getUri()
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
    • getSku

      public String getSku()
    • getUpc

      public String getUpc()
    • getExternalId

      public String getExternalId()
    • getCurrency

      public getCurrency()
    • getPricingKey

      public String getPricingKey()
    • getMsrp

      public getMsrp()
    • getDefaultPrice

      public getDefaultPrice()
    • getSalePrice

      public getSalePrice()
    • getCost

      public getCost()
    • getMetaTitle

      public String getMetaTitle()
    • getMetaDescription

      public String getMetaDescription()
    • getDisplayTemplate

      public String getDisplayTemplate()
    • isOnline

      public boolean isOnline()
    • isDiscountable

      public boolean isDiscountable()
    • getInventoryType

      public String getInventoryType()
    • getMergingType

      public String getMergingType()
    • isAvailableOnline

      public boolean isAvailableOnline()
    • getInventoryCheckStrategy

      public String getInventoryCheckStrategy()
    • getInventoryReservationStrategy

      public String getInventoryReservationStrategy()
    • isEligibleForPickup

      public boolean isEligibleForPickup()
    • getFulfillmentFlatRates

      public Map<String,FulfillmentFlatRate> getFulfillmentFlatRates()
    • getActiveStartDate

      public Instant getActiveStartDate()
    • getActiveEndDate

      public Instant getActiveEndDate()
    • getDimension

      public Dimensions getDimension()
    • getWeight

      public Weight getWeight()
    • isSearchable

      public boolean isSearchable()
    • isIndividuallySold

      public boolean isIndividuallySold()
    • isMerchandisingProduct

      @Deprecated public boolean isMerchandisingProduct()
    • getProductType

      public String getProductType()
    • getKeywords

      public List<String> getKeywords()
    • getAttributes

      public Map<String,Attribute> getAttributes()
    • getIncludedProducts

      public List<IncludedProduct> getIncludedProducts()
    • getOptions

      public List<ProductOption> getOptions()
    • getReviewsSummary

      public ReviewsSummary getReviewsSummary()
    • getPrimaryAsset

      public ProductAsset getPrimaryAsset()
    • getPrimaryCategory

      public Category getPrimaryCategory()
    • getTags

      public List<String> getTags()
    • getBrand

      public DataDrivenEnum getBrand()
    • getMerchandisingType

      public DataDrivenEnum getMerchandisingType()
    • getTargetDemographic

      public DataDrivenEnum getTargetDemographic()
    • getContextState

      public getContextState()
    • getTaxCode

      public String getTaxCode()
    • getMinimumThreshold

      public Integer getMinimumThreshold()
    • getMaximumThreshold

      public Integer getMaximumThreshold()
    • getDefaultVariant

      public Variant getDefaultVariant()
    • setId

      public void setId(String id)
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
    • setUri

      public void setUri(String uri)
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
    • setSku

      public void setSku(String sku)
    • setUpc

      public void setUpc(String upc)
    • setExternalId

      public void setExternalId(String externalId)
    • setCurrency

      public void setCurrency( currency)
    • setPricingKey

      public void setPricingKey(String pricingKey)
    • setMsrp

      public void setMsrp( msrp)
    • setDefaultPrice

      public void setDefaultPrice( defaultPrice)
    • setSalePrice

      public void setSalePrice( salePrice)
    • setCost

      public void setCost( cost)
    • setMetaTitle

      public void setMetaTitle(String metaTitle)
    • setMetaDescription

      public void setMetaDescription(String metaDescription)
    • setDisplayTemplate

      public void setDisplayTemplate(String displayTemplate)
    • setOnline

      public void setOnline(boolean online)
    • setDiscountable

      public void setDiscountable(boolean discountable)
    • setInventoryType

      public void setInventoryType(String inventoryType)
    • setMergingType

      public void setMergingType(String mergingType)
    • setAvailableOnline

      public void setAvailableOnline(boolean availableOnline)
    • setInventoryCheckStrategy

      public void setInventoryCheckStrategy(String inventoryCheckStrategy)
    • setInventoryReservationStrategy

      public void setInventoryReservationStrategy(String inventoryReservationStrategy)
    • setEligibleForPickup

      public void setEligibleForPickup(boolean eligibleForPickup)
    • setFulfillmentFlatRates

      public void setFulfillmentFlatRates(Map<String,FulfillmentFlatRate> fulfillmentFlatRates)
    • setActiveStartDate

      public void setActiveStartDate(Instant activeStartDate)
    • setActiveEndDate

      public void setActiveEndDate(Instant activeEndDate)
    • setDimension

      public void setDimension(Dimensions dimension)
    • setWeight

      public void setWeight(Weight weight)
    • setSearchable

      public void setSearchable(boolean searchable)
    • setIndividuallySold

      public void setIndividuallySold(boolean individuallySold)
    • setMerchandisingProduct

      @Deprecated public void setMerchandisingProduct(boolean merchandisingProduct)
    • setProductType

      public void setProductType(String productType)
    • setBusinessType

      public void setBusinessType(String businessType)
    • setKeywords

      public void setKeywords(List<String> keywords)
    • setAttributes

      public void setAttributes(Map<String,Attribute> attributes)
    • setIncludedProducts

      public void setIncludedProducts(List<IncludedProduct> includedProducts)
    • setOptions

      public void setOptions(List<ProductOption> options)
    • setReviewsSummary

      public void setReviewsSummary(ReviewsSummary reviewsSummary)
    • setPrimaryAsset

      public void setPrimaryAsset(ProductAsset primaryAsset)
    • setPrimaryCategory

      public void setPrimaryCategory(Category primaryCategory)
    • setTags

      public void setTags(List<String> tags)
    • setBrand

      public void setBrand(DataDrivenEnum brand)
    • setMerchandisingType

      public void setMerchandisingType(DataDrivenEnum merchandisingType)
    • setTargetDemographic

      public void setTargetDemographic(DataDrivenEnum targetDemographic)
    • setContextState

      public void setContextState( contextState)
    • setTaxCode

      public void setTaxCode(String taxCode)
    • setMinimumThreshold

      public void setMinimumThreshold(Integer minimumThreshold)
    • setMaximumThreshold

      public void setMaximumThreshold(Integer maximumThreshold)
    • setDefaultVariant

      public void setDefaultVariant(Variant defaultVariant)