Class ExternalPaymentTransactionCallbackRedirectionProperties


@Validated @ConfigurationProperties("broadleaf.cartoperation.service.checkout.external-payment-transaction.callback-redirection") public class ExternalPaymentTransactionCallbackRedirectionProperties extends DiscriminatedProperties<ExternalPaymentTransactionCallbackRedirectionProperties>
Properties used to define the urls used when redirecting the customer's browser from the ExternalPaymentTransactionCallbackEndpoint to the frontend app during a payment interaction that involved externally-executed transactions like some 3DS or HPP interactions.
Dima Myroniuk (dmyroniuk)
  • Constructor Details

    • ExternalPaymentTransactionCallbackRedirectionProperties

      public ExternalPaymentTransactionCallbackRedirectionProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getStorefrontBaseUrl

      public String getStorefrontBaseUrl(@Nullable String tenantId, @Nullable String applicationId)
    • getDefaultRedirectUri

      public String getDefaultRedirectUri(@Nullable String tenantId, @Nullable String applicationId)
    • getPaymentFinalizedUri

      public String getPaymentFinalizedUri(@Nullable String tenantId, @Nullable String applicationId)
    • getPaymentModificationUri

      public String getPaymentModificationUri(@Nullable String tenantId, @Nullable String applicationId)
    • getExternalPaymentInteractionUri

      public String getExternalPaymentInteractionUri(@Nullable String tenantId, @Nullable String applicationId)
    • setStorefrontBaseUrl

      public void setStorefrontBaseUrl(String storefrontBaseUrl)
      The default base url of the frontend storefront app
    • setDefaultRedirectUri

      public void setDefaultRedirectUri(String defaultRedirectUri)
      The default uri used if a paymentFinalizedUri, paymentModificationUri, or externalPaymentInteractionUri are not defined in the provided application & tenant context. This uri is also used if a PaymentFinalizationStatus cannot be determined.
    • setPaymentFinalizedUri

      public void setPaymentFinalizedUri(String paymentFinalizedUri)
      The uri used if all of the carts payments are finalized & the cart is being finalized. This typically leads to showing the customer the order confirmation page.
    • setPaymentModificationUri

      public void setPaymentModificationUri(String paymentModificationUri)
      The uri used if one or more of the external payment interactions failed, & the customer must provide a different form of payment. This typically points to a payment modification page.
    • setExternalPaymentInteractionUri

      public void setExternalPaymentInteractionUri(String externalPaymentInteractionUri)
      The uri used if one or more of the cart's payments still requires an external payment interaction to execute the transaction & finalize the payment. This typically leads to the customer's browser being redirected to a 3DS verification page or HPP.