Terminally Deprecated ElementsElementDescriptionThis event is now sent from Cart Services in response to the update to the cart's status. There is no need to have an additional HTTP request for this event.since 1.8.0, in favor of
CartOperationService.retrieveCartByStatus(String, String, String, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofDefaultCheckoutService.finalizeCart(CheckoutProcessDto, ContextInfo)
since 1.7.7, in favor ofDefaultCheckoutService.lockAndRetrievePayments(CheckoutProcessDto, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofDefaultCheckoutService.validateCheckoutRequest(CheckoutProcessDto, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofDefaultCartTransferService.makeCurrentDefaultCartNamed(String, String, ContextInfo)
This event is now sent from Cart Services in response to the update to the cart's status. There is no need to have an additional HTTP request for this event.since 2.1.0, in favor ofCartItemPricingUtils.determineMatchingPriceInfo(PriceContext, CartItem, Collection, String)
.since 2.1.0, in favor ofCartItemPricingUtils.determineMatchingPriceInfo(PriceContext, CartItem, Collection, String)
.since 1.7.2, adjustment prorations are now done in OfferServicessince 1.7.2, adjustment prorations are now done in OfferServicessince 1.7.2, adjustment prorations are now done in OfferServicessince 1.7.2, adjustment prorations are now done in OfferServicesInstead of calculating the total taxes for fee items separately, calculate inDefaultTaxService.calculateFeeItemsTaxes(Cart, TaxProvider, ContextInfo)
and process all thetax responses
together.since 1.8.0, in favor ofCommonFulfillmentPricingService.applyFulfillmentPricing(Cart, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofFulfillmentPricingService.getOptions(Cart, String, ContextInfo)
since 1.7.2, adjustment prorations are now done in OfferServicessince 1.8.0, in favor ofCartProvider.retrieveCsrOwnedCart(String, String, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofCartProvider.retrieveCartByStatus(String, String, String, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofCartProvider.retrieveInProcessCart(String, String, ContextInfo)
This event will be sent directly from Cart Operation Services.since 1.8.0, in favor ofExternalShippingProvider.getRates(String, FulfillmentPricingRequest, ContextInfo)
since 1.7.6, in favor ofPaymentProvider.claimTransactionsForRequest(ClaimCheckoutTransactionsRequest, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofShippingProvider.getFulfillmentRate(FulfillmentPricingRequest, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofShippingProvider.getFulfillmentRates(FulfillmentPricingRequest, ContextInfo)
since 1.7.2, in favor ofUpdatePaymentRequest.shouldSavePaymentForFutureUse()
to support owning user types other than a customer (i.e. account).
Deprecated InterfacesInterfaceDescriptionin favor of
This producer is deprecated because it doesn't send durable messages. The new method was introducedCartProvider.sendRollbackEvent(com.broadleafcommerce.cartoperation.service.messaging.rollback.CheckoutRollbackEvent, com.broadleafcommerce.data.tracking.core.context.ContextInfo)
to send the durable messages.Deprecated as of 1.8, if using OfferService 2.0, this class is not used
Deprecated ClassesClassDescriptionin favor of new APIs driven by explicit Cart IDs and not request statePlease use
, which is used internally bySynchronizedDelegatingOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager
.This event is now sent from Cart Services in response to the update to the cart's status. There is no need to have an additional HTTP request for this event.Deprecated as of 1.8, if using OfferService 2.0, this class is not usedDeprecated as of 1.8, if using OfferService 2.0, this class is not usedas we are moving away from using request state for cart resolutionseeManageCartEndpoint
for the new operation endpointin favor ofCheckoutCartEndpoint
in favor ofCSRCartEndpoint
Deprecated Enum ClassesEnum ClassDescriptionin favor of
Deprecated Exceptions
Deprecated MethodsMethodDescriptionsince 1.7.2, no longer usedThis event is now sent from Cart Services in response to the update to the cart's status. There is no need to have an additional HTTP request for this event.since 1.6, in favor of
CartOperationService.priceCart(Cart, PriceCartRequest, boolean, ContextInfo)
since 1.6, in favor ofCartOperationService.priceCart(Cart, boolean, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofCartOperationService.retrieveCartByStatus(String, String, String, ContextInfo)
since 1.7.3, in favor ofCartItemProductServiceProperties.isMatchCartItemAssetToVariant()
since 1.7.3, in favor ofCartItemProductServiceProperties.isMatchCartItemAssetToVariant()
in favor ofCartResolverService.resolveImplicitCart(CustomerRef, ContextInfo, boolean)
insteaddue to poor naming and in favor ofDefaultCheckoutService.buildCartActionAuditForCheckout(Cart, String, String)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofDefaultCheckoutService.finalizeCart(CheckoutProcessDto, ContextInfo)
since 1.7.7, in favor ofDefaultCheckoutService.lockAndRetrievePayments(CheckoutProcessDto, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofDefaultCheckoutService.validateCheckoutRequest(CheckoutProcessDto, ContextInfo)
Deprecated as of 1.8, if using OfferService 2.0, this method is not usedsince 1.6, useCartStalePricingValidationActivity.getCartOperationService()
instead.This implementation does not useDefaultCartItemConfigurationService.catalogProvider
since 1.8.0, in favor ofDefaultCartTransferService.makeCurrentDefaultCartNamed(String, String, ContextInfo)
Deprecated as of 1.8, if using OfferService 2.0, this method is not usedDeprecated as of 1.8, if using OfferService 2.0, this method is not usedDeprecated as of 1.8, if using OfferService 2.0, this method is not usedin favor ofDefaultGuestCartProtectionService.clearCustomerInformation(Cart, ContextInfo)
. This method should become protected, rather than public in the future.since 1.6, useDefaultItemListAddToCartService.getCartOpService()
insteadIn favor of the version that takes the onlySelectedOptions parameter: buildFulfillmentOptionRequest(Cart, FulfillmentPricingConfig, boolean onlySelectedOptions, ContextInfo)In favor of the version that takes the onlySelectedOptions parameter: createRequest(Cart, Collection, boolean onlySelectedOptions, FulfillmentPricingConfig, ContextInfo) In favor of the refreshOptionsAndSyncGroups that takes the onlySelectedOptions parameter: refreshOptionsAndSyncGroups(Cart, boolean onlySelectedOptions, FulfillmentPricingConfig, ContextInfo)in favor orGuestCartProtectionService.clearCustomerInformation(Cart, ContextInfo)
which also archives/sanitizes the cart's related entities like payments to avoid PII exposure.since 1.8.1, no longer used as store credit balance validation is moved toCartPaymentMethodValidationActivity
since 1.7.6, in favor of existingDefaultPaymentTransactionExecutionService.transactionExecutionProvider
since 1.8.1, no longer used as store credit balance validation is moved toCartPaymentMethodValidationActivity
since 1.7.6, in favor of existingDefaultPaymentTransactionExecutionService.transactionExecutionProvider
since 1.7.2, in favor ofDefaultPaymentTransactionExecutionService.sortPayments(List, ContextInfo)
since 2.1.0, in favor ofCartItemPricingUtils.determineMatchingPriceInfo(PriceContext, CartItem, Collection, String)
.since 2.1.0, in favor ofCartItemPricingUtils.determineMatchingPriceInfo(PriceContext, CartItem, Collection, String)
.since 1.7.2, adjustment prorations are now done in OfferServicessince 1.7.2, adjustment prorations are now done in OfferServicessince 1.7.2, adjustment prorations are now done in OfferServicessince 1.7.2, adjustment prorations are now done in OfferServicesInstead of calculating the total taxes for fee items separately, calculate inDefaultTaxService.calculateFeeItemsTaxes(Cart, TaxProvider, ContextInfo)
and process all thetax responses
together.since 1.8.0, in favor ofCommonFulfillmentPricingService.applyFulfillmentPricing(Cart, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofFulfillmentPricingService.getOptions(Cart, String, ContextInfo)
since 1.7.2, adjustment prorations are now done in OfferServicesThere is no reason to haveestimated and
.Deprecated as of 1.8, if using OfferService 2.0, this method is not usedin favor of updating the entire cart withCartProvider.updateCart(Cart, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofCartProvider.retrieveCsrOwnedCart(String, String, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofCartProvider.retrieveCartByStatus(String, String, String, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofCartProvider.retrieveInProcessCart(String, String, ContextInfo)
This event will be sent directly from Cart Operation Services.in favor of updating the entire cart withCartProvider.updateCart(Cart, ContextInfo)
in favor ofTransactionExecutionDetail.nextAction
insteadin favor ofExternalOfferProvider.populateLineItemDto(CartItem)
for simpler client extensionsince 1.8.0, in favor ofExternalShippingProvider.getRates(String, FulfillmentPricingRequest, ContextInfo)
in favor ofExternalPaymentProperties.blockCustomerMutabilityForPaymentsUri
for more accurate namingin favor ofExternalPaymentProperties.blockCustomerMutabilityForPaymentsUri
for more accurate namingsince 1.7.6, in favor ofPaymentProvider.claimTransactionsForRequest(ClaimCheckoutTransactionsRequest, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofShippingProvider.getFulfillmentRate(FulfillmentPricingRequest, ContextInfo)
since 1.8.0, in favor ofShippingProvider.getFulfillmentRates(FulfillmentPricingRequest, ContextInfo)
com.broadleafcommerce.cartoperation.web.endpoint.CheckoutCartEndpoint.getFulfillmentPricingService()in favor of usingPriceCartRequest
for creating or pricing a cart.in favor of usingPriceCartRequest
for creating or pricing a cart.in favor of usingPriceCartRequest
for creating or pricing a cart.in favor of usingPriceCartRequest
for creating or pricing a cart.in favor ofPaymentTransactionFailureDetail.nextAction
since 1.7.2, in favor ofUpdatePaymentRequest.shouldSavePaymentForFutureUse
to support owning user types other than a customer (i.e. account).since 1.7.2, in favor ofUpdatePaymentRequest.shouldSavePaymentForFutureUse()
to support owning user types other than a customer (i.e. account).UseItemListItemOperationEndpoint.deleteItemListItemsInBulk(ContextInfo, CustomerRef, String, Set)
. This will allow much longer lists of IDs without worrying about whether the URL is too long and corrects the HTTP method semantics by using POST since we're not actually deleting a resource at the URL.UseItemListOperationEndpoint.deleteItemListsInBulk(ContextInfo, CustomerRef, Set)
. This will allow much longer lists of IDs without worrying about whether the URL is too long and corrects the HTTP method semantics by using POST since we're not actually deleting a resource at the URL.Deprecated as of 1.7.0-GA. UseManageCartEndpoint.getCart(String, String, CustomerRef, ContextInfo)
. ThecartVersion
should not be included as it is irrelevant for reads. It's only relevant for cart-modification requests.Since 1.6.1, in favor ofManageCartEndpoint.protectCartOperationForGuest(Function, Cart, String, ContextInfo)
Since 1.6.1, in favor ofManageCartEndpoint.protectCartOperationForGuest(Function, Cart, String, ContextInfo)
UseManageCartEndpoint.removeFromCartInBulk(String, boolean, Integer, String, CustomerRef, ContextInfo, Set)
. This will allow much longer lists of IDs without worrying about whether the URL is too long and corrects the HTTP method semantics by using POST since we're not actually deleting a resource at the URL.since 1.6, useCartCookieIssuer.buildCartResponseCookie(Cart, ContextInfo)