Class CartStalePricingValidationActivityProperties


@ConfigurationProperties("broadleaf.cartoperation.checkout.activity.validation.cart-stale-pricing") public class CartStalePricingValidationActivityProperties extends Object
Properties to configure CartStalePricingValidationActivity.
Dima Myroniuk (dmyroniuk)
  • Constructor Details

    • CartStalePricingValidationActivityProperties

      public CartStalePricingValidationActivityProperties()
  • Method Details

    • shouldRejectLowerPrice

      public CartStalePricingValidationActivityProperties shouldRejectLowerPrice(boolean shouldRejectLowerPrice)
      Whether or not to reject the checkout attempt if it's determined that the latest price for the cart is lower than the cart's previously known price. By default, we'll allow the checkout attempt to proceed with the lower price.
    • useRealTimeCartPricing

      public CartStalePricingValidationActivityProperties useRealTimeCartPricing(boolean useRealTimeCartPricing)
      Whether the cart should use real-time pricing every time or honor the CartOperationServiceProperties.getCartPricingTimeToLive() based on the last catalog reprice.
    • shouldRejectLowerPrice

      public boolean shouldRejectLowerPrice()
      Whether or not to reject the checkout attempt if it's determined that the latest price for the cart is lower than the cart's previously known price. By default, we'll allow the checkout attempt to proceed with the lower price.
    • useRealTimeCartPricing

      public boolean useRealTimeCartPricing()
      Whether the cart should use real-time pricing every time or honor the CartOperationServiceProperties.getCartPricingTimeToLive() based on the last catalog reprice.