Interface SkuInventoryAdjustmentService<I extends SkuInventory>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SkuInventoryAdjustmentService<I extends SkuInventory>
    This service handles serializing updates to individual SkuInventory records. This handles business logic associated with incrementing or decrementing inventory based on the type of InventoryTransaction being requested. This component may interact directly with a Repository to ensure that records are locked for update. As a result, this component is typically transactional, and may create a new transaction on every request. Callers are urged to keep track of successful InventoryTransaction results to apply a compensating transaction if necessary. The batchId can assist with this.
    Kelly Tisdell (ktisdell)
    • Method Detail

      • createSoftReservations

        List<InventoryTransaction> createSoftReservations​(@NonNull
                                                          Map<I,​List<SkuInventoryAdjustmentRequestItem>> skuInventoryReservationRequestItems,
                                                          String batchId,
                                                   throws InventoryUnavailableException
        Soft reservations that represent temporary inventory reservations.
        skuInventoryReservationRequestItems - - the key to the map is the SkuInventory that needs to be updated (pre-determined outside of this method).
        batchId - identifier for the current batch of items updating inventory
        contextInfo - the context around sandboxing and multitenant state
        the created inventory transactions
        InventoryUnavailableException - if there was insufficient inventory to be reserved
      • createSoftReservations

        List<InventoryTransaction> createSoftReservations​(@NonNull
                                                          Map<I,​List<SkuInventoryAdjustmentRequestItem>> skuInventoryReservationRequestItems,
                                                          Map<String,​List<InventoryTransaction>> existingSoftReservationsByReference,
                                                          String batchId,
                                                   throws InventoryUnavailableException
        Soft reservations that represent temporary inventory reservations.
        skuInventoryReservationRequestItems - - the key to the map is the SkuInventory that needs to be updated (pre-determined outside of this method).
        existingSoftReservationsByReference - the existing soft reservations grouped by reference number
        batchId - identifier for the current batch of items updating inventory
        contextInfo - the context around sandboxing and multitenant state
        the created inventory transactions
        InventoryUnavailableException - if there was insufficient inventory to be reserved
      • createHardReservations

        List<InventoryTransaction> createHardReservations​(@NonNull
                                                          Map<I,​List<SkuInventoryAdjustmentRequestItem>> skuInventoryReservationRequestItems,
                                                          String batchId,
                                                   throws InventoryUnavailableException
        Hard reservations that represent final inventory reservations.
        skuInventoryReservationRequestItems - - the key to the map is the SkuInventory that needs to be updated (pre-determined outside of this method).
        batchId - identifier for the current batch of items updating inventory
        contextInfo - the context around sandboxing and multitenant state
        the created inventory transactions
        InventoryUnavailableException - if there was insufficient inventory to be reserved
      • returnInventory

        List<InventoryTransaction> returnInventory​(@NonNull
                                                   Map<I,​List<SkuInventoryAdjustmentRequestItem>> skuInventoryAdjustmentRequestItems,
                                                   String batchId,
        Perform the return of inventory to add back on-hand quantity.
        skuInventoryAdjustmentRequestItems - - the key to the map is the SkuInventory that needs to be updated (pre-determined outside of this method).
        batchId - identifier for the current batch of items updating inventory
        contextInfo - the context around sandboxing and multitenant state
        the created inventory transactions
      • freeSoftReservations

        void freeSoftReservations​(@NonNull
                                  List<InventoryTransaction> softReservations,
        Release soft reservations and add back to on-hand quantity. Note that this archives the soft reservation in-place, no new inventory transactions are created.
        softReservations - the soft reservations to free
        contextInfo - the context around sandboxing and multitenant state