Class SkuInventoryAdjustmentRequestItem

  • public class SkuInventoryAdjustmentRequestItem
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • SkuInventoryAdjustmentRequestItem

        public SkuInventoryAdjustmentRequestItem()
    • Method Detail

      • getQuantity

        public int getQuantity()
        Quantity delta that is being requested (i.e. the number to reserve). These must always be positive numbers, even when decrementing inventory.
      • getReferenceNumber

        public String getReferenceNumber()
        This can be any number, but is typically the Order Item ID or Fulfillment Group Item ID. It must be unique within a tenant (e.g. a UUID, ULID, or any identifier that is unique to the Fulfillment Group Item with which this reservation is associated.
      • setQuantity

        public void setQuantity​(int quantity)
        Quantity delta that is being requested (i.e. the number to reserve). These must always be positive numbers, even when decrementing inventory.
      • setReferenceNumber

        public void setReferenceNumber​(String referenceNumber)
        This can be any number, but is typically the Order Item ID or Fulfillment Group Item ID. It must be unique within a tenant (e.g. a UUID, ULID, or any identifier that is unique to the Fulfillment Group Item with which this reservation is associated.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object