Class DefaultFreeSoftInventoryJobService

    • Field Detail


        protected static final Set<String> DEFAULT_FREEABLE_TYPES
    • Method Detail

      • freeSoftInventory

        public void freeSoftInventory​(Duration minReservationAge,
        Description copied from interface: FreeSoftInventoryJobService
        Frees soft inventory reservations that are older than the minimum reservation duration.

        The minimum reservation duration is an expression of the minimum age a soft inventory reservation must be in order to be freed. For example, if the duration was 5 minutes and the time was 17:27, soft inventory reservations created before 17:22 would be freed (assuming they weren't converted to a different type of reservation).

        Specified by:
        freeSoftInventory in interface FreeSoftInventoryJobService
        minReservationAge - the minimum age a reservation should exist before being a candidate for being freed
        context - the context to free soft inventory in
      • getMaxCreatedDate

        protected Instant getMaxCreatedDate​(Duration minReservationAge)
        Get the maximum created date to consider for inventory transactions that should be freed.
        minReservationAge - the minimum age the inventory transaction should be to be freed.
        the maximum date
      • getStartPageable

        protected getStartPageable()
        Gets the starting pageable to be used for freeing inventory.
        the starting pageable
      • getPageSize

        protected int getPageSize()
        Gets the page size to use for freeing inventory.
        the page size
      • getFreeableTransactionTypes

        protected Set<String> getFreeableTransactionTypes()
        Gets the inventory transaction types that should be considered for freeing inventory.
        a set of inventory transaction types
      • getEnvironment

        protected org.springframework.core.env.Environment getEnvironment()