Interface FreeSoftInventoryJobService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface FreeSoftInventoryJobService
    Service methods for the Free Soft Inventory job.
    Jacob Mitash
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void freeSoftInventory​(Duration minReservationAge, context)
      Frees soft inventory reservations that are older than the minimum reservation duration.
    • Method Detail

      • freeSoftInventory

        void freeSoftInventory​(Duration minReservationAge,
        Frees soft inventory reservations that are older than the minimum reservation duration.

        The minimum reservation duration is an expression of the minimum age a soft inventory reservation must be in order to be freed. For example, if the duration was 5 minutes and the time was 17:27, soft inventory reservations created before 17:22 would be freed (assuming they weren't converted to a different type of reservation).

        minReservationAge - the minimum age a reservation should exist before being a candidate for being freed
        context - the context to free soft inventory in