All Classes and Interfaces

Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Component that is aware of Spring Cloud Stream channel destination modifications.
Configure which camel cluster service implementation is active from the default supported: file, zookeeper, and kubernetes.
Workaround for a camel idiosyncrasy.
Configuration related to channel modifier keys for sorting relevant messages.
General supplier representing the acquisition of a MessageChannel from a producer.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Autoconfiguration entry point for the messaging library
Auto configuration entry point for jpa data tracking library
Beans that are common to repository implementations of data-tracking
Service responsible for enforcing idempotency checks on a message before executing an operation against the message.
Service that is responsible for managing locks for the processing of a Message.
Perform a task without response or exception notification
Default implementation of NotificationStateService.
Responsible for setting a late-phase requirement on all instances of RetryClusterService.
Handle establishment of SuppressNotificationContext when SuppressNotification annotation is detected.
Utility for sending a durable message without requiring an explicit NotificationStateAware entity in which to deposit the durable tracking NotificationState instance for the message send.
Properties that control behavior of the combination of a NotificationHandler and a RetryHandler.
Dynamically perform operations related to repository domain classes.
Autoconfiguration for common messaging error handling.
A configuration that logs global error messages to standard output.
This is a marker interface for a listener that listens to the global error channel.
Service responsible for enforcing idempotency checks on a message before executing an operation against the message.
For NotificationState handling (especially NotificationStateRepository.setFailedNotificationAttempt(Object, String, int, Instant, Class, boolean)), support a robust identification structure that includes optional modifiers for the message value.
Identify a repository that should not be included in the operation of NotificationHandler and RetryHandler.
Spring level event (local to the current JVM) that is fired upon Trackable entity persistence.
Specialized implementation of JpaResourceLockRepository.
Represents a single lock on a resource held in the current datastore.
Kafka specific messaging configuration.
Configuration that disables Spring Kafka retries.
Report on the status of a lock.
A global error channel listener that logs the errored messages.
An entity can be wrapped with this interface before passing to DefaultNotificationHandler for processing.
Factory for creating a Message to be sent via NotificationHandler, based on an entity.
Service that is responsible for managing locks for the processing of a Message.
Helper class for managing serialized state of message information.
Utility methods useful for creating and working with messages, such as compression and decompression of large payloads.
Represents DurableNotificationProperties whose notification and retry fields may be reset to new objects.
Simple ResourceLockRepository implementation that DOES NOTHING.
Notify the system about a state change for a NotificationStateAware entity.
Management component for processing a state change on an object through one or more ordered NotificationHandler instances.
Configuration for instances of NotificationManager
Configuration for a NotificationHandler
Keep track of message bus notification of state change of a NotificationStateAware entity.
A domain that keeps track of NotificationState
Additional interface for repository instances that are capable of interacting with NotificationState related information on NotificationStateAware domain.
Marker interface used to differentiate between a full repository implementing NotificationStateRepository and a internal repository fragment component providing the actual implementation.
Used to retrieve the NotificationState from the NotificationStateAware.
PersistenceHandlers are responsible for listening for PersistenceConsumer channel events associated with a specific repository domain type.
Formats the message in a way that the PersistenceConsumer expects to receive the payload in
Every component implementing this interface is injected and invoked by PersistenceMessageNotificationHandler.afterSuccessfulAcknowledgement(Object, NotificationStateAware, NotificationStateRepository) following successful acknowledgement of a NotificationState for a PersistenceMessage.
MessageFactory for creating messages suitable for the PersistenceProducer channel
The NotificationHandler implementation specifically for sending PersistenceMessage via PersistenceProducer.
Configure the durable notification components related to PersistenceProducer
Configuration properties for the NotificationHandler and RetryHandler related to PersistenceProducer
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Spring cloud stream messaging interface for receiving triggered job execution from the scheduled job microservice.
Scheduled Job listener that is responsible for initiating the purging of message locks for all relevant data routes.
Exception thrown when the system is unable to acquire a lock on a resource.
Configuration for ResourceLockRepository.
Repository responsible for allowing requesters to lock and unlock a resource.
Generally thrown during retry processing to allow the RetryHandler to break out of a processing loop.
Used to keep track of start/stop behavior that determines node leadership in a cluster.
Denotes several key lifecycle events that should occur before a RetryClusterService starts.
Retry notification on a set schedule for unacknowledged NotificationStateAware instances belonging to a specific NotificationStateRepository instance.
Status description of a retry handler lifecycle event.
Lifecycle event that occurred
Configuration for a RetryHandler
Factory for constructing new RetryClusterService instances.
Detailed information for a ScheduledJobRef, which corresponds to a ScheduledJobDetail of the scheduled job microservice.
A reference to a ScheduledJob of the scheduled job microservice.
A Spring Cloud Stream message containing a JWT token that can be verified for authenticity and that contains claims about the messages originating user that can be validated for suitability of consumption in the current context.
Demarcate a flow during which notification via NotificationHandler should be suppressed for one or more message types.
Threadlocal describing one or more message types for which notification should be suppressed during a flow.