Interface NotificationState

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public interface NotificationState extends Serializable
Keep track of message bus notification of state change of a NotificationStateAware entity. Some persistence operations require reliable notification of a message bus of that state change. This structure holds message bus send acknowledgement and retry attempt information to help govern a system that retries message sending should the initial send fail for some reason (e.g. the message broker happened to be down).

Systems honoring this contract should be designed such that cumulative messages are allowed. For example, a change may be persisted and a message send fails. Then another change is persisted on top of the first. At this point, the message succeeds. In this case, the system should expect to send a message that notifies the cumulative state change, including both the first and second changes. This only applies to state that does not include the getMessageValue() (and associated fields). State that contains message value will always use that message value to reconstitute the message to send on retry. The caveat here is that if the state continues to change, message value could be lost. For this reason, flows that utilize message value should prevent further update until the state is acknowledged, or fails maximum attempts.

Jeff Fischer
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The number of times the system has attempted sending a message for this state change.
    Retrieve the last time this entity was updated in a way that requires notification via a message bus.
    Retrieve the last time a message was sent for a state change to the message bus.
    The fully qualified Type for the message information
    If message serialization is used, this is the JSON string version of the message information
    The name identifying this particular message state.
    The time at which (or beyond which) another retry attempt should be made
    Whether or not this state has been acknowledged as successfully being sent to the message broker
    Whether or not retry attempts should cease for this state
    setAcked(boolean acked)
    Whether or not this state has been acknowledged as successfully being sent to the message broker
    setAttempts(int attempts)
    The number of times the system has attempted sending a message for this state change.
    Set the last time this entity was updated in a way that requires notification via a message bus.
    Set the last time a message was sent for a state change to the message bus.
    The fully qualified Type for the message information
    setMessageValue(String messageValue)
    If message serialization is used, this is the JSON string version of the message information
    The name identifying this particular message state.
    setNextAttempt(Instant nextAttempt)
    The time at which (or beyond which) another retry attempt should be made
    setStopped(boolean stopped)
    Whether or not retry attempts should cease for this state
  • Method Details

    • getChangeTimestamp

      Instant getChangeTimestamp()
      Retrieve the last time this entity was updated in a way that requires notification via a message bus. The system independently monitors this value against the getChangeTimestampAck() to confirm that the change message was successfully sent via the producer. If the ack is null, or less than the change timestamp, the system should take action to send the message again.
      The last time this entity was updated
    • getChangeTimestampAck

      Instant getChangeTimestampAck()
      Retrieve the last time a message was sent for a state change to the message bus.
      The last time a message was sent
    • getAttempts

      int getAttempts()
      The number of times the system has attempted sending a message for this state change.
      The number of times the system has attempted sending a message
    • getNextAttempt

      Instant getNextAttempt()
      The time at which (or beyond which) another retry attempt should be made
      The time at which (or beyond which) another retry attempt should be made
    • isAcked

      boolean isAcked()
      Whether or not this state has been acknowledged as successfully being sent to the message broker
      Whether or not this state has been acknowledged
    • getName

      String getName()
      The name identifying this particular message state.
      The name identifying this particular message state.
    • getMessageValue

      String getMessageValue()
      If message serialization is used, this is the JSON string version of the message information
      the JSON string version of the message information
    • getMessageType

      String getMessageType()
      The fully qualified Type for the message information
      The fully qualified Type for the message information
    • isStopped

      boolean isStopped()
      Whether or not retry attempts should cease for this state
      Whether or not retry attempts should cease for this state
    • setChangeTimestamp

      void setChangeTimestamp(Instant timestamp)
      Set the last time this entity was updated in a way that requires notification via a message bus. The system independently monitors this value against the getChangeTimestampAck() to confirm that the change message was successfully sent via the producer. If the ack is null, or less than the change timestamp, the system should take action to send the message again.
      timestamp - The last time this entity was updated
    • setChangeTimestampAck

      void setChangeTimestampAck(Instant timestampAck)
      Set the last time a message was sent for a state change to the message bus.
      timestampAck - The last time a message was sent
    • setAttempts

      void setAttempts(int attempts)
      The number of times the system has attempted sending a message for this state change.
    • setAcked

      void setAcked(boolean acked)
      Whether or not this state has been acknowledged as successfully being sent to the message broker
    • setNextAttempt

      void setNextAttempt(Instant nextAttempt)
      The time at which (or beyond which) another retry attempt should be made
    • setName

      void setName(String name)
      The name identifying this particular message state.
      name - The name identifying this particular message state.
    • setMessageValue

      void setMessageValue(String messageValue)
      If message serialization is used, this is the JSON string version of the message information
    • setStopped

      void setStopped(boolean stopped)
      Whether or not retry attempts should cease for this state
    • setMessageType

      void setMessageType(String type)
      The fully qualified Type for the message information