Class IgnoredNotificationStateRepository


public class IgnoredNotificationStateRepository extends Object
Identify a repository that should not be included in the operation of NotificationHandler and RetryHandler. A bean instance of this can simply be declared in a configuration class and the system will pick it up and filter out that repository from any notification handling.
Jeff Fischer
  • Constructor Details

    • IgnoredNotificationStateRepository

      public IgnoredNotificationStateRepository(Class<?> assignableTo, String messageType)
    • IgnoredNotificationStateRepository

      public IgnoredNotificationStateRepository(Class<?> assignableTo)
  • Method Details

    • withCompileChangeDetails

      public IgnoredNotificationStateRepository withCompileChangeDetails(boolean compileChangeDetails)
    • getAssignableTo

      public Class<?> getAssignableTo()
      Class, interface or superclass that the target repository can be assigned to
    • getMessageType

      public String getMessageType()
      The type of message the repository should be ignored for. Optional. If omitted, the repository will be ignored for all message types.
    • isCompileChangeDetails

      public boolean isCompileChangeDetails()
      Whether or not entities managed by the ignored repository should have change details compiled at the time of edit. True by default.
    • setMessageType

      public void setMessageType(String messageType)
      The type of message the repository should be ignored for. Optional. If omitted, the repository will be ignored for all message types.
    • setCompileChangeDetails

      public void setCompileChangeDetails(boolean compileChangeDetails)
      Whether or not entities managed by the ignored repository should have change details compiled at the time of edit. True by default.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object