Interface BulkUpdateProcessor

All Known Implementing Classes:
AddTagsProductBulkUpdateProcessor, ArchiveProductBulkUpdateProcessor, LogBulkUpdateProcessor, RemoveTagsProductBulkUpdateProcessor, SetActiveProductBulkUpdateProcessor

public interface BulkUpdateProcessor
Responsible for processing bulk updates based on the operation type and entity type. Each implementation of this class should specify a specific operation type that it can handle.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default boolean
    canHandle(String operationType, String entityType)
    Whether or not this processor can handle the requested bulk operation.
    The operation type that this processor supports.
    process(BulkOperation bulkOperation)
    Processes the provided bulk operation.
  • Method Details

    • canHandle

      default boolean canHandle(String operationType, @Nullable String entityType)
      Whether or not this processor can handle the requested bulk operation.
      operationType - the type of operation to be performed
      true, if the processor is able to handle the request, otherwise false
    • process

      void process(BulkOperation bulkOperation)
      Processes the provided bulk operation.
      bulkOperation - the bulk operation to be processed
    • getOperationType

      String getOperationType()
      The operation type that this processor supports.
      the operation type that this processor supports