All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BulkOperation extends Object implements Serializable
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BulkOperation

      public BulkOperation()
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public String getId()
      The unique identifier of the bulk operation.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      The friendly name of the bulk operation.
    • getEntityType

      public String getEntityType()
      The type of entity that is associated with the bulk operation.
    • getOperationType

      public String getOperationType()
      The type of operation being performed during the bulk operation.
    • getOperationContext

      public String getOperationContext()
      The context provided with the bulk operation.
    • getOperationData

      public Map<String,Object> getOperationData()
      Additional data to be passed for performing this bulk operation.
    • getOperationStatus

      public String getOperationStatus()
      The current status of the bulk operation.
      See Also:
    • getOperationSubStatus

      public String getOperationSubStatus()
      The current sub-status of the bulk operation.
      See Also:
    • getOperationStatusHistory

      public List<OperationStatusHistory> getOperationStatusHistory()
      A detailed historical list of statuses for this bulk operation.
    • getTotalRecords

      public long getTotalRecords()
      The total records to be processed by this bulk operation.
    • getSuccessCount

      public long getSuccessCount()
      The number of records that were successfully processed.
    • getErrorCount

      public long getErrorCount()
      The number of records that had errors during processing.
    • getCreateDate

      public Instant getCreateDate()
      The timestamp when this bulk operation was created.
    • getUpdateDate

      public Instant getUpdateDate()
      The timestamp when this bulk operation was last updated.
    • getCreatingUser

      public String getCreatingUser()
      The identity of the creator of this bulk operation. See ContextInfo.getAuthor().
    • getSandboxId

      public String getSandboxId()
      The id of the sandbox this bulk operation is executed within.
    • getCatalogId

      public String getCatalogId()
      The id of the catalog this bulk operation is scoped within, if any.
    • getApplicationId

      public String getApplicationId()
      The id of the application this bulk operation was initiated from, if any. Note that if this id is not supplied then that implies a tenant-level operation and a catalog ID is required.
    • getTenantId

      public String getTenantId()
      The id of the tenant this bulk operation was initiated from.
    • getAttributes

      public Map<String,Object> getAttributes()
      Miscellaneous attributes for this bulk operation.
    • setId

      public void setId(String id)
      The unique identifier of the bulk operation.
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      The friendly name of the bulk operation.
    • setEntityType

      public void setEntityType(String entityType)
      The type of entity that is associated with the bulk operation.
    • setOperationType

      public void setOperationType(String operationType)
      The type of operation being performed during the bulk operation.
    • setOperationContext

      public void setOperationContext(String operationContext)
      The context provided with the bulk operation.
    • setOperationData

      public void setOperationData(Map<String,Object> operationData)
      Additional data to be passed for performing this bulk operation.
    • setOperationStatus

      public void setOperationStatus(String operationStatus)
      The current status of the bulk operation.
      See Also:
    • setOperationSubStatus

      public void setOperationSubStatus(String operationSubStatus)
      The current sub-status of the bulk operation.
      See Also:
    • setOperationStatusHistory

      public void setOperationStatusHistory(List<OperationStatusHistory> operationStatusHistory)
      A detailed historical list of statuses for this bulk operation.
    • setTotalRecords

      public void setTotalRecords(long totalRecords)
      The total records to be processed by this bulk operation.
    • setSuccessCount

      public void setSuccessCount(long successCount)
      The number of records that were successfully processed.
    • setErrorCount

      public void setErrorCount(long errorCount)
      The number of records that had errors during processing.
    • setCreateDate

      public void setCreateDate(Instant createDate)
      The timestamp when this bulk operation was created.
    • setUpdateDate

      public void setUpdateDate(Instant updateDate)
      The timestamp when this bulk operation was last updated.
    • setCreatingUser

      public void setCreatingUser(String creatingUser)
      The identity of the creator of this bulk operation. See ContextInfo.getAuthor().
    • setSandboxId

      public void setSandboxId(String sandboxId)
      The id of the sandbox this bulk operation is executed within.
    • setCatalogId

      public void setCatalogId(String catalogId)
      The id of the catalog this bulk operation is scoped within, if any.
    • setApplicationId

      public void setApplicationId(String applicationId)
      The id of the application this bulk operation was initiated from, if any. Note that if this id is not supplied then that implies a tenant-level operation and a catalog ID is required.
    • setTenantId

      public void setTenantId(String tenantId)
      The id of the tenant this bulk operation was initiated from.
    • setAttributes

      public void setAttributes(Map<String,Object> attributes)
      Miscellaneous attributes for this bulk operation.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object