Class ConsolidatedProduct

All Implemented Interfaces:, Serializable

public class ConsolidatedProduct extends Object implements Serializable,
Combined domain representing a product and its relations.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getProduct

      public Product getProduct()
    • getVariants

      public List<Variant> getVariants()
    • getPrimaryCategory

      public CategoryRef getPrimaryCategory()
    • getExplicitCategories

      public List<CategoryRef> getExplicitCategories()
    • getCategories

      public List<CategoryRef> getCategories()
    • getDataDrivenEnums

      public List<DataDrivenEnum> getDataDrivenEnums()
    • getOptionAssets

      public Map<String,ProductAsset> getOptionAssets()
    • getAllAssets

      public List<ProductAsset> getAllAssets()
      All ProductAsset instances associated with this product.
    • getVendorRef

      public String getVendorRef()
      Soft reference to the vendor associated with the Product's catalog. This value can be null, in which case, no vendor is associated.
      soft reference to the vendor associated with the Product's catalog.
    • getProductSortingWithinCategories

      public Map<String,String> getProductSortingWithinCategories()
      This is a map of Category ID to sorting value from the CategoryProduct.
    • getCatalogOverrides

      public Set<String> getCatalogOverrides()
      The IDs of descendant catalogs in which this context version of the product has been overridden.

      e.g. if this product is in catalog A, and catalog B inherits this product from catalog A but contains a local change for this product, then the catalog A version product will contain "B" in its catalogOverrides.

      the IDs of any descendant catalogs in which this product has been overridden
    • getCatalogOmissions

      public Set<String> getCatalogOmissions()
      The IDs of descendant catalogs in which this context version of the product has been omitted as a result of one or more filters.

      e.g. if this product is in catalog A, and catalog B inherits this product from catalog A but contains a filter that removes it from the view of catalog B, then the catalog A version product will contain "B" in its catalogOmissions.

      the IDs of any descendant catalogs in which this product has been omitted.
    • getSandboxOverrides

      public Set<String> getSandboxOverrides()
      The IDs of descendant sandboxes in which this context version of the product has been overridden.

      e.g. if this product is in sandbox A, and sandbox B inherits this product from sandbox A but contains a local change for this product, then the sandbox A version product will contain "B" in its sandboxOverrides.

      the IDs of any descendant sandboxes in which this product has been overridden
    • getTranslations

      public List<com.broadleafcommerce.translation.domain.Translation> getTranslations()
      Translations for the product and all translatable consolidated objects.
    • getMarketplaceApplications

      public Set<String> getMarketplaceApplications()
      The IDs of marketplace applications where this product could appear in, based on the catalog hierarchy.
    • isArchived

      public boolean isArchived()
      Whether or not this product has been archived in this context state.
    • getSandboxOwner

      public String getSandboxOwner()
      The owner of the sandboxed product if it's in a user sandbox.

      This will only be populated if the Product ContextState level is TrackingLevel.USER.

    • isHasRequiredOptions

      public boolean isHasRequiredOptions()
      Does this product have required options? In other words, does it have any item choices with a minimum quantity greater than 0.
    • isRequiredOptionsAvailable

      public boolean isRequiredOptionsAvailable()
      If this product has required options, are there enough available item choices to purchase this product? Note: If hasRequiredOptions is false, this property should be ignored.
    • getAdvancedTags

      public List<AdvancedTagRef> getAdvancedTags()
      References to the AdvancedTags related to this product via any ProductTags.
      References to the AdvancedTags related to this product via any ProductTags.
    • setProduct

      public void setProduct(Product product)
    • setVariants

      public void setVariants(List<Variant> variants)
    • setPrimaryCategory

      public void setPrimaryCategory(CategoryRef primaryCategory)
    • setExplicitCategories

      public void setExplicitCategories(List<CategoryRef> explicitCategories)
    • setCategories

      public void setCategories(List<CategoryRef> categories)
    • setDataDrivenEnums

      public void setDataDrivenEnums(List<DataDrivenEnum> dataDrivenEnums)
    • setOptionAssets

      public void setOptionAssets(Map<String,ProductAsset> optionAssets)
    • setAllAssets

      public void setAllAssets(List<ProductAsset> allAssets)
      All ProductAsset instances associated with this product.
    • setVendorRef

      public void setVendorRef(String vendorRef)
      Soft reference to the vendor associated with the Product's catalog. This value can be null, in which case, no vendor is associated.
      vendorRef - soft reference to the vendor associated with the Product's catalog.
    • setProductSortingWithinCategories

      public void setProductSortingWithinCategories(Map<String,String> productSortingWithinCategories)
      This is a map of Category ID to sorting value from the CategoryProduct.
    • setCatalogOverrides

      public void setCatalogOverrides(Set<String> catalogOverrides)
      The IDs of descendant catalogs in which this context version of the product has been overridden.

      e.g. if this product is in catalog A, and catalog B inherits this product from catalog A but contains a local change for this product, then the catalog A version product will contain "B" in its catalogOverrides.

      catalogOverrides - the IDs of any descendant catalogs in which this product has been overridden
    • setCatalogOmissions

      public void setCatalogOmissions(Set<String> catalogOmissions)
      The IDs of descendant catalogs in which this context version of the product has been omitted as a result of one or more filters.

      e.g. if this product is in catalog A, and catalog B inherits this product from catalog A but contains a filter that removes it from the view of catalog B, then the catalog A version product will contain "B" in its catalogOmissions.

      catalogOmissions - the IDs of any descendant catalogs in which this product has been omitted.
    • setSandboxOverrides

      public void setSandboxOverrides(Set<String> sandboxOverrides)
      The IDs of descendant sandboxes in which this context version of the product has been overridden.

      e.g. if this product is in sandbox A, and sandbox B inherits this product from sandbox A but contains a local change for this product, then the sandbox A version product will contain "B" in its sandboxOverrides.

      catalogOverrides - the IDs of any descendant sandboxes in which this product has been overridden
    • setTranslations

      public void setTranslations(List<com.broadleafcommerce.translation.domain.Translation> translations)
      Translations for the product and all translatable consolidated objects.
    • setMarketplaceApplications

      public void setMarketplaceApplications(Set<String> marketplaceApplications)
      The IDs of marketplace applications where this product could appear in, based on the catalog hierarchy.
    • setArchived

      public void setArchived(boolean archived)
      Whether or not this product has been archived in this context state.
    • setSandboxOwner

      public void setSandboxOwner(String sandboxOwner)
      The owner of the sandboxed product if it's in a user sandbox.

      This will only be populated if the Product ContextState level is TrackingLevel.USER.

    • setHasRequiredOptions

      public void setHasRequiredOptions(boolean hasRequiredOptions)
      Does this product have required options? In other words, does it have any item choices with a minimum quantity greater than 0.
    • setRequiredOptionsAvailable

      public void setRequiredOptionsAvailable(boolean requiredOptionsAvailable)
      If this product has required options, are there enough available item choices to purchase this product? Note: If hasRequiredOptions is false, this property should be ignored.
    • setAdvancedTags

      public void setAdvancedTags(List<AdvancedTagRef> advancedTags)
      References to the AdvancedTags related to this product via any ProductTags.
      advancedTags - References to the AdvancedTags related to this product via any ProductTags.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getAttribute

      public <T> T getAttribute(String name)
    • isActive

      public boolean isActive()
    • isOnSale

      public boolean isOnSale()
    • getBusinessType

      public String getBusinessType()
    • getPriceWithDependentItems

      public getPriceWithDependentItems()
    • getId

      public String getId()
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • getUri

      public String getUri()
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
    • getSku

      public String getSku()
    • getUpc

      public String getUpc()
    • getExternalId

      public String getExternalId()
    • getCurrency

      public getCurrency()
    • getPricingKey

      public String getPricingKey()
    • getMsrp

      public getMsrp()
    • getDefaultPrice

      public getDefaultPrice()
    • getSalePrice

      public getSalePrice()
    • getCost

      public getCost()
    • getMetaTitle

      public String getMetaTitle()
    • getMetaDescription

      public String getMetaDescription()
    • getDisplayTemplate

      public String getDisplayTemplate()
    • isOnline

      public boolean isOnline()
    • isDiscountable

      public boolean isDiscountable()
    • getInventoryType

      public String getInventoryType()
    • getMergingType

      public String getMergingType()
    • isAvailableOnline

      public boolean isAvailableOnline()
    • getInventoryCheckStrategy

      public String getInventoryCheckStrategy()
    • getInventoryReservationStrategy

      public String getInventoryReservationStrategy()
    • isEligibleForPickup

      public boolean isEligibleForPickup()
    • getFulfillmentFlatRates

      public Map<String,FulfillmentFlatRate> getFulfillmentFlatRates()
    • getActiveStartDate

      public Instant getActiveStartDate()
    • getActiveEndDate

      public Instant getActiveEndDate()
    • getDimension

      public Dimensions getDimension()
    • getWeight

      public Weight getWeight()
    • isSearchable

      public boolean isSearchable()
    • isIndividuallySold

      public boolean isIndividuallySold()
    • isMerchandisingProduct

      @Deprecated public boolean isMerchandisingProduct()
    • getProductType

      public String getProductType()
    • getKeywords

      public List<String> getKeywords()
    • getAttributes

      public Map<String,Attribute> getAttributes()
    • getIncludedProducts

      public List<IncludedProduct> getIncludedProducts()
    • getOptions

      public List<ProductOption> getOptions()
    • getReviewsSummary

      public ReviewsSummary getReviewsSummary()
    • getPrimaryAsset

      public ProductAsset getPrimaryAsset()
    • getTags

      public List<String> getTags()
    • getBrand

      public DataDrivenEnum getBrand()
    • getMerchandisingType

      public DataDrivenEnum getMerchandisingType()
    • getTargetDemographic

      public DataDrivenEnum getTargetDemographic()
    • getContextState

      public getContextState()
      Specified by:
      getContextState in interface
    • getTaxCode

      public String getTaxCode()
    • getMinimumThreshold

      public Integer getMinimumThreshold()
    • getMaximumThreshold

      public Integer getMaximumThreshold()
    • getDefaultVariant

      public Variant getDefaultVariant()
    • setId

      public void setId(String id)
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
    • setUri

      public void setUri(String uri)
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
    • setSku

      public void setSku(String sku)
    • setUpc

      public void setUpc(String upc)
    • setExternalId

      public void setExternalId(String externalId)
    • setCurrency

      public void setCurrency( currency)
    • setPricingKey

      public void setPricingKey(String pricingKey)
    • setMsrp

      public void setMsrp( msrp)
    • setDefaultPrice

      public void setDefaultPrice( defaultPrice)
    • setSalePrice

      public void setSalePrice( salePrice)
    • setCost

      public void setCost( cost)
    • setMetaTitle

      public void setMetaTitle(String metaTitle)
    • setMetaDescription

      public void setMetaDescription(String metaDescription)
    • setDisplayTemplate

      public void setDisplayTemplate(String displayTemplate)
    • setOnline

      public void setOnline(boolean online)
    • setDiscountable

      public void setDiscountable(boolean discountable)
    • setInventoryType

      public void setInventoryType(String inventoryType)
    • setMergingType

      public void setMergingType(String mergingType)
    • setAvailableOnline

      public void setAvailableOnline(boolean availableOnline)
    • setInventoryCheckStrategy

      public void setInventoryCheckStrategy(String inventoryCheckStrategy)
    • setInventoryReservationStrategy

      public void setInventoryReservationStrategy(String inventoryReservationStrategy)
    • setEligibleForPickup

      public void setEligibleForPickup(boolean eligibleForPickup)
    • setFulfillmentFlatRates

      public void setFulfillmentFlatRates(Map<String,FulfillmentFlatRate> fulfillmentFlatRates)
    • setActiveStartDate

      public void setActiveStartDate(Instant activeStartDate)
    • setActiveEndDate

      public void setActiveEndDate(Instant activeEndDate)
    • setDimension

      public void setDimension(Dimensions dimension)
    • setWeight

      public void setWeight(Weight weight)
    • setSearchable

      public void setSearchable(boolean searchable)
    • setIndividuallySold

      public void setIndividuallySold(boolean individuallySold)
    • setMerchandisingProduct

      @Deprecated public void setMerchandisingProduct(boolean merchandisingProduct)
    • setProductType

      public void setProductType(String productType)
    • setBusinessType

      public void setBusinessType(String businessType)
    • setKeywords

      public void setKeywords(List<String> keywords)
    • setAttributes

      public void setAttributes(Map<String,Attribute> attributes)
    • setIncludedProducts

      public void setIncludedProducts(List<IncludedProduct> includedProducts)
    • setOptions

      public void setOptions(List<ProductOption> options)
    • setReviewsSummary

      public void setReviewsSummary(ReviewsSummary reviewsSummary)
    • setPrimaryAsset

      public void setPrimaryAsset(ProductAsset primaryAsset)
    • setTags

      public void setTags(List<String> tags)
    • setBrand

      public void setBrand(DataDrivenEnum brand)
    • setMerchandisingType

      public void setMerchandisingType(DataDrivenEnum merchandisingType)
    • setTargetDemographic

      public void setTargetDemographic(DataDrivenEnum targetDemographic)
    • setContextState

      public void setContextState( contextState)
      Specified by:
      setContextState in interface
    • setTaxCode

      public void setTaxCode(String taxCode)
    • setMinimumThreshold

      public void setMinimumThreshold(Integer minimumThreshold)
    • setMaximumThreshold

      public void setMaximumThreshold(Integer maximumThreshold)
    • setDefaultVariant

      public void setDefaultVariant(Variant defaultVariant)