Interface CartItemProductMapper

All Known Implementing Classes:
DataDrivenCartItemProductMapper, PropertyDrivenCartItemProductMapper

public interface CartItemProductMapper
Handles mapping specific Product and Variant information into the CartItem in addition to the mapping performed in CartItemCatalogInformationService.
  • Method Details

    • mapProductToCartItem

      @Deprecated void mapProductToCartItem(com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem cartItem, Product product, @Nullable Variant variant)
      Maps specific Product and Variant information into the CartItem.
      cartItem - the cart item to map information into
      product - the product to map information from
      variant - the variant to map information from, if available
    • mapProductToCartItem

      void mapProductToCartItem(com.broadleafcommerce.cart.client.domain.CartItem cartItem, Product product, @Nullable Variant variant, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Maps specific Product and Variant information into the CartItem.
      cartItem - the cart item to map information into
      product - the product to map information from
      variant - the variant to map information from, if available
      contextInfo - Context information around sandbox and multitenant state