All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TransactionExecutionRequest extends Object implements Serializable
The request payload used to execute a transaction against a PaymentSummary.
Chris Kittrell (ckittrell)
See Also:
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected boolean

    The payment's adjustments (a.k.a discounts) total, usually excluding shipping/fulfillment discounts.
    The currency gathered from the getTransactionAmount()
    The total fees related to the transactionAmount Note: Only the transactionAmount is required, but if this value is included, then the subtotal, fulfillmentTotal, adjustmentsTotal, taxTotal, & includedTaxTotal should be included also.
    The payment's total fulfillment cost.
    The amount of taxes that are included in the subtotal (VAT).
    The id of the payment transaction that proceeded this transaction.
    The id of the related PaymentSummary that is meant to be used for the transaction.
    The id representing the customer's request to execute one or more transactions.
    The payment method security code that may be required to execute the transaction.
    A simple description of the system that initiated this transaction execution request.
    The ID of the source entity associated with the transaction.
    The type of the source entity associated with the transaction.
    The payment's total usually excluding adjustments, tax, fees, and shipping.
    The payment's total tax cost.
    The transaction amount that we're expecting to execute against the PaymentSummary.
    The type of transaction that is to be executed.
    Whether to allow this transaction to be automatically reversed by payment system's scheduled jobs.
    setAdjustmentsTotal( adjustmentsTotal)
    The payment's adjustments (a.k.a discounts) total, usually excluding shipping/fulfillment discounts.
    setAllowAutomaticReversal(boolean allowAutomaticReversal)
    Whether to allow this transaction to be automatically reversed by payment system's scheduled jobs.
    setFeesTotal( feesTotal)
    The total fees related to the transactionAmount Note: Only the transactionAmount is required, but if this value is included, then the subtotal, fulfillmentTotal, adjustmentsTotal, taxTotal, & includedTaxTotal should be included also.
    setFulfillmentTotal( fulfillmentTotal)
    The payment's total fulfillment cost.
    setIncludedTaxTotal( includedTaxTotal)
    The amount of taxes that are included in the subtotal (VAT).
    setParentTransactionId(String parentTransactionId)
    The id of the payment transaction that proceeded this transaction.
    setPaymentId(String paymentId)
    The id of the related PaymentSummary that is meant to be used for the transaction.
    setRequestId(String requestId)
    The id representing the customer's request to execute one or more transactions.
    setSecurityCode(String securityCode)
    The payment method security code that may be required to execute the transaction.
    setSource(String source)
    A simple description of the system that initiated this transaction execution request.
    setSourceEntityId(String sourceEntityId)
    The ID of the source entity associated with the transaction.
    setSourceEntityType(String sourceEntityType)
    The type of the source entity associated with the transaction.
    setSubtotal( subtotal)
    The payment's total usually excluding adjustments, tax, fees, and shipping.
    setTaxTotal( taxTotal)
    The payment's total tax cost.
    setTransactionAmount( transactionAmount)
    The transaction amount that we're expecting to execute against the PaymentSummary.
    setTransactionType(String transactionType)
    The type of transaction that is to be executed.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • TransactionExecutionRequest

      public TransactionExecutionRequest()
  • Method Details

    • getCurrency

      @Nullable public getCurrency()
      The currency gathered from the getTransactionAmount()
      The currency gathered from the request's transaction amount
    • hasParentTransactionId

      public boolean hasParentTransactionId()
    • getPaymentId

      public String getPaymentId()
      The id of the related PaymentSummary that is meant to be used for the transaction.
      The id of the related PaymentSummary that is meant to be used for the transaction.
    • getParentTransactionId

      public String getParentTransactionId()
      The id of the payment transaction that proceeded this transaction. Typically this is used when the execution of a transaction requires knowledge of the proceeding transaction, like the need to reference an DefaultTransactionTypes.AUTHORIZE transaction to execute a DefaultTransactionTypes.CAPTURE transaction.
      The id of the payment transaction that proceeded this transaction.
    • getSource

      public String getSource()
      A simple description of the system that initiated this transaction execution request.
      A simple description of the system that initiated this transaction execution request.
    • getSourceEntityType

      public String getSourceEntityType()
      The type of the source entity associated with the transaction. For example, "CHECKOUT_REQUEST".
    • getSourceEntityId

      public String getSourceEntityId()
      The ID of the source entity associated with the transaction.

      For example, if getSourceEntityType() is CHECKOUT_REQUEST, this would be the ID of the checkout request.

      See Also:
    • getTransactionType

      public String getTransactionType()
      The type of transaction that is to be executed.
      The type of transaction that is to be executed.
      See Also:
    • isAllowAutomaticReversal

      public boolean isAllowAutomaticReversal()
      Whether to allow this transaction to be automatically reversed by payment system's scheduled jobs.

      Set this field to false if this transaction should only be allowed to be reversed by Order Operation Service.

      Whether to allow this transaction to be automatically reversed by payment system's scheduled jobs.
    • getTransactionAmount

      public getTransactionAmount()
      The transaction amount that we're expecting to execute against the PaymentSummary. This amount must be valid according to what's available for the PaymentSummary. If specified, the amount details should be equal to this amount using the following equation: transactionAmount = subtotal + fulfillmentTotal + feesTotal - adjustmentsTotal + taxTotal - includedTaxTotal.
      The transaction amount that we're expecting to execute against the PaymentSummary.
    • getSubtotal

      public getSubtotal()
      The payment's total usually excluding adjustments, tax, fees, and shipping. Note: Only the transactionAmount is required, but if this value is included, then the fulfillmentTotal, feesTotal, adjustmentsTotal, taxTotal, & includedTaxTotal should be included also.
      The payment's total usually excluding adjustments, tax, fees, and shipping.
    • getAdjustmentsTotal

      public getAdjustmentsTotal()
      The payment's adjustments (a.k.a discounts) total, usually excluding shipping/fulfillment discounts. Note: Only the transactionAmount is required, but if this value is included, then the subtotal, fulfillmentTotal, feesTotal, taxTotal, & includedTaxTotal should be included also.
      The payment's adjustments (a.k.a discounts) total, usually excluding shipping/fulfillment discounts.
    • getFulfillmentTotal

      public getFulfillmentTotal()
      The payment's total fulfillment cost. Note: Only the transactionAmount is required, but if this value is included, then the subtotal, feesTotal, adjustmentsTotal, taxTotal, & includedTaxTotal should be included also.
      The payment's total fulfillment cost.
    • getFeesTotal

      public getFeesTotal()
      The total fees related to the transactionAmount Note: Only the transactionAmount is required, but if this value is included, then the subtotal, fulfillmentTotal, adjustmentsTotal, taxTotal, & includedTaxTotal should be included also.
      The total fees related to the transactionAmount
    • getTaxTotal

      public getTaxTotal()
      The payment's total tax cost. Note: Only the transactionAmount is required, but if this value is included, then the subtotal, fulfillmentTotal, feesTotal, adjustmentsTotal, & includedTaxTotal should be included also.
      The payment's total tax cost.
    • getIncludedTaxTotal

      public getIncludedTaxTotal()
      The amount of taxes that are included in the subtotal (VAT). Note: Only the transactionAmount is required, but if this value is included, then the subtotal, fulfillmentTotal, feesTotal, adjustmentsTotal, & taxTotal should be included also.
      The amount of taxes that are included in the subtotal (VAT).
    • getSecurityCode

      public String getSecurityCode()
      The payment method security code that may be required to execute the transaction. Typically, this value is required to execute transactions against multi-use payment methods to validate that the user is the owner of the payment method.
      The payment method security code that may be required to execute the transaction.
    • getRequestId

      public String getRequestId()
      The id representing the customer's request to execute one or more transactions.
      The id representing the customer's request to execute one or more transactions.
    • setPaymentId

      public void setPaymentId(String paymentId)
      The id of the related PaymentSummary that is meant to be used for the transaction.
      paymentId - The id of the related PaymentSummary that is meant to be used for the transaction.
    • setParentTransactionId

      public void setParentTransactionId(String parentTransactionId)
      The id of the payment transaction that proceeded this transaction. Typically this is used when the execution of a transaction requires knowledge of the proceeding transaction, like the need to reference an DefaultTransactionTypes.AUTHORIZE transaction to execute a DefaultTransactionTypes.CAPTURE transaction.
      parentTransactionId - The id of the payment transaction that proceeded this transaction.
    • setSource

      public void setSource(String source)
      A simple description of the system that initiated this transaction execution request.
      source - A simple description of the system that initiated this transaction execution request.
    • setSourceEntityType

      public void setSourceEntityType(String sourceEntityType)
      The type of the source entity associated with the transaction. For example, "CHECKOUT_REQUEST".
    • setSourceEntityId

      public void setSourceEntityId(String sourceEntityId)
      The ID of the source entity associated with the transaction.

      For example, if getSourceEntityType() is CHECKOUT_REQUEST, this would be the ID of the checkout request.

      See Also:
    • setTransactionType

      public void setTransactionType(String transactionType)
      The type of transaction that is to be executed.
      transactionType - The type of transaction that is to be executed.
      See Also:
    • setAllowAutomaticReversal

      public void setAllowAutomaticReversal(boolean allowAutomaticReversal)
      Whether to allow this transaction to be automatically reversed by payment system's scheduled jobs.

      Set this field to false if this transaction should only be allowed to be reversed by Order Operation Service.

      allowAutomaticReversal - Whether to allow this transaction to be automatically reversed by payment system's scheduled jobs.
    • setTransactionAmount

      public void setTransactionAmount( transactionAmount)
      The transaction amount that we're expecting to execute against the PaymentSummary. This amount must be valid according to what's available for the PaymentSummary. If specified, the amount details should be equal to this amount using the following equation: transactionAmount = subtotal + fulfillmentTotal + feesTotal - adjustmentsTotal + taxTotal - includedTaxTotal.
      transactionAmount - The transaction amount that we're expecting to execute against the PaymentSummary.
    • setSubtotal

      public void setSubtotal( subtotal)
      The payment's total usually excluding adjustments, tax, fees, and shipping. Note: Only the transactionAmount is required, but if this value is included, then the fulfillmentTotal, feesTotal, adjustmentsTotal, taxTotal, & includedTaxTotal should be included also.
      subtotal - The payment's total usually excluding adjustments, tax, fees, and shipping.
    • setAdjustmentsTotal

      public void setAdjustmentsTotal( adjustmentsTotal)
      The payment's adjustments (a.k.a discounts) total, usually excluding shipping/fulfillment discounts. Note: Only the transactionAmount is required, but if this value is included, then the subtotal, fulfillmentTotal, feesTotal, taxTotal, & includedTaxTotal should be included also.
      adjustmentsTotal - The payment's adjustments (a.k.a discounts) total, usually excluding shipping/fulfillment discounts.
    • setFulfillmentTotal

      public void setFulfillmentTotal( fulfillmentTotal)
      The payment's total fulfillment cost. Note: Only the transactionAmount is required, but if this value is included, then the subtotal, feesTotal, adjustmentsTotal, taxTotal, & includedTaxTotal should be included also.
      fulfillmentTotal - The payment's total fulfillment cost.
    • setFeesTotal

      public void setFeesTotal( feesTotal)
      The total fees related to the transactionAmount Note: Only the transactionAmount is required, but if this value is included, then the subtotal, fulfillmentTotal, adjustmentsTotal, taxTotal, & includedTaxTotal should be included also.
      feesTotal - The total fees related to the transactionAmount
    • setTaxTotal

      public void setTaxTotal( taxTotal)
      The payment's total tax cost. Note: Only the transactionAmount is required, but if this value is included, then the subtotal, fulfillmentTotal, feesTotal, adjustmentsTotal, & includedTaxTotal should be included also.
      taxTotal - The payment's total tax cost.
    • setIncludedTaxTotal

      public void setIncludedTaxTotal( includedTaxTotal)
      The amount of taxes that are included in the subtotal (VAT). Note: Only the transactionAmount is required, but if this value is included, then the subtotal, fulfillmentTotal, feesTotal, adjustmentsTotal, & taxTotal should be included also.
      includedTaxTotal - The amount of taxes that are included in the subtotal (VAT).
    • setSecurityCode

      public void setSecurityCode(String securityCode)
      The payment method security code that may be required to execute the transaction. Typically, this value is required to execute transactions against multi-use payment methods to validate that the user is the owner of the payment method.
      securityCode - The payment method security code that may be required to execute the transaction.
    • setRequestId

      public void setRequestId(String requestId)
      The id representing the customer's request to execute one or more transactions.
      requestId - The id representing the customer's request to execute one or more transactions.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object