Class ExternalOfferProperties


@ConfigurationProperties("broadleaf.cartoperation.offerprovider") public class ExternalOfferProperties extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • ExternalOfferProperties

      public ExternalOfferProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getUrl

      public String getUrl()
      The base url for an external cart service.
    • getUseCodeUri

      public String getUseCodeUri()
      The URI path for using a code.
    • getValidateUri

      public String getValidateUri()
      The URI path for validating checkout.
    • getApplyUri

      public String getApplyUri()
      The URI path for applying offers.
    • getServiceClient

      public String getServiceClient()
      The service client to use when calling offer services. Default is "cartopsclient".
    • setUrl

      public void setUrl(String url)
      The base url for an external cart service.
    • setUseCodeUri

      public void setUseCodeUri(String useCodeUri)
      The URI path for using a code.
    • setValidateUri

      public void setValidateUri(String validateUri)
      The URI path for validating checkout.
    • setApplyUri

      public void setApplyUri(String applyUri)
      The URI path for applying offers.
    • setServiceClient

      public void setServiceClient(String serviceClient)
      The service client to use when calling offer services. Default is "cartopsclient".