Class PaymentTransactionResultEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PaymentTransactionResultEvent extends Object implements Serializable
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PaymentTransactionResultEvent

      public PaymentTransactionResultEvent()
  • Method Details

    • getPaymentTransactionRef

      public PaymentTransactionRef getPaymentTransactionRef()
      The payment transaction's id.
      The payment transaction's id.
    • getPaymentRef

      public PaymentRef getPaymentRef()
      The payment in the relationship.
      The payment in the relationship.
    • isTransactionRequiredExternalInteraction

      public boolean isTransactionRequiredExternalInteraction()
      Whether the transaction required external interaction (3DS or HPP).
      Whether the transaction required external interaction (3DS or HPP).
    • getContextInfo

      public getContextInfo()
      The ContextInfo derived from the original request containing tenant and sandbox info.
      The ContextInfo derived from the original request
    • getAdditionalAttributes

      public Map<String,Object> getAdditionalAttributes()
      Miscellaneous attributes that can be added to this payload in order to provide more information. Note, it is recommended to not add any sensitive information in these attributes.
      Miscellaneous attributes that can be added to this payload.
    • setPaymentTransactionRef

      public void setPaymentTransactionRef(PaymentTransactionRef paymentTransactionRef)
      The payment transaction's id.
      id - The payment transaction's id.
    • setPaymentRef

      public void setPaymentRef(PaymentRef paymentRef)
      The payment in the relationship.
      paymentRef - The payment in the relationship.
    • setTransactionRequiredExternalInteraction

      public void setTransactionRequiredExternalInteraction(boolean transactionRequiredExternalInteraction)
      Whether the transaction required external interaction (3DS or HPP).
      transactionRequiredExternalInteraction - Whether the transaction required external interaction (3DS or HPP).
    • setContextInfo

      public void setContextInfo( contextInfo)
      The ContextInfo derived from the original request containing tenant and sandbox info.
    • setAdditionalAttributes

      public void setAdditionalAttributes(Map<String,Object> additionalAttributes)
      Miscellaneous attributes that can be added to this payload in order to provide more information. Note, it is recommended to not add any sensitive information in these attributes.
      additionalAttributes - Miscellaneous attributes that can be added to this payload.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • wasSuccessful

      public boolean wasSuccessful()
    • getCurrency

      public getCurrency()
    • getId

      public String getId()
    • getParentTransactionId

      public String getParentTransactionId()
    • getPaymentId

      public String getPaymentId()
    • getRequestId

      public String getRequestId()
    • getPreviousRequestIds

      public List<String> getPreviousRequestIds()
    • getTransactionReferenceId

      public String getTransactionReferenceId()
    • getGatewayTransactionId

      public String getGatewayTransactionId()
    • getType

      public String getType()
    • getGatewayTransactionType

      public String getGatewayTransactionType()
    • getStatus

      public String getStatus()
    • getGatewayResponseCode

      public String getGatewayResponseCode()
    • getFailureType

      public String getFailureType()
    • getAmount

      public getAmount()
    • getSubtotal

      public getSubtotal()
    • getAdjustmentsTotal

      public getAdjustmentsTotal()
    • getFulfillmentTotal

      public getFulfillmentTotal()
    • getFeesTotal

      public getFeesTotal()
    • getTaxTotal

      public getTaxTotal()
    • getIncludedTaxTotal

      public getIncludedTaxTotal()
    • getSource

      public String getSource()
    • getSourceEntityType

      public String getSourceEntityType()
    • getSourceEntityId

      public String getSourceEntityId()
    • getParentSourceEntityType

      public String getParentSourceEntityType()
    • getParentSourceEntityId

      public String getParentSourceEntityId()
    • getManagementState

      public String getManagementState()
    • getManagementStateReason

      public String getManagementStateReason()
    • isFlaggedForManualReview

      public boolean isFlaggedForManualReview()
    • getManualReviewResult

      public String getManualReviewResult()
    • getManualReviewResultReason

      public String getManualReviewResultReason()
    • getDateRecorded

      public Instant getDateRecorded()
    • isIndeterminateResult

      public boolean isIndeterminateResult()
    • getNextAction

      public NextAction getNextAction()
    • getAttributes

      public Map<String,String> getAttributes()
    • setId

      public void setId(String id)
    • setParentTransactionId

      public void setParentTransactionId(String parentTransactionId)
    • setPaymentId

      public void setPaymentId(String paymentId)
    • setRequestId

      public void setRequestId(String requestId)
    • setPreviousRequestIds

      public void setPreviousRequestIds(List<String> previousRequestIds)
    • setTransactionReferenceId

      public void setTransactionReferenceId(String transactionReferenceId)
    • setGatewayTransactionId

      public void setGatewayTransactionId(String gatewayTransactionId)
    • setType

      public void setType(String type)
    • setGatewayTransactionType

      public void setGatewayTransactionType(String gatewayTransactionType)
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(String status)
    • setGatewayResponseCode

      public void setGatewayResponseCode(String gatewayResponseCode)
    • setFailureType

      public void setFailureType(String failureType)
    • setAmount

      public void setAmount( amount)
    • setSubtotal

      public void setSubtotal( subtotal)
    • setAdjustmentsTotal

      public void setAdjustmentsTotal( adjustmentsTotal)
    • setFulfillmentTotal

      public void setFulfillmentTotal( fulfillmentTotal)
    • setFeesTotal

      public void setFeesTotal( feesTotal)
    • setTaxTotal

      public void setTaxTotal( taxTotal)
    • setIncludedTaxTotal

      public void setIncludedTaxTotal( includedTaxTotal)
    • setSource

      public void setSource(String source)
    • setSourceEntityType

      public void setSourceEntityType(String sourceEntityType)
    • setSourceEntityId

      public void setSourceEntityId(String sourceEntityId)
    • setParentSourceEntityType

      public void setParentSourceEntityType(String parentSourceEntityType)
    • setParentSourceEntityId

      public void setParentSourceEntityId(String parentSourceEntityId)
    • setManagementState

      public void setManagementState(String managementState)
    • setManagementStateReason

      public void setManagementStateReason(String managementStateReason)
    • setFlaggedForManualReview

      public void setFlaggedForManualReview(boolean flaggedForManualReview)
    • setManualReviewResult

      public void setManualReviewResult(String manualReviewResult)
    • setManualReviewResultReason

      public void setManualReviewResultReason(String manualReviewResultReason)
    • setDateRecorded

      public void setDateRecorded(Instant dateRecorded)
    • setIndeterminateResult

      public void setIndeterminateResult(boolean indeterminateResult)
    • setNextAction

      public void setNextAction(NextAction nextAction)
    • setAttributes

      public void setAttributes(Map<String,String> attributes)