Interface PaymentFinalizationActivity

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CartPaymentMethodValidationActivity, PaymentTransactionExecutionActivity

public interface PaymentFinalizationActivity extends CheckoutWorkflowActivity
Implementations of this interface are responsible for executing an independent & isolated portion of the overall CheckoutWorkflow to validate & process a cart's payments when the cart is in the DefaultCartStatuses.AWAITING_PAYMENT_FINALIZATION status. Note: This cart status implies that the cart has previously been validated via the workflow's full collection of CheckoutWorkflowActivities, but the payments must be finalized (typically via 3DS verification or a HPP interaction) before the cart can be finalized. A request targeting these activities would typically be executed if one of the cart's payments previously failed, requiring at least one new payment method to be provided by the customer. In this case, we need to re-validate the payments & execute any required transactions.
Dima Myroniuk (dmyroniuk)