Interface CatalogItem

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CatalogItem
A reference to a catalog item, typically used as a holder for information communicated from an external service.
Chad Harchar (charchar)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The ID of the CatalogItem.
    default String
    Determines how this catalog item should merge with other similar items when it gets added to a cart.
    Summary of the pricing information related to the catalog item.
    System-wide unique identifier to configure specific pricing for the catalog item.
    This uniquely identifies this catalog item when it is sold and is used for other contexts like inventory and pricing.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      The ID of the CatalogItem.
      The ID of the CatalogItem.
    • getSku

      String getSku()
      This uniquely identifies this catalog item when it is sold and is used for other contexts like inventory and pricing.
      the Stock Keeping Unit that identifies this CatalogItem when it's sold in the store
    • getPriceInfo

      com.broadleafcommerce.pricing.client.domain.PriceInfo getPriceInfo()
      Summary of the pricing information related to the catalog item.
      Summary of the pricing information related to the catalog item
    • getPricingKey

      String getPricingKey()
      System-wide unique identifier to configure specific pricing for the catalog item. Relevant if pricing data is managed in a separate system or data store, like the Broadleaf pricing services.
      a unique key to identify pricing for this catalog item
    • getMergingType

      default String getMergingType()
      Determines how this catalog item should merge with other similar items when it gets added to a cart. This will override the global setting on item merging. Out of box supported values are those in DefaultMergingType. Note: if a value is not provided, then the global default value will used via CartOperationServiceProperties.getMergingType().
      the merging type to use for this CatalogItem