Class DefaultMarketplaceApplicationCatalogService<P extends MarketplaceApplicationCatalog>

Type Parameters:
P - The projection type
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultMarketplaceApplicationCatalogService<P extends MarketplaceApplicationCatalog> extends Object implements MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService<P>
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultMarketplaceApplicationCatalogService

      public DefaultMarketplaceApplicationCatalogService(MarketplaceApplicationCatalogRepository<> repository,<cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node> filterParser, rsqlHelper, helper, MarketplaceApplicationCatalogValidator validator, CatalogService<Catalog> catalogService)
  • Method Details

    • readAll

      public<P> readAll(@Nullable cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters, @Nullable page, @NonNull contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService
      Find all the marketplace to catalog associations.
      Specified by:
      readAll in interface MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService<P extends MarketplaceApplicationCatalog>
      filters - additional filters to apply in the query, can be null
      page - the requested page of results from the database
      contextInfo - context information surrounding the sandboxing and multitenant state. If this is an application context, results will only include entities associated to that application.
      all of the MarketplaceApplicationCatalog instances that were found
    • read

      public P read(String id, @NonNull contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService
      Find the marketplace catalog by id
      Specified by:
      read in interface MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService<P extends MarketplaceApplicationCatalog>
      id - The contextId for the MarketplaceApplicationCatalog
      contextInfo - context information surrounding the sandboxing and multitenant state. If this is an application context, results will only include entities associated to that application.
      The MarketplaceApplicationCatalog instance
    • create

      public P create(P applicationCatalog, contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService
      Create an instance of an entity based on a business instance containing relevant property values.
      Specified by:
      create in interface MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService<P extends MarketplaceApplicationCatalog>
      applicationCatalog - The business domain instance.
      contextInfo - Context information used to discriminate the correct version of an entity by context id when multiple verions may be available across sandboxes, catalogs and applications.
      The new entity instance in the form of a business type instance.
    • update

      public P update(String id, P applicationCatalog, contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService
      Update a single, narrowed instance of an entity based on a business instance containing relevant property values. See TrackableRepository for more information on entity persistence behavior in light of sandboxing and multitenant concerns.
      Specified by:
      update in interface MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService<P extends MarketplaceApplicationCatalog>
      id - The context id for the entity. This is the id by which the business recognizes the item.
      applicationCatalog - The payload type that domain class should be converted to
      contextInfo - Context information used to discriminate the correct version of an entity by context id when multiple verions may be available across sandboxes, catalogs and applications.
      The updated, narrowed entity instance in the form of a payload instance, or EntityMissingException if not available.
    • replace

      public P replace(String id, P applicationCatalog, contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService
      Replace a single, narrowed instance of an entity based on a business instance containing relevant property values.
      Specified by:
      replace in interface MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService<P extends MarketplaceApplicationCatalog>
      id - The context id for the entity. This is the id by which the business recognizes the item.
      applicationCatalog - The payload type that domain class should be converted to.
      contextInfo - Context information used to discriminate the correct version of an entity by context id when multiple verions may be available across sandboxes, catalogs and applications.
      The replaced, narrowed entity instance in the form of a payload instance, or EntityMissingException if not available.
    • hydrate

      public P hydrate(@NonNull P applicationCatalog, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService
      Hydrates fields on the given applicationCatalog instance such as MarketplaceApplicationCatalog.getHydratedCatalog().

      If referenced entities cannot be found, the hydrated fields will remain null.

      Specified by:
      hydrate in interface MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService<P extends MarketplaceApplicationCatalog>
      applicationCatalog - the instance whose hydrated fields should be set
      contextInfo - context information surrounding sandboxing and multitenant state
      the given applicationCatalog instance after hydrating fields
    • hydrate

      public void hydrate(@NonNull @NonNull Collection<P> applicationCatalogs, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService
      Hydrates fields on each of the given applicationCatalogs instances such as MarketplaceApplicationCatalog.getHydratedCatalog().

      If referenced entities cannot be found, the hydrated fields will remain null.

      Specified by:
      hydrate in interface MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService<P extends MarketplaceApplicationCatalog>
      applicationCatalogs - the instances whose hydrated fields should be set. Can be empty, but can never be null.
      contextInfo - context information surrounding sandboxing and multitenant state
    • delete

      public void delete(String id, contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService
      Perform a delete operation on the entity identified by the context id. This could result in an archival, or a raw delete, depending on the result of processing through DomainMapper.deleteMap(Object, ContextInfo).
      Specified by:
      delete in interface MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService<P extends MarketplaceApplicationCatalog>
      id - The context id for the entity. This is the id by which the business recognizes the item.
      contextInfo - Context information used to discriminate the correct version of an entity by context id when multiple verions may be available across sandboxes, catalogs and applications.
    • readByCatalog

      @NonNull public List<P> readByCatalog(String catalog, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService
      Find all the marketplace to catalog associations for a specific catalog.

      This method does not perform any application-discrimination.

      Specified by:
      readByCatalog in interface MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService<P extends MarketplaceApplicationCatalog>
      catalog - The vendor catalog to check
      contextInfo - context information surrounding the sandboxing and multitenant state
      The marketplace to catalog associations
    • readByVendorRef

      @NonNull public List<P> readByVendorRef(String vendorRef, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService
      Find all the marketplace to catalog associations for a specific vendor.

      This method does not perform any application-discrimination.

      Specified by:
      readByVendorRef in interface MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService<P extends MarketplaceApplicationCatalog>
      vendorRef - the vendor ref to find marketplace-catalog associations for
      contextInfo - context information around multitenant state
      the marketplace-catalog associations
    • readByCatalogAndApplication

      public Optional<P> readByCatalogAndApplication(String catalog, String application, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Description copied from interface: MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService
      Find the association between a specific catalog and application.

      This method does not perform any application-discrimination.

      Specified by:
      readByCatalogAndApplication in interface MarketplaceApplicationCatalogService<P extends MarketplaceApplicationCatalog>
      catalog - the ID of the catalog to find the association for. Matches MarketplaceApplicationCatalog.getCatalog()
      application - the ID of the application to find the association for. Matches MarketplaceApplicationCatalog.getApplication()
      contextInfo - context information around sandboxing and multitenant state
      an Optional containing the relationship if found, Optional.empty() otherwise
    • validateApplicationCatalogForCreate

      protected void validateApplicationCatalogForCreate(@Nullable String applicationId, MarketplaceApplicationCatalog applicationCatalog, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Validates a request to create a MarketplaceApplicationCatalog instance based on the context of the current application and the type of catalog requested.
      applicationId - The contextual application
      applicationCatalog - The application catalog to validate
      contextInfo - The current request context information
      com.broadleafcommerce.common.error.validation.ValidationException - if there was an error with the given applicationCatalog
    • validateApplicationCatalogForDelete

      protected void validateApplicationCatalogForDelete(@Nullable String applicationId, String applicationCatalogId, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Validates a request to delete a MarketplaceApplicationCatalog instance based on the context of the current application.
      applicationId - The contextual application
      applicationCatalogId - The application catalog to validate
      contextInfo - The current request context information
    • validateApplicationCatalogForReplace

      protected void validateApplicationCatalogForReplace(@Nullable String applicationId, String id, MarketplaceApplicationCatalog replacement, @Nullable contextInfo)
      Validates a request to update a MarketplaceApplicationCatalog instance.
      applicationId - The contextual application
      id - The id of the item to update
      replacement - The requested update
      contextInfo - The current request context information
      com.broadleafcommerce.common.error.validation.ValidationException - if there was an error with the given applicationCatalog
    • getRepository

      @NonNull protected MarketplaceApplicationCatalogRepository<> getRepository()
    • getCatalogService

      @NonNull protected CatalogService<Catalog> getCatalogService()