Interface CustomizedCatalogRepository<D>

All Known Subinterfaces:
CatalogRepository<D>, JpaCatalogRepository<D>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CustomizedCatalogRepository<D>
  • Method Details

    • readCatalogRelationships

      List<String> readCatalogRelationships(@NonNull String catalogId)
      Given a catalog ID, read itself and all catalogs that are descendants (direct or indirect) of it. Order is not guaranteed.

      For example, given catalog IDs A, B, and C, and a catalog graph of A <- B <- C (with A being the parent of B and B the parent of C):

      • a query of 'A' will return A, B, and C
      • a query of 'B' will return B and C
      • a query of 'C' will return C
      catalogId - The ID of the catalog for which to read descendants.
      A list of catalog IDs for which to read descendants
    • bulkUpdateApplicationCatalogRefByCatalog

      void bulkUpdateApplicationCatalogRefByCatalog(@NonNull Catalog updatedCatalog)
      Bulk updates for entries whose context id matches the given updated catalog id
      updatedCatalog - the updated catalog
    • findByTypeAndTenantIdAndOwningApplicationIsNull

      List<D> findByTypeAndTenantIdAndOwningApplicationIsNull(@NonNull String catalogType, @Nullable String tenantId)
      Finds all catalogs by type and tenant ID that do not belong to an application.
      catalogType - the catalog type to filter on
      tenantId - the tenant ID to filter on
      all catalogs by type and tenant ID that do not belong to an application