Interface Indexable<ID>

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Indexable<ID>
Interface for anything that can be indexed for search.
Kelly Tisdell (ktisdell)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the identifier for this object.
    The raw JSON map representing the Indexable object.
    Any translations present for this Indexable object.
    Provides a type or "namespace" for documents that are co-mingled in an index.
    default boolean
    Returns true if the item was not found when querying the service, otherwise false.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      @Nullable ID getId()
      Returns the identifier for this object. Typically a ULID, UUID, Long, or BigDecimal.
      The ID of the indexable
    • getType

      IndexableType getType()
      Provides a type or "namespace" for documents that are co-mingled in an index. Allows for filtering by type. e.g. "PRODUCT", "CATEGORY", "ORDER", "STORE", etc.
      the indexable type of the indexable
    • getJsonMap

      Map<String,Object> getJsonMap()
      The raw JSON map representing the Indexable object.
      raw JSON map representing the Indexable object
    • getTranslations

      List<Translation> getTranslations()
      Any translations present for this Indexable object. If the indexable type is not translatable, this will be empty.
      any translations present for this Indexable object
    • isNotFound

      default boolean isNotFound()
      Returns true if the item was not found when querying the service, otherwise false. This indicates that the indexable was deleted. In the case that this is true, only getType() and getId() will return values.