Class IndexableType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class IndexableType
    extends Object
    implements Serializable

    Extensible enumeration specifying the type of Indexable being indexed (e.g. PRODUCT, ORDER, CUSTOMER, etc.).

    Consumers should extend this class and create public static final members indicating their desired indexable type. A complete example might look like this:

         public class ProductIndexableType extends IndexableType {
             public static final IndexableType PRODUCT = new ProductIndexableType("PRODUCT", true);
             protected ProductIndexableType(String value, boolean translatable) {
                 super(value, translatable);

    To ensure the IndexableType is initialized properly, additional configuration is required by using the annotation @IndexableTypes on a Spring @Configuration class.

    Using the previous example of a ProductIndexableType, the following configuration would be required:

    Kelly Tisdell (ktisdell), cschneider
    See Also:
    IndexableTypes, Indexable, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • IndexableType

        protected IndexableType​(@NonNull
                                @NonNull String value,
                                boolean translatable,
        Constructs an IndexableType from a String. The convention is to use all capital letters with underscores (_) instead of spaces.
        value - the named representation of the type
        translatable - whether or not objects of this indexable type are translatable
        behaviors - trackable behaviors which apply to objects of this indexable type
      • IndexableType

        protected IndexableType​(@NonNull
                                @NonNull String value,
                                String label,
                                boolean translatable,
        Constructs an IndexableType from a String with a label. The convention is to use all capital letters with underscores (_) instead of spaces.
        value - the named representation of the type
        translatable - whether or not objects of this indexable type are translatable
        behaviors - trackable behaviors which apply to objects of this indexable type
      • IndexableType

        protected IndexableType​(@NonNull
                                @NonNull String value,
                                String label,
                                boolean translatable,
                                boolean vendorBehavior,
        Constructs an IndexableType from a String with a label. The convention is to use all capital letters with underscores (_) instead of spaces.
        value - the named representation of the type
        translatable - whether or not objects of this indexable type are translatable
        vendorBehavior - whether or not objects of this indexable type can be vendor discriminated
        behaviors - trackable behaviors which apply to objects of this indexable type
      • IndexableType

        protected IndexableType​(@NonNull
                                @NonNull String value,
                                String label,
                                IndexableType parent,
                                boolean translatable,
                                boolean vendorBehavior,
        Constructs an instance of IndexableType with a parent. The parent may be (and often will be) null. Note that a parent must not also have a parent. The parent is meant to simply be a container or marker for other similar types.

        IndexableTypes that have children can be thought of like abstract types in that they typically represent a group of other types.

        For example, imagine that there is a CATALOG type, which could be the parent of PRODUCT and CATEGORY. In this case, PRODUCT and CATEGORY would have a parent of CATALOG, and CATALOG would have no parent. CATALOG would be like an abstract type in that the concrete types are PRODUCT and CATEGORY, for example.

        value - the named representation of the type
        parent - the parent of this type
        translatable - whether or not objects of this indexable type are translatable
        vendorBehavior - whether or not objects of this indexable type can be vendor discriminated
        behaviors - trackable behaviors which apply to objects of this indexable type
    • Method Detail

      • hasTrackableBehavior

        public boolean hasTrackableBehavior​( trackableBehavior)
        Check whether or not objects of this indexable type exhibit the given TrackableBehavior.
        trackableBehavior - the behavior to check for
        whether or not objects of this indexable type exhibit the given behavior
      • getTopLevelAncestor

        public IndexableType getTopLevelAncestor()
        Recursively finds the highest level ancestor for this IndexableType. If this IndexableType does not have a parent, then it is the highest level ancestor.
        The highest level ancestor of this type; or this type if it has no ancestors.
      • getChildren

        public final Set<IndexableType> getChildren()
        Returns a set of IndexableType instances that have this instance as a parent. An empty set will be returned if no types have this as a parent.
        the direct children of this type
      • getTrackableBehaviorPackage

        public final getTrackableBehaviorPackage()
        Produce a TrackableBehaviorPackage for the behaviors on this indexable type.
        TrackableBehaviorPackage for the behaviors on this indexable type
      • getInstance

        public static IndexableType getInstance​(String type)
        Retrieves an IndexableType based on its String representation.
        type - The type of this indexable (e.g. PRODUCT, ORDER, CUSTOMER, etc)
        The IndexableType associated with this type.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the IndexableType is not found.
      • getAllIndexableTypes

        public static Collection<IndexableType> getAllIndexableTypes()
        Get all of the existing indexable types.
        all of the existing indexable types
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getType

        public String getType()
        The named representation of the indexable type.
        The named representation of the indexable type.
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
        The label representation of the indexable type shown for administration.
        The label representation of the indexable type shown for administration.
      • getParent

        public IndexableType getParent()
        Some of these enumerated types can have a parent or common type. For example, imagine that there is a CATALOG type, which could be the parent of PRODUCT and CATEGORY. In this case, PRODUCT and CATEGORY would have a parent of CATALOG, and CATALOG would have no parent.
        the parent of this type
      • getBehaviors

        public List<> getBehaviors()
        The trackable behaviors which apply to objects of this indexable type.
        trackable behaviors which apply to objects of this indexable type
      • isTranslatable

        public boolean isTranslatable()
        Whether or not objects of this indexable type are translatable.
        whether or not objects of this indexable type are translatable
      • isVendorBehavior

        public boolean isVendorBehavior()
        Whether or not objects of this indexable type can be discriminated by vendor
        whether or not objects of this indexable type can be discriminated by vendor