All Classes and Interfaces

Implementations of this service provide support for reducing the user targets that are involved in pricing with the goal of increasing the caching of PriceList related queries.
This implementation is useful for testing and demo purposes.
Implementations of this service provide support for currency conversions.
Stores the requested and fallback currencies needed for a pricing request.
Set of utility methods to help handle pricing requests in regards to currency.
CustomizedPriceDataRepository<D extends>
CustomizedPriceListRepository<D extends>
Configure pricing services for datafeed handling.
Implementation of CurrencyConversionService that relies on an implementation of ExchangeRateService and provides a mapping from and to for each item included in the ExchangeRateService
Default Export.getTarget() values that are supported for processing.
Default overrides from Spring
This sample ExchangeRateInfoProvider uses an API endpoint to retrieve exchange data.
A representation of exchange rate data.
Implementations of this interface return a list of ExchangeRateInfo objects.
Client message POJO for com.broadleafcommerce.datafeed.messaging.payload.IncrementalDataFeedEntityUpdateEvent
Repository fragment for JpaPriceDataRepository that includes custom JPA query methods.
Repository fragment for JpaPriceListRepositorythat includes custom JPA query methods.
Persistent counter-part to a PriceData for use with a JPA datastore.
JPA counter-part of PriceDataRepository.
* Persistent counter-part to a PriceDataTier for uses with a JPA datastore.
Responsible for performing vendor-visibility operations on JpaPriceData entities.
JPA implementation of PriceList domain.
JPA counter-part of PriceListRepository.
Responsible for performing vendor-visibility operations on JpaPriceList entities.
Persistent counter-part to UserTarget.
Fields that PriceModifiers can modify for a specific PriceList.type.
Specifies what priceable fields can be modified by PriceList PriceModifiers for specific PriceList types.
Implementation of CurrencyConversionService that does nothing it always returns false for NoOpCurrencyConversionService.canCovert(CurrencyUnit, CurrencyUnit) and errors if convert is called.
Configuration properties for defining the names of the priceable fields that can be targeted by PriceModifiers or used as defaults if no price data or modifiers are found.
Fields on PriceableTargets that the pricing service cares about.
Used to contain useful information while gathering prices for a list of PriceableTargets.
Data storing a specific price for a specific PriceableTarget.
An ExportProcessor for exports of PriceData.
The default specification to export PriceData.
PriceDataRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of PriceData.
Converts a PriceData to a Map row representation.
Base service API for PriceData.
Specify a price depending on a minimum quantity being met.
Converter used for converting a String List type to a JSON String before persistence.
This service provides access to pricing info for PriceContexts.
Abstraction of an aggregation of prices for PriceableTargets the applicability of which is determined by a set of criteria targeting information provided in a PriceContext.
Service for retrieving filtered price lists based on context.
DTO containing the details of a price from a price list.
PriceListRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of PriceLists.
Base service API for PriceLists.
Basic enumeration of default price list types.
Operations that PriceModifiers can perform on prices.
Whereas PriceData provides a specific price for a PriceableTarget, a price modifier performs an operation on a priceable field of the target such as adding 20% of the target's cost to calculate the price.
Configuration for engaging default Broadleaf support for Apache Ignite cache
Properties that influence cache settings for the pricing service
This component attempts to resolve the default Currency for this request.
Initializes the service beans
Pricing-specific configuration for validation.
Registers components related to vendor visibility.
Abstraction of a user that pricing entities can target.
This class is used by BasicUserTargetFilterService to allow fine grained control of the user targets an implementation wishes to allow for pricing via configuration.
Implementations of this service provide support for reducing the user targets that are involved in pricing with the goal of increasing the caching of PriceList related queries.