Class PriceableFieldProperties


@ConfigurationProperties("broadleaf.pricing.priceable.fields") public class PriceableFieldProperties extends Object
Configuration properties for defining the names of the priceable fields that can be targeted by PriceModifiers or used as defaults if no price data or modifiers are found.
Nathan Moore (nathanmoore).
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected String
    Name of the field passed in as part of PriceableTarget.getPriceableFields() that maps to the base cost of making the priceable entity.
    protected String
    Name of the field passed in as part of PriceableTarget.getPriceableFields() that maps to the base price of the priceable entity.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Name of the field passed in as part of PriceableTarget.getPriceableFields() that maps to the base cost of making the priceable entity.
    Name of the field passed in as part of PriceableTarget.getPriceableFields() that maps to the base price of the priceable entity.
    setBaseCost(String baseCost)
    Name of the field passed in as part of PriceableTarget.getPriceableFields() that maps to the base cost of making the priceable entity.
    setBasePrice(String basePrice)
    Name of the field passed in as part of PriceableTarget.getPriceableFields() that maps to the base price of the priceable entity.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • basePrice

      protected String basePrice

      Name of the field passed in as part of PriceableTarget.getPriceableFields() that maps to the base price of the priceable entity. This could be the MRSP.

      This price can be used as the basis for modifications performed by PriceModifiers when there are no PriceData or as the default price if there are no price modifiers either.

    • baseCost

      protected String baseCost

      Name of the field passed in as part of PriceableTarget.getPriceableFields() that maps to the base cost of making the priceable entity.

      This cost can be used as the basis for modifications performed by PriceModifiers when there are no PriceData. In particular, this can be used when setting prices based on profit margin. Thus, if the baseCost is $1.00 and you want to maintain a 50% margin using a standard price list, then the standard price would be $1.50.

  • Constructor Details

    • PriceableFieldProperties

      public PriceableFieldProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getBasePrice

      public String getBasePrice()

      Name of the field passed in as part of PriceableTarget.getPriceableFields() that maps to the base price of the priceable entity. This could be the MRSP.

      This price can be used as the basis for modifications performed by PriceModifiers when there are no PriceData or as the default price if there are no price modifiers either.

    • getBaseCost

      public String getBaseCost()

      Name of the field passed in as part of PriceableTarget.getPriceableFields() that maps to the base cost of making the priceable entity.

      This cost can be used as the basis for modifications performed by PriceModifiers when there are no PriceData. In particular, this can be used when setting prices based on profit margin. Thus, if the baseCost is $1.00 and you want to maintain a 50% margin using a standard price list, then the standard price would be $1.50.

    • setBasePrice

      public void setBasePrice(String basePrice)

      Name of the field passed in as part of PriceableTarget.getPriceableFields() that maps to the base price of the priceable entity. This could be the MRSP.

      This price can be used as the basis for modifications performed by PriceModifiers when there are no PriceData or as the default price if there are no price modifiers either.

    • setBaseCost

      public void setBaseCost(String baseCost)

      Name of the field passed in as part of PriceableTarget.getPriceableFields() that maps to the base cost of making the priceable entity.

      This cost can be used as the basis for modifications performed by PriceModifiers when there are no PriceData. In particular, this can be used when setting prices based on profit margin. Thus, if the baseCost is $1.00 and you want to maintain a 50% margin using a standard price list, then the standard price would be $1.50.

    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object