Enum Class DefaultTransactionFailureTypes

All Implemented Interfaces:
TransactionFailureType, Serializable, Comparable<DefaultTransactionFailureTypes>, Constable

public enum DefaultTransactionFailureTypes extends Enum<DefaultTransactionFailureTypes> implements TransactionFailureType
The default set of transactionFailureTypes that we expect to encounter with payment gateway interactions
Chris Kittrell (ckittrell)
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes GATEWAY_CREDENTIALS_ERROR
      The provided payment gateway credentials are not valid

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes GATEWAY_CONFIGURATION_ERROR
      The gateway is incorrectly configured or is not configured to handle the attempted type of request

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes INVALID_REQUEST
      There was a failure to process the request because the request itself is invalid.

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes INVALID_PAYMENT_METHOD
      The provided payment method data is invalid. This could be an incorrect card number, expiration date, etc.

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes PROCESSING_FAILURE
      The payment gateway failed to successfully process the transaction. This primarily represents a declined payment.

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes REQUIRES_3DS_VERIFICATION
      Additional verification is required from the customer for the gateway to successfully process the transaction

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes THREE_D_SECURE_VERIFICATION_FAILURE
      The required 3DS verification failed & the customer is not authorized to use the payment method.

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes REQUIRES_ADDITIONAL_ACTION
      Additional action is required for the transaction to be successfully processed

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes GATEWAY_ERROR
      There was an unexpected error with the payment gateway itself.

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes NETWORK_ERROR
      There was an error in communicating with the payment gateway. This can correlate to a known network failure/timeout or connection issue.

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes RESPONSE_VALIDATION_FAILURE
      There was an error when checking the validity of the response. Therefore, we're unsure if we can trust the contents of the response. In this case, it's best to treat the transaction as a failure and investigate it offline.

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes API_RATE_LIMIT_ERROR
      An error that occurs when too many requests hit the gateway's API too quickly

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes INTERNAL_ERROR
      There was an error in our preparation of the gateway interaction or in our interpretation/storing of the response.

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes REQUIRES_EXTERNAL_INTERACTION
      This transaction requires additional interaction from the customer from an external source. This typically requires a external redirect to provide or verify customer banking details.

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes REQUIRES_HOSTED_PAYMENT_PAGE_INTERACTION
      Requires interaction with the gateway's hosted payment page. Completion of that interaction will trigger the execution of the transaction.

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes CANCELED
      The customer canceled the payment/transaction.

      public static final DefaultTransactionFailureTypes EXPIRED
      The payment/transaction didn't receive a successfully paid transaction after timeout.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static DefaultTransactionFailureTypes[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static DefaultTransactionFailureTypes valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • isGatewayCredentialsError

      public static boolean isGatewayCredentialsError(String failureType)
    • isGatewayConfigurationError

      public static boolean isGatewayConfigurationError(String failureType)
    • isInvalidRequest

      public static boolean isInvalidRequest(String failureType)
    • isInvalidPaymentMethod

      public static boolean isInvalidPaymentMethod(String failureType)
    • isProcessingFailure

      public static boolean isProcessingFailure(String failureType)
    • isRequires3DSVerification

      public static boolean isRequires3DSVerification(String failureType)
    • is3DSVerificationFailure

      public static boolean is3DSVerificationFailure(String failureType)
    • isRequiresAdditionalAction

      public static boolean isRequiresAdditionalAction(String failureType)
    • isGatewayError

      public static boolean isGatewayError(String failureType)
    • isNetworkError

      public static boolean isNetworkError(String failureType)
    • isResponseValidationFailure

      public static boolean isResponseValidationFailure(String failureType)
    • isAPIRateLimitError

      public static boolean isAPIRateLimitError(String failureType)
    • isInternalError

      public static boolean isInternalError(String failureType)
    • isRequiresExternalInteraction

      public static boolean isRequiresExternalInteraction(String failureType)
    • isRequiresHostedPaymentPageInteraction

      public static boolean isRequiresHostedPaymentPageInteraction(String failureType)
    • isCanceled

      public static boolean isCanceled(String failureType)
    • isExpired

      public static boolean isExpired(String failureType)