Class AbstractExternalPaymentGatewayCall<T,R>

All Implemented Interfaces:
FailureCountExposable, ServiceStatusDetectable<T>

public abstract class AbstractExternalPaymentGatewayCall<T,R> extends Object implements ServiceStatusDetectable<T>, FailureCountExposable

All payment gateway classes that intend to make an external call, either manually from an HTTP Post or through an SDK which makes its own external call, should extend this class. The implementations should override the abstract methods: communicateWithVendor(), and getFailureReportingThreshold();

The generic Type 'T' represents the payment request object that is going to be sent to the external gateway. The generic Type 'R' represents the payment result object that will be returned

This allows anyone using the framework to configure the ServiceMonitor AOP hooks and detect any outages to provide (email/logging) feedback when necessary.

Elbert Bautista (elbertbautista)
See Also: