Class DefaultOrderFulfillmentViewService<P extends OrderFulfillmentView>

    • Method Detail

      • readById

        public P readById​(String id,
        Description copied from interface: OrderFulfillmentViewService
        Reads the requested order fulfillment view by OrderFulfillment.getId().
        Specified by:
        readById in interface OrderFulfillmentViewService<P extends OrderFulfillmentView>
        id - the ID of the order fulfillment to fetch
        contextInfo - context information surrounding multitenant state. When in a tenant context, the narrowing semantics will return a record within the ContextRequest.getTenantId() regardless of whether it is associated to an application or not. This allows users to read application-level fulfillments from a tenant-context. In an application context, narrowing will apply normally.
        the requested order fulfillment view
      • readAllByOrderId

        public List<P> readAllByOrderId​(String orderId,
        Description copied from interface: OrderFulfillmentViewService
        Reads all of the OrderFulfillmentViews that are associated with the given orderId.

        Assumes that the context contains the application containing the order.

        Specified by:
        readAllByOrderId in interface OrderFulfillmentViewService<P extends OrderFulfillmentView>
        orderId - The ID of the order to find fulfillments for
        contextInfo - context information surrounding sandboxing and multitenant state
        the fulfillment views that are associated with the given orderId
      • readAll

        public<P> readAll​(cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters,
        Description copied from interface: OrderFulfillmentViewService
        Retrieve all OrderFulfillmentViews using a structured query string to drive the query criteria. The filters string is parsed by an internal implementation and the result is added to the query before executing the fetch against the persistence store. See FilterParser for more information.
        Specified by:
        readAll in interface OrderFulfillmentViewService<P extends OrderFulfillmentView>
        filters - the RSQL Node used to restrict result, must not be null
        pageable - may be Pageable.unpaged(), must not be null.
        contextInfo - Request context information around sandbox and multitenant state
        The subset (page) of narrowed entities
      • readAllByGroupReferenceNumber

        public<P> readAllByGroupReferenceNumber​(String groupReferenceNumber,
                                                                                     cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters,
        Description copied from interface: OrderFulfillmentViewService
        Reads all of the OrderFulfillmentViews that are associated with the given groupReferenceNumber.
        Specified by:
        readAllByGroupReferenceNumber in interface OrderFulfillmentViewService<P extends OrderFulfillmentView>
        groupReferenceNumber - the reference number of the order fulfillments to fetch
        filters - the RSQL Node used to restrict the results
        pageable - describes the page of results to return
        contextInfo - context information around sandbox and multitenant state
        The page of narrowed order fulfillment views
      • isApplicationRequest

        protected boolean isApplicationRequest​(@Nullable
      • getOrderFulfillmentService

        protected OrderFulfillmentService<com.broadleafcommerce.order.client.domain.OrderFulfillment> getOrderFulfillmentService()