Interface CustomizedOrderFulfillmentRepository<D extends>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      List<D> findAllByOrderIdAndMatchingTenant​(String orderId, contextInfo)
      Retrieves the order fulfillment matching the provided ID and the tenant from ContextInfo if present.
      List<String> findAllDistinctContextIds​(int page, cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters)
      Retrieves a list of unique order fulfillment context IDs no larger than page.<D> findAllMatchingTenant​(cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters, pageable, contextInfo)
      Retrieves the order fulfillment matching the query and the tenant from ContextInfo if present.
      Optional<D> findByContextIdAndMatchingTenant​(String id, contextInfo)
      Retrieves the order fulfillment matching the provided ID and the tenant from ContextInfo if present.
    • Method Detail

      • findAllDistinctContextIds

        List<String> findAllDistinctContextIds​(int page,
                                               cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters)
        Retrieves a list of unique order fulfillment context IDs no larger than page. It is expected that any appropriate offset is achieved through criteria designated in filters.
        page - the requested amount of results from the database. -1 indicates no limit.
        filters - additional filters to apply in the query. Should be EmptyNode if no additional filters should be applied.
        unique order fulfillment IDs
      • findByContextIdAndMatchingTenant

        Optional<D> findByContextIdAndMatchingTenant​(String id,
        Retrieves the order fulfillment matching the provided ID and the tenant from ContextInfo if present.

        Differs from the standard narrowing behavior of TrackableRepository.findByContextId(String, ContextInfo), which only returns tenant-level (non-application-associated) records when fetching from a tenant context. This implementation finds all records within the tenant regardless of whether they're associated to an application.

        id - the id of the order fulfillment to find
        contextInfo - context information surrounding multitenant state.
        an Optional containing the requested order fulfillment if found within the tenant, or Optional.empty() otherwise
      • findAllByOrderIdAndMatchingTenant

        List<D> findAllByOrderIdAndMatchingTenant​(String orderId,
        Retrieves the order fulfillment matching the provided ID and the tenant from ContextInfo if present.

        Differs from the standard narrowing behavior of OrderFulfillmentRepository.findAllByOrderId(String, ContextInfo), which only returns tenant-level (non-application-associated) records when fetching from a tenant context. This implementation finds all records within the tenant regardless of whether they're associated to an application.

        orderId - The ID of the order to find fulfillments for
        contextInfo - context information surrounding multitenant state
        the fulfillments that are associated with the given orderId
      • findAllMatchingTenant

        @Policy(operationTypes=READ)<D> findAllMatchingTenant​(cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters,
        Retrieves the order fulfillment matching the query and the tenant from ContextInfo if present.

        Differs from the standard narrowing behavior of TrackableRsqlFilterExecutor.findAll(Node, Pageable, ContextInfo), which only returns tenant-level (non-application-associated) records when fetching from a tenant context. This implementation finds all records within the tenant regardless of whether they're associated to an application.

        filters - the RSQL Node used to restrict result, must not be null
        pageable - may be Pageable.unpaged(), must not be null.
        contextInfo - context information surrounding multitenant state.
        The subset (page) of narrowed entities