All Classes and Interfaces

Listens for fulfillment status changes to create InventoryTransactions and update SkuInventory.
Order fulfillment fields relevant for adjusting inventory.
Order fulfillment item fields relevant for adjusting inventory.
Summarization of cart item fields relevant for creating an inventory reservation request.
This concept is unused and will be removed.
Business domain representing an address.
Summarization of cart item fields relevant for creating an inventory reservation request.
Component that indicates that a SKU inventory is available for a particular tenant and/or application.
This is just a wrapper class around a list of ConsolidatedInventoryAvailability instances, making it easier to deserialize.
CustomizableSkuInventoryRepository<D extends>
Interface that allows a Spring Repository Fragment to override default behavior in TrackableRepository, including the application of explicit database locks, as needed and if applicable.
CustomizedInventoryTransactionRepository<D extends>
Repository methods for reading InventoryTransaction that support the "INCLUDE_APPLICATION_ID_PREDICATE" context attribute.
Configure inventory services for datafeed handling.
Default implementation of a free soft inventory job service.
Constant value to indicate the type of import or export - specifically INVENTORY, in this case.
Service to store and retrieve InventoryLocation data.
Provides a default, enumerated set of types, including 'HARD' and 'SOFT'.
Service to save / retrieve InventoryTransaction records.
Enumeration for storing different inventory transaction types.
Spring Data Repository Fragment for providing some custom query logic, especially related to explicit locking and custom queries.
Default overrides from Spring
Default implementation that returns a SkuReferenceFieldType from a String.
This component is responsible for reading, locking, and adjusting SkuInventory records, as well as for creating hard and soft inventory reservations.
Indicates the default reasons for archival of a SkuInventory
The default strategy for reading inventory for browsing and for the purpose of inventory reservations.
Helps with sorting lists of SkuInventory objects by ID.
Default enum implementation of DefaultSkuInventoryFulfillmentType.
Service to assist in reading and/or adjusting SkuInventory.
Provides summary (browsing) data for SkuInventory.
Default enumerated instance of SkuReferenceFieldType.
Default component that sends stock change notifications via Spring Cloud Stream.
Provides a comparator to order update items by their ID to avoid deadlocks in RDBMS systems where multiple updates occur with pessimistic locking inside a single transaction.
Indicates the whether the specified distance to/from an InventoryLocation is in MILES or KILOMETERS.
Interface to allow enumerations to provide a value.
Configuration for the 'free soft inventory' job.
Service methods for the Free Soft Inventory job.
Listens for the scheduled job trigger of a "Free Soft Inventory" scheduled job.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Listens for cancelled fulfillments to create DefaultInventoryTransactionType.CANCELLED InventoryTransactions and update SkuInventory.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Listens for fulfilled fulfillments to create DefaultInventoryTransactionType.FULFILLED InventoryTransactions and update SkuInventory.
Summarization of fulfillment group fields relevant for creating an inventory reservation request.
Summarization of fulfillment item fields relevant for creating an inventory reservation request.
Client message POJO for com.broadleafcommerce.datafeed.messaging.payload.IncrementalDataFeedEntityUpdateEvent
Internal JVM event analogous to ConsolidatedInventoryAvailability Spring Cloud Stream message.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
General exception handler registry for handlers not exclusive to a single controller.
JPA Configuration class for Spring.
General business entity for defining an InventoryLocation, or physical location at which inventory is stored, contained, shipped from, or picked up at.
REST Endpoint for retrieving and persisting InventoryLocations.
InventoryLocationRepository<T extends>
Spring Repository definition for saving and retrieving InventoryLocation.
Service to provide business logic / data access related to InventoryLocation references.
Validates data for InventoryLocation objects.
Configuration for Inventory-related Consumer messaging.
Configuration for Inventory-related Producer messaging.
Exception to indicate when inventory was not already reserved, so it could not be fulfilled.
This will typically be 'SOFT' and 'HARD' to identify which type of Inventory Reservation this is.
Thrown if, during inventory adjustment (e.g.
InventoryTransactionRepository<T extends>
Spring Repository API to store and retrieve individual inventory transactions.
Service to save and retrieve InventoryTransaction records.
Interface for providing enumerated values for different inventory transaction types.
Exception to indicate when inventory cannot be reserved or otherwise decremented.
Configuration class for EntityValidator implementations.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Event listener that listens for a VendorCreationEvent and is responsible for setting up a new catalog for the vendor.
JPA representation of an InventoryLocation.
Extension to provide a Spring Data repository for accessing InventoryLocation references via JPA.
Responsible for performing vendor-visibility operations on InventoryLocation entities.
Convenience methods to help query for JPA inventory-related entities matching a tenant context.
Transaction records for common inventory transactions that need to be tracked, at least for a period of time, to inform the inventory availability.
Provides a number of constants for configuration.
JPA-specific interface for SkuInventoryRepository.
Responsible for performing vendor-visibility operations on SkuInventory entities.
Alternative to DefaultClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient that uses WebClient and allows for access token response that contain additional non-String parameters.
Message Listener to listen for submitted orders, parse them, and create HARD_RESERVATION InventoryTransaction (i.e.
Represents a request to release inventory reservations.
Represents a response from releasing inventory reservations.
Generates a Page representing the data and page data received as a response from another service.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Listens for return confirmations to create DefaultInventoryTransactionType.RETURNED InventoryTransactions and update SkuInventory.
Confirm return item request fields relevant for adjusting inventory.
Provides a number of constants for configuration.
Utility to determine the SkuReferenceFieldType of a String value.
Request to perform an adjustment to SkuInventory.
This service handles serializing updates to individual SkuInventory records.
Request to check availability for a SKU with a specified minimum quantity.
Implementors of this interface provide logic to retrieve inventory availability for browsing and for decrementing SkuInventory associated with Soft and Hard inventory reservations.
Provides a data structure to simply indicate if the SKU is available without disclosing the quantity available.
Provides a hook point for initializing default variables after mapping from a flat file, especially when fields are left null and should have a default value.
REST Endpoint to allow for the creation, selection, and read of SkuInventory data, especially given an InventoryLocation.
Necessary in scenarios where there may be too many SKU codes to pass through request parameters.
An ExportProcessor for exports of SkuInventory.
Specification for the format of a SkuInventory export.
Marker interface indicates whether SkuInventory is expected to be shipped or picked up.
Tuple containing the PersistenceRequest and its related BatchRecord.
SkuInventoryRepository<D extends>
Repository for persisting and retrieving SkuInventory records.
Container to allow serialization and transport of specific inventory reservation requests.
Class used to validate a SkuInventoryReservationRequest.
Simple wrapper to contain InventoryTransaction records.
Service API for adjusting SkuInventory.
REST Endpoint to allow for the browsing and reservation of SkuInventory.
Service to find SkuInventory summary data (e.g.
Validator to validate SkuInventory.
Provides a representation of a SKU reference.
Enumerated value to indicate what type of Sku reference we are using to look up inventory.
Contains properties dictating SSL verification.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
Component to notify other systems or processes that stock for a SKU has become available or unavailable for a tenant or application.
This component implements OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager and internally instantiates and delegates to AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager.