Class SkuInventoryReservationRequestGroup


public class SkuInventoryReservationRequestGroup extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • SkuInventoryReservationRequestGroup

      public SkuInventoryReservationRequestGroup()
  • Method Details

    • getFulfillmentType

      public String getFulfillmentType()
      Indicates if this group is expected to be picked up or shipped. For PICKUP, pickupLocationId is required. For SHIP, pickupLocationId is optional, but without it, shipToAddress is required.
    • getRequestedInventoryLocationId

      public String getRequestedInventoryLocationId()
      The locationId of the InventoryLocation at from which the customer wishes to receive inventory. This is more typically used for PICKUP. However, the calling application may know the InventoryLocation.getId() from which a SHIP should occur. In this case, it's perfectly acceptable to provide this value in lieu of the shipToAddress.
    • getShipToAddress

      public Address getShipToAddress()
      This is only useful when SkuInventoryFulfillmentType is SHIP. It provides a hint to the system to attempt to select the best InventoryLocation(s) for decrementing inventory for the purpose of shipping items. This is required if fulfillmentType is SHIP and if requestedInventoryLocationId is blank.
    • getRequestedItems

      public List<SkuInventoryAdjustmentRequestItem> getRequestedItems()
      List of items to reserve. This cannot be null and must contain at least 1 item.
    • setFulfillmentType

      public void setFulfillmentType(String fulfillmentType)
      Indicates if this group is expected to be picked up or shipped. For PICKUP, pickupLocationId is required. For SHIP, pickupLocationId is optional, but without it, shipToAddress is required.
    • setRequestedInventoryLocationId

      public void setRequestedInventoryLocationId(String requestedInventoryLocationId)
      The locationId of the InventoryLocation at from which the customer wishes to receive inventory. This is more typically used for PICKUP. However, the calling application may know the InventoryLocation.getId() from which a SHIP should occur. In this case, it's perfectly acceptable to provide this value in lieu of the shipToAddress.
    • setShipToAddress

      public void setShipToAddress(Address shipToAddress)
      This is only useful when SkuInventoryFulfillmentType is SHIP. It provides a hint to the system to attempt to select the best InventoryLocation(s) for decrementing inventory for the purpose of shipping items. This is required if fulfillmentType is SHIP and if requestedInventoryLocationId is blank.
    • setRequestedItems

      public void setRequestedItems(List<SkuInventoryAdjustmentRequestItem> requestedItems)
      List of items to reserve. This cannot be null and must contain at least 1 item.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object