Interface CustomizableSkuInventoryRepository<D extends>

  • Type Parameters:
    D -
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    JpaSkuInventoryRepository<D>, SkuInventoryRepository<D>
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CustomizableSkuInventoryRepository<D extends>
    Interface that allows a Spring Repository Fragment to override default behavior in TrackableRepository, including the application of explicit database locks, as needed and if applicable.
    Kelly Tisdell (ktisdell)
    See Also:
    SkuInventoryRepository, TrackableRepository
    • Method Detail

      • findBySkuReferencesAndLocationId

        List<D> findBySkuReferencesAndLocationId​(@NonNull
                                                 Set<String> skuReferences,
                                                 Integer minQuantity,
                                                 String locationId,
                                                 SkuReferenceFieldType skuReferenceFieldType,
        Retrieves SkuInventory records, filtering on SkuRef, based on the skuReferenceFieldType parameter, and InventoryLocation.getId().
        skuReferences -
        minQuantity - - (optional) the expected minimum quantity available
        locationId - - the inventory location in which to find inventory
        skuReferenceFieldType - - the type of SKU reference (identifies what SkuRef field should be filtered by the skuReferences argument
        context -
      • findByContextId

        Optional<D> findByContextId​(@NonNull
                                    String contextId,
        Retrieve a domain instance based on the context id (see Trackable.getContextId()). If a NarrowExecutor implementation was specified via Narrow, the result should be narrowed based on sandbox and catalog state. This overrides the method TrackableRepository.findByContextId(String, ContextInfo). The mixin implementation will provide an exclusive write lock, if applicable, to prevent concurrent modification of SkuInventory records.
        contextId - An identifying id
        contextInfo - Request context information around sandbox and multitenant state
        If nothing found, an empty Optional. Otherwise, an Optional containing the narrowed entity.
      • findAllByContextId

        Iterable<D> findAllByContextId​(@NonNull
                                       Iterable<String> contextIds,
        Retrieve all domain instances based on a list of context ids (see Trackable.getContextId()). If a NarrowExecutor implementation was specified via Narrow, the result should be narrowed based on sandbox and catalog state. This overrides the method TrackableRepository.findAllByContextId(Iterable, ContextInfo). The mixin implementation will provide an exclusive write lock, if applicable, to prevent concurrent modification of SkuInventory records.
        contextIds - A list of identifying ids
        contextInfo - Request context information around sandbox and multitenant state
        The list of narrowed entities
      • isAvailableBySkuReferenceForQuantity

        boolean isAvailableBySkuReferenceForQuantity​(@NonNull
                                                     String skuReference,
                                                     int quantity,
                                                     SkuReferenceFieldType skuReferenceFieldType,
                                                     Optional<Boolean> shippingLocation,
                                                     Optional<Boolean> pickupLocation,
                                                     Optional<Boolean> storeLocation,
        Determines if the SkuInventory, identified by skuReference, is available for the specified quantity across one or more InventoryLocations, identified by their allowed fulfillment types. SkuRef is determined by the skuReference argument and the
        skuReference -
        quantity - - requested quantity
        skuReferenceFieldType - - the type of skuReference being passed in
        shippingLocation - - Optional value represents whether we should query shipping locations. If not present, no filtering will be applied.
        pickupLocation - - Optional value represents whether we should query pickup locations. If not present, no filtering will be applied.
        storeLocation - - Optional value represents whether we should query store locations. If not present, no filtering will be applied.
        context -
      • findAvailableBySkuReferenceForQuantity

        List<D> findAvailableBySkuReferenceForQuantity​(@NonNull
                                                       Set<String> skuReferences,
                                                       int minQuantityAvailable,
                                                       SkuReferenceFieldType skuReferenceFieldType,
                                                       Optional<Boolean> shippingLocation,
                                                       Optional<Boolean> pickupLocation,
                                                       Optional<Boolean> storeLocation,
        Finds available SkuInventory records for the provided skuReferences where each have at least the minQuantityAvailable.
        skuReferences -
        minQuantityAvailable -
        skuReferenceFieldType -
        shippingLocation -
        pickupLocation -
        storeLocation -
        context -
      • findAll

        Stream<D> findAll​(@NonNull
                          Optional<cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node> filters,
        Generally used for batch export, this allows a caller to query, filter, and stream paged results.
        filters -
        contextInfo -
      • findAvailableBySkuReferenceForQuantity

        List<D> findAvailableBySkuReferenceForQuantity​(@NonNull
                                                       Map<String,​Integer> skuReferenceQuantities,
                                                       SkuReferenceFieldType skuReferenceFieldType,
                                                       Optional<Boolean> shippingLocation,
                                                       Optional<Boolean> pickupLocation,
                                                       Optional<Boolean> storeLocation,
        Finds SkuInventory records with the mapped available quantities for given fulfillment types.
        skuReferenceQuantities -
        skuReferenceFieldType -
        shippingLocation -
        pickupLocation -
        storeLocation -
        context -
      • findAvailableBySkuReferenceForQuantity

        List<D> findAvailableBySkuReferenceForQuantity​(@NonNull
                                                       Map<String,​Integer> skuReferenceQuantities,
                                                       SkuReferenceFieldType skuReferenceFieldType,
                                                       String inventoryLocationId,
        Finds SkuInventory records with at least the mapped available quantities for a given inventory location.
        skuReferenceQuantities -
        skuReferenceFieldType -
        inventoryLocationId -
        context -
      • readAllByInventoryLocationId

        Stream<D> readAllByInventoryLocationId​(String inventoryLocationId,
                                               cz.jirutka.rsql.parser.ast.Node filters,
        Read all Sku Inventories for the specified inventory location id matching the given filters.
        inventoryLocationId - the inventory location id
        filters - additional filters to apply in the query, can be null
        context - context information surrounding sandboxing and multitenant state
        the Sku Inventories for the specified inventory location id
      • readSummaryAvailability

        Object[][] readSummaryAvailability​(SkuReferenceFieldType skuReferenceFieldType,
                                           Set<String> skuReferences,
                                           int minQuantity,
                                           Optional<Boolean> shippingLocation,
                                           Optional<Boolean> pickupLocation,
                                           Optional<Boolean> storeLocation,
        Queries for applications and tenant IDs associated with the requested availability. The response is a an Object array that contains: - skuReference (i.e. typically skuCode, but depends on what is requested by skuReferenceFieldType) - tenantId - applicationId (nullable) This method is pretty specific as it allows the Search Services, for example, to determine, for which SKUs have general availability across tenants and applications, not specific to inventory locations.
        skuReferenceFieldType - The type of fields for which we are search (e.g. SKU_CODE)
        skuReferences - The SKU reference number or code e.g. SkuRef.skuCode
        shippingLocation - Indicates if we want to include availability at shipping locations
        pickupLocation - - Indicates if we want to include availability at pickup locations
        storeLocation - - Indicates if we want to include availability at store locations
        context - the ContextInfo for this request
        An object array, representing the rows and columns from the query