Interface DocumentBuilderContributor<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of the document being modified
    All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface DocumentBuilderContributor<T>
    Responsible for further contributing to a populated search document. This interface should be implemented if the user intends to enhance an indexable search document with additional information.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean canHandle​(<?> indexable)
      Determines whether this contributor should contribute
      default void contribute​(<?> indexable, T document, com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext context, List<> searchFields)
      Enhances an indexable document with additional information.
      void contributeInternal​(<?> indexable, T document, com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext context, List<> searchFields)
      Enhances an indexable document with additional information.
    • Method Detail

      • contribute

        default void contribute​(<?> indexable,
                                T document,
                                com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext context,
                                List<> searchFields)
        Enhances an indexable document with additional information.
        indexable - The indexable type.
        document - The search document to be enhanced.
        context - An initialized context with all properties from the Indexable mapped and available via JSON paths.
        searchFields - The search fields for this IndexableType.
        Throws: - if an error occurs preventing indexing
      • contributeInternal

        void contributeInternal​(<?> indexable,
                                T document,
                                com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext context,
                                List<> searchFields)
        Enhances an indexable document with additional information.
        indexable - The indexable type.
        document - The search document to be enhanced.
        context - An initialized context with all properties from the Indexable mapped and available via JSON paths.
        searchFields - The search fields for this IndexableType.
        Throws: - if an error occurs preventing indexing
      • canHandle

        boolean canHandle​(<?> indexable)
        Determines whether this contributor should contribute
        indexable - The Indexable item.
        true if this contributor should execute, else false.