All Classes and Interfaces

Intended to provide a commonly useful starting point for ImportBatchHandler implementations.
Simple starting point for a 'converter' that can convert a BatchRecord.getRow() into a meaningful entity instance.
Event domain sent across the BatchCompletionProducer channel
Emits success messages for items that were handled within batch
Intended to help with common batch context setup actions.
Utilized in ImportBatchHandler to perform the creation and persistence of entities.
Message handler for receiving batch requests
A logical record from the a flat file.
Event domain sent across the BatchRequestConsumer channel
Message channel that receives a batch processing event from the import process
Utilized in ImportBatchHandler to perform and persist updates of entities.
Provides common functionality for processing tracking and context related data on an import.
Helper class for converting BatchRecord to target types.
A response indicating the results of attempting to convert a BatchRecord to a target type.
Holds a mapping of a correlation id (identifier in the import service) with the resolved value at the resource tier
By default, this detects correlation id values that ends with () and optionally tokenized by | for columns that can contain multiple correlation ids
The main configuration for consuming an import at a resource tier
Can be used in ImportBatchHandler implementations to initialize default values for fields on an entity that have a null value (meaning their value was not found in the original row).
If no id was generated, generates a new one based on a ULID
Enables the message channels to receive batch import requests
The main extension point for responding to a batch coming in from import services.
For this record, what sort of operation is being performed from the import.
Intended for use by ImportBatchHandler implementations to capture all relevant information about a parsed/converted record such that it can be submitted for persistence and completion information can be produced for it.
Provides traceability in order to report success/failure of embedded items tied to a particular entity.
Convenience methods pertaining to processing BatchRecord.getRow().