Interface IdResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IdResolver
Phillip Verheyden (phillipuniverse)
  • Method Details

    • resolveId

      @Nullable String resolveId(String recordType, @Nullable OperationType suppliedOperation, @Nullable String suppliedId, Map<String,String> row)
      Determine the id that should be used for BatchRecord.getResourceTierIdentifier() for the parsed record from a file. While this could be used to generate a default id, the result of this can return null which would move the responsibility of id generation to the resource tier
      recordType - the type of record being resolved
      suppliedOperation - the operation that was given by the user in the file, can be null
      suppliedId - the primary key resolved from the file, can be null
      row - the record parsed from the file
      operation that should be used for the record
    • nextId

      default String nextId()
      Simply a method to return the next available ID if it can be determined.
      the next ID