All Classes and Interfaces

Provide common processing functionality to all customer related AnonymizationHandler instances.
A grouping of Customers which may represent things like a B2B business account or a telco account.
A physical address related to the Account.
AccountAddressRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of AccountAddress
Service API for AccountAddresss.
Used to categorize AccountAddresses & enforce business logic based on the type.
Updates PII fields for the Account domain.
Endpoint for management of Accounts.
Thrown when an attempt is made to accept an account invitation that has expired.
Represents an account invite to be sent to the notification service.
Represents the message sent to the notification service when informing a user they have been invited to an account.
Represents an account invite to be sent to the notification service.
Configuration properties for AccountInvite logic.
AccountInviteRepository<D extends>
An account invite request.
Representation of a Customer's relationship with an Account, their contact info, & the role that they have for the account.
Thrown when attempting to invite a user who is already a member of an account.
Updates PII fields for the AccountMember domain.
AccountMemberRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of AccountMember
Data about an AccountMember role update.
Service API for AccountMembers.
A reference to a account.
AccountRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counterparts of Account.
Account roles that a User has under a specific Account context.
Service API for Accounts.
Describes the status of an Account
Simple interface to describe the categorization options that can be used to group accounts or enforce business logic
Data about account parent updates.
Transforms a list of AdditionalPhone into a JSON object String and vice-versa.
The street address for a physical location.
Many entities have customizable dynamic attributes, and this class is intended to hold such values.
Transforms a Map of String keys and JpaAttribute values into a JSON object String and vice versa.
Convenience methods for use when performing bulk update operations.
Entities targeted when performing bulk operations.
The types of operations available when performing bulk operations on the customer domain
Exception thrown if an account's parent hierarchy is circular.
Represents a request to remove a customer segment from multiple users.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using PaymentTransactionServices as saved payment method storage location.
Temporary endpoint to retrieve a list of ISO countries for use in admin.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, use PaymentAccount.getDisplayAttributes() instead
Endpoint for reading/managing customer accounts from a customer facing perspective.
Service for customer facing interactions involving reading account members and accounts.
Updates PII fields for the CustomerAddress domain.
Component to parse and convert customer address related columns from a customer row in CustomerImportBatchHandler.
CustomerAddressRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of CustomerAddress
Service API for CustomerAddresss.
Supply the anonymization related endpoint to the service.
Updates PII fields for the Customer domain.
Controls anonymization behavior for the customer service
Joins the elements of the provided Map into a single String containing the provided elements separated with a specified separators.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, saved payments should be handled by PaymentTransactionServices, therefore this should not be needed
Configuration properties for general customer feature behavior.
Hydrates the customerContextId to the tenantId if it was not provided in the ContextRequest.
Endpoint for management of Customers.
Default property overrides for Customer Services
General exception handler registry for handlers not exclusive to a single controller.
An ExportProcessor for exports of Customer.
The default specification to export Customer.
Service to provide optional hook points for hydrating customers with associated entities.
Updates PII fields for the CustomerNote domain.
Endpoint for management of CustomerNotes.
CustomerNoteRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counterparts of CustomerNote.
Service API for CustomerNotes.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using SavedPaymentMethod in PaymentTransactionServices to manage saved payment methods.
A custom DTO that is intended for the specific purpose of supporting PATCH for PaymentAccount.
A reference to a customer.
CustomerRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counterparts of Customer.
Converts a Customer to a Map row representation.
Endpoint for managing customer segments.
A light version of CustomerSegment.
CustomerSegmentRepository<D extends>
Handles persistence operations for CustomerSegments.
Service for delegation of CRUD based operations on CustomerSegments
Extensible enumeration defining customer segment types.
Converters allowing conversion of API request/response values of a CustomerSegmentType directly to/from a concrete segment type instance.
Throw if initialization of a CustomerSegmentType fails.
Initializes CustomerSegmentType instances for use.
Annotation for use on a Spring @Configuration class to designate a set CustomerSegmentType to be initialized.
Service API for Customers.
Configuration for service-level components.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using PaymentTransactionServices as saved payment method storage location.
Configuration for entity validations.
The SingleIndexRequest.payload used for index requests triggered from CRUD operations on persisted-domain-counterparts of Customer.
Denotes fundamentally special types of customers.
Configuration for web-level components.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using SavedPaymentMethod in PaymentTransactionServices to manage saved payment methods.
CustomizedAccountAddressRepository<D extends>
Advanced functionality related to AccountAddress.
CustomizedCustomerAddressRepository<D extends>
Advanced functionality related to CustomerAddress.
CustomizedCustomerRepository<D extends>
Advanced functionality related to Customer.
CustomizedSegmentMemberRepository<D extends>
The DefaultAccountAddressChildrenVisibilityType is used to represent the types of visibility to child accounts for AccountAddress This is typically for B2B use cases where the AccountAddress.getType() is DefaultB2BAccountAddressTypes.SHIP_TO or DefaultB2BAccountAddressTypes.BILL_TO
Default implementation of the AccountAddressService.
Default implementation of the AccountMemberService.
Default implementation of AccountService
Describes the default statuses of an Account
Describes the default AccountAddress types that are used in a B2B context.
Default account address validator.
Default implementation of CustomerNoteService
Defines the default supported types of evaluation for rule-based CustomerSegments.
Default implementation of CustomerSegmentService
Default customer segment validator.
Default implementation of CustomerService
Enumerates the kinds of unusual circumstances which could be represented by a customer's Customer.getSpecialType().
Default customer validator.
Default Export.getTarget() values that are supported for processing.
Default Export.getTarget() values that are supported for processing.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using SavedPaymentMethod in PaymentTransactionServices to manage saved payment methods.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using SavedPaymentMethodSummary in PaymentTransactionServices to manage saved payment methods.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using SavedPaymentMethod in PaymentTransactionServices to manage saved payment methods.
Bulk processor for evaluating customers against a rule based customer segment.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using PaymentTransactionServices as saved payment method storage location.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using PaymentTransactionServices as saved payment method storage location.
Transforms an RSQL filtration request, for customer by name selector, from the service layer.
This domain object represents the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and defines codes for the names of countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest.
JPA domain-specific implementation of AccountAddressRepository.
JPA domain-specific implementation of AccountMemberRepository.
JPA domain-specific implementation of AccountRepository.
Persistent counter-part to an Attribute for use with a JPA datastore.
Jpa implementation of CustomerAddressRepository.
JPA-persisted counterpart to a CustomerNote
A SingleIndexRequestMessageBuilder specifically for JpaCustomer.
Specialized implementation of JpaAccountAddressRepository.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using JpaSavedPaymentMethod in PaymentTransactionServices to manage saved payment methods.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using JpaSavedPaymentMethod in PaymentTransactionServices to manage saved payment methods.
Alternative to DefaultClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient that uses WebClient and allows for access token response that contain additional non-String parameters.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using PaymentTransactionServices as saved payment method storage location.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using SavedPaymentMethod in PaymentTransactionServices to manage saved payment methods.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using SavedPaymentMethod in PaymentTransactionServices to manage saved payment methods, therefore this endpoint should not be needed.
PaymentAccountRepository<D extends>
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using SavedPaymentMethod in PaymentTransactionServices to manage saved payment methods.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using SavedPaymentMethod in PaymentTransactionServices to manage saved payment methods.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using SavedPaymentMethodSummary in PaymentTransactionServices to manage saved payment methods.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using SavedPaymentMethodSummary in PaymentTransactionServices to manage saved payment methods.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using PaymentTransactionServices as saved payment method storage location.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using PaymentTransactionServices as saved payment method storage location.
Used to convert a Phone to a serialized JSON object string representation for persistence and vice-versa.
Defines a generic error that can be thrown in response to receiving an error from an API that one of the providers (e.g., PaymentProvider) received.
Used to describe a new relationship between an Account & a Customer
Represents a response to a request to CustomerSegments that match a specific context.
Represents a request to resolve CustomerSegments matching a given context.
Generates a Page representing the data and page data received as a response from another service.
SegmentCustomerRepository<D extends>
Domain object representing a customer/customer segment relationship.
An ExportProcessor for exports of SegmentMember.
The default specification to export SegmentMember.
SegmentMemberRepository<D extends>
Repository for managing customer/segment relationships.
Converts a SegmentMember to a Map row representation.
Interface for managing segment/customer relationships.
Constants indicating the origin of a segment/customer relationship.
Represents a relationship between a CustomerSegment and a BulkUpdate
SegmentProcessHistoryRepository<D extends>
Service API for SegmentProcessHistory management
Exception thrown when an error occurs on an attempt to process a segment.
Service class used to initiate bulk processing of customer segments
The possible statuses available for rule based customer segments.
Exception thrown when a user attempts to modify themselves
Service responsible for delivering account invitations.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.7.2, in favor of using SavedPaymentMethod in PaymentTransactionServices to manage saved payment methods.
Contains properties dictating SSL verification.
This component implements OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager and internally instantiates and delegates to AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager.
Used to describe an update that should be made to an AccountMember
The domain object of a User.
A message event received when a user in Auth is created.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging input.
Listens to customer user registration events and creates a new corresponding Customer.
Default possible values for User.type.
Consumer for handling updates to the User domain.