Class AccountInviteNotification


public class AccountInviteNotification extends Object
Represents an account invite to be sent to the notification service.
  • Constructor Details

    • AccountInviteNotification

      public AccountInviteNotification()
  • Method Details

    • getAccountInvite

      public AccountInvite getAccountInvite()
      The account invite that is being sent.
    • getAdditionalArgs

      public Map<String,Object> getAdditionalArgs()
      Any additional arguments to pass along with the notification.
    • getIdentifierType

      public String getIdentifierType()
      The resolution identifier type. Either DOMAIN, DOMAIN_PREFIX, or PARAMETER. Combined with identifierValue, can be used to determine the storefront URL. See Application.getIdentifierType()
    • getIdentifierValue

      public String getIdentifierValue()
      The identifier value. Combined with identifierType, can be used to determine the storefront URL. See Application.getIdentifierValue()
    • getContextInfo

      public getContextInfo()
      The context
    • setAccountInvite

      public void setAccountInvite(AccountInvite accountInvite)
      The account invite that is being sent.
    • setAdditionalArgs

      public void setAdditionalArgs(Map<String,Object> additionalArgs)
      Any additional arguments to pass along with the notification.
    • setIdentifierType

      public void setIdentifierType(String identifierType)
      The resolution identifier type. Either DOMAIN, DOMAIN_PREFIX, or PARAMETER. Combined with identifierValue, can be used to determine the storefront URL. See Application.getIdentifierType()
    • setIdentifierValue

      public void setIdentifierValue(String identifierValue)
      The identifier value. Combined with identifierType, can be used to determine the storefront URL. See Application.getIdentifierValue()
    • setContextInfo

      public void setContextInfo( contextInfo)
      The context
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object