Class JpaCustomizedAccountPermissionRepository<D extends JpaAccountPermission>

    • Constructor Detail

      • JpaCustomizedAccountPermissionRepository

        public JpaCustomizedAccountPermissionRepository()
    • Method Detail

      • save

        public Object save​(Object entity)
      • saveAll

        public List<Object> saveAll​(Iterable<?> entities)
      • getDomainType

        public Class<D> getDomainType()
        Specified by:
        getDomainType in interface com.broadleafcommerce.common.extension.DomainTypeAware
      • existsByNameAndIdNot

        public boolean existsByNameAndIdNot​(@NonNull
                                            @NonNull String name,
                                            String id,
        Description copied from interface: CustomizedAccountPermissionRepository
        Reports whether there exists a permission in the data store whose AccountPermission.getName() is equal to the given name and whose AccountPermission.getId() is not equal to the given id.
        Specified by:
        existsByNameAndIdNot in interface CustomizedAccountPermissionRepository<D extends JpaAccountPermission>
        name - the value that permission name must equal in order to match
        id - (optional) the value that the permission's id must not equal in order to match. If this value is null, then results will not be filtered by their id.
        contextInfo - The context of the user's request
        true if there exists a permission matching the given name and not matching the given id, false otherwise