Serialized Form

  • Package

    • Class

      class AdjustTaxTransactionRequest extends TaxCalculationRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • reason
          String reason
          The reason that this tax transaction is being adjusted.
    • Class

      class CommitTaxRequest extends TaxCalculationRequest implements Serializable
    • Class

      class CommitTaxResponse extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • internalAttributes
          Map<String,Object> internalAttributes
          Any internal attributes that may need to be used for later tax operations. Any values set here will be saved in the order's internal attributes field.
        • taxProviderId
          String taxProviderId
          Represents the TaxProvider that was used to respond to a corresponding CommitTaxRequest.
    • Class

      class ReverseTaxTransactionRequest extends TaxCalculationRequest implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • originalTransactionDate
          Instant originalTransactionDate
          The date of the original checkout or commit transaction.
    • Class

      class TaxAddress extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • addressLine1
          String addressLine1
          Primary address information, typically street name and building number.
        • addressLine2
          String addressLine2
          Secondary address information, like apartment, suite, or unit number.
        • addressLine3
          String addressLine3
          Tertiary address information, typically for international addresses.
        • city
          String city
          The city, town or village of this address.
        • country
          String country
          The country for this address.
        • county
          String county
          The county of this address.
        • postalCode
          String postalCode
          Postal code or ZIP code for this address.
        • stateProvinceRegion
          String stateProvinceRegion
          The state, province or region of this address.
    • Class

      class TaxCalculationGroup extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Additional attributes for this tax group.
        • fromAddress
          TaxAddress fromAddress
          The address that the items will be shipped from.
        • fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber
          String fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber
          The fulfillment group reference number.
        • taxItems
          List<TaxItem> taxItems
          The list of items to be taxed.
        • toAddress
          TaxAddress toAddress
          The address that the items will be shipped to.
    • Class

      class TaxCalculationRequest extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Additional attributes for this tax request.
        • cartId
          String cartId
          ID of the shopping cart.
        • currency
          Currency of the Cart.
        • customer
          String customer
          Identifier for the customer that these taxes will apply to.
        • customerTaxExemptionCode
          String customerTaxExemptionCode
          Tax exemption code, if known, for the customer.
        • providerId
          String providerId
          This is simply a hint that can be provided by the client that indicates that taxes were previously calculated by a particular TaxProvider. Note that this is optional and is a hint that is used for selecting the appropriate TaxProvider for additional interactions (commit or adjust), or for logging details when a fallback (or no-op) method is executed. This should not be set if you don't know which TaxProvider previously calculated taxes for the given cartId.
        • taxCalculationGroups
          List<TaxCalculationGroup> taxCalculationGroups
          Groups of shipping details for the purpose of tax calculation. Items being shipped to / from certain regions, states, provinces, or subdivisions may have different tax rates and tax reporting requirements. This allows us to group these details.
        • vatRegistrationId
          String vatRegistrationId
          Optional VAT registration ID. This is usually only set if the buyer is a business and has a VAT registration ID. This is generally only used for B2B transactions.
    • Class

      class TaxCalculationResponse extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • internalAttributes
          Map<String,Object> internalAttributes
          Any internal attributes to be copied over to an order on post commit tax operations.
        • taxGroups
          Map<String,TaxResponseGroup> taxGroups
          This is a map of TaxResponseGroup objects keyed by fulfillment group reference.
        • taxProviderId
          String taxProviderId
          The ID of the TaxProvider that was used to process the corresponding request. This can be saved for later calls to the TaxDelegate, which provides a hint as to which provider should be used, or a flag for logging when a different provider is used, usually due to a fallback mechanism.
    • Class

      class TaxDetail extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Additional attributes for this tax detail
        • country
          String country
          The country for this tax.
        • isExempt
          boolean isExempt
          Indicates if this is exempt from taxes, usually based on a tax exemption code.
        • isVat
          boolean isVat
          Declares whether the taxes were included in the provided subtotal. Note: this is a known misnomer & its value should always align with that of TaxInfo.isTaxIncluded().
        • jurisdictionName
          String jurisdictionName
          The jurisdiction name. This may be a state, city, county, etc.
        • jurisdictionType
          String jurisdictionType
          The jurisdiction type, e.g. city, state, county, etc.
        • rate
          BigDecimal rate
          The rate of this tax.
        • region
          String region
          The region for this tax. This is often something like a two digit state code, e.g. (CA, TX, NY, etc.)
        • taxableAmount
          The amount that was taxable to determine the calculated tax.
        • taxCalculated
          The calculated tax for this detail.
        • taxName
          String taxName
          The name of the tax.
        • transactionId
          String transactionId
          The transaction ID for this tax detail. Used to reconcile this tax detail with a specific transaction when using an external tax provider.
    • Class

      class TaxInfo extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Additional attributes for this tax info
        • exemptionAmount
          The amount of this item that is not taxable.
        • isEstimated
          boolean isEstimated
          Whether the calculated tax is an estimate.
        • isExempt
          boolean isExempt
          Indicates if this is exempt from taxes, usually based on a tax exemption code.
        • isTaxable
          boolean isTaxable
          Whether the item is taxable.
        • isVat
          boolean isVat
          Declares whether the taxes were included in the provided subtotal. Note: this is a known misnomer & its value should always align with that of TaxInfo.isTaxIncluded().
        • itemId
          String itemId
          The id of the line item for this tax info.
        • rate
          BigDecimal rate
          The rate that the item was taxed at.
        • skuCode
          String skuCode
          The sku code for the item.
        • taxableAmount
          The amount of this item that is taxable and was used to determine the calculated tax.
        • taxCalculated
          The tax calculated for the item.
        • taxCode
          String taxCode
          The tax code for the item.
        • taxDetails
          List<TaxDetail> taxDetails
          Breakdown of taxes for this item.
        • taxIncluded
          boolean taxIncluded
          Indicates if taxes were included in the original price or subtotal passed in. This is often the case with VAT. In other words, if an item costs 20EUR and tax is included, then it is expected that some percentage of 20EUR is tax if the tax rate is greater than zero. This is related to, but separate from, TaxInfo.isVat(). The reason is that VAT may be included or not in the provided item price or subtotal.
          See Also:
          • TaxItem#isTaxIncluded()
    • Class

      class TaxISOCountry extends Object implements Serializable
    • Class

      class TaxItem extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Any additional attributes for this tax item.
        • description
          String description
          The description for this item.
        • itemId
          String itemId
          The unique identifier for this line item.
        • jurisCode
          String jurisCode
          The jurisdiction code for this item.
        • jurisName
          String jurisName
          The jurisdiction name for this item.
        • jurisType
          String jurisType
          The jurisdiction type for this item.
        • quantity
          int quantity
          The tax item quantity. Default is 1
        • skuCode
          String skuCode
          The sku code for this item.
        • subtotal
          The subtotal of this item being paid for by a customer.
        • taxable
          boolean taxable
          Is this item tax exempt? Default is true
        • taxCode
          String taxCode
          The tax code for this item.
        • taxIncluded
          Boolean taxIncluded
          Indicates if the taxes are already included in the price (subtotal). This is common for VAT taxes, especially in Europe, where prices displayed have to include VAT. Some tax providers will use this to back-calculate taxes from the price for reporting purposes.
        • type
          String type
          Specifies the kind of item this is such as FULFILLMENT or ORDER.
          See Also:
    • Class

      class TaxRequest extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Additional attributes for this tax group.
        • currency
        • customer
          String customer
          The customer that these taxes will apply to.
        • fromAddress
          TaxAddress fromAddress
          The address that the items will be shipped from.
        • fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber
          String fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber
          The fulfillment group reference number.
        • providerId
          String providerId
          The providerId indicates what provider returned the TaxResponse instances from a call to calculate taxes. This should be set to the same providerId as was returned from the last response. This may be used to try to use the same provider again, or to ensure that a call to commit or return taxes happens with the same provider used to calculate taxes.
        • taxId
          String taxId
          The tax id for this tax request
        • taxItems
          List<TaxItem> taxItems
          The list of items to be taxed.
        • temporaryCalculation
          boolean temporaryCalculation
          For tax services that support it, records the transaction in the tax service for reporting purposes. (May require a separate commit operation with providers like Avalara)
        • toAddress
          TaxAddress toAddress
          The address that the items will be shipped to.
    • Class

      class TaxResponse extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Additional attributes for this tax response.
        • fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber
          String fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber
          The fulfillment group reference number.
        • taxInfos
          Map<String,TaxInfo> taxInfos
          The tax infos for each of the line items, keyed by fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber + "-" + itemId.

          For example, if a fulfillment group reference number is 999 and the item ID is 1234, the tax info for that item will be 999-1234

        • totalAmount
          The total amount of the items.
        • totalExemption
          The total amount that is not taxable from the items.
        • totalTaxable
          The total amount that is taxable from the items.
        • totalTaxCalculated
          The total tax calculated from all items.
    • Class

      class TaxResponseGroup extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributes
          Map<String,Object> attributes
          Additional attributes for this tax response.
        • fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber
          String fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber
          The fulfillment group reference number.
        • taxInfos
          Map<String,TaxInfo> taxInfos
          The tax infos for each of the line items, keyed by fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber + "-" + itemId.

          For example, if a fulfillment group reference number is 999 and the item ID is 1234, the tax info for that item will be 999-1234

        • totalAmount
          The total amount of the items.
        • totalExemption
          The total amount that is not taxable from the items.
        • totalTaxable
          The total amount that is taxable from the items.
        • totalTaxCalculated
          The total tax calculated from all items.
    • Class

      class VoidTransactionRequest extends TaxCalculationRequest implements Serializable
  • Package

    • Class

      class SimpleTaxConfig extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • defaultRate
          SimpleTaxRecord defaultRate
          The default rate if no matching in SimpleTaxConfig.getTaxTables() found.
        • sampleConfig
          boolean sampleConfig
          Whether this configuration is the out-of-the-box sample or is otherwise marked as a sample. If true, a warning will be logged.
        • taxTables
          Map<String,List<SimpleTaxRecord>> taxTables
          Map of a tax code to a list of tax records for that jurisdiction. The SimpleTaxProvider supports alpha-2 country codes as tax codes.
    • Class

      class SimpleTaxRecord extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • allowTaxExemption
          Boolean allowTaxExemption
          Indicates if a Tax exemption is allowed. Tax exemptions are applied if the Tax request contains a taxExemptionCode. By default, the taxExemptionCode is trusted. If it exists, and this field is true (default), then a tax rate of 0 will be applied.
        • city
          String city
          This city for this record.
        • countryDefault
          Boolean countryDefault
          Whether this record is the default for the mapped country.
        • postalCode
          String postalCode
          This postal code for this record.
        • rate
          Double rate
          The rate for this record. Used to calculate taxes for an item.
        • stateProvinceRegion
          String stateProvinceRegion
          This state, province, or region for this record.
        • vat
          Boolean vat
          True if this is a VAT tax