Class TaxResponseGroup

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TaxResponseGroup extends Object implements Serializable
This represents of group of items whos taxes have been calculated together, typically with the same shipping address(es). This happens because sales tax jurisdictions are often dependent on where the items are being shipped to and/or from.
Kelly Tisdell (ktisdell)
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • totalAmount

      protected totalAmount
      The total amount of the items.
    • totalExemption

      protected totalExemption
      The total amount that is not taxable from the items.
    • totalTaxable

      protected totalTaxable
      The total amount that is taxable from the items.
    • totalTaxCalculated

      protected totalTaxCalculated
      The total tax calculated from all items.
    • fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber

      protected String fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber
      The fulfillment group reference number.
    • taxInfos

      protected Map<String,TaxInfo> taxInfos
      The tax infos for each of the line items, keyed by fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber + "-" + itemId.

      For example, if a fulfillment group reference number is 999 and the item ID is 1234, the tax info for that item will be 999-1234

    • attributes

      protected Map<String,Object> attributes
      Additional attributes for this tax response.
  • Constructor Details

    • TaxResponseGroup

      public TaxResponseGroup()
  • Method Details

    • getTotalAmount

      public getTotalAmount()
      The total amount of the items.
      The total amount of the items.
    • getTotalExemption

      public getTotalExemption()
      The total amount that is not taxable from the items.
      The total amount that is not taxable from the items.
    • getTotalTaxable

      public getTotalTaxable()
      The total amount that is taxable from the items.
      The total amount that is taxable from the items.
    • getTotalTaxCalculated

      public getTotalTaxCalculated()
      The total tax calculated from all items.
      The total tax calculated from all items.
    • getFulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber

      public String getFulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber()
      The fulfillment group reference number.
      The fulfillment group reference number
    • getTaxInfos

      public Map<String,TaxInfo> getTaxInfos()
      The tax infos for each of the line items, keyed by fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber + "-" + itemId.

      For example, if a fulfillment group reference number is 999 and the item ID is 1234, the tax info for that item will be 999-1234

      The tax infos for each of the line items.
    • getAttributes

      public Map<String,Object> getAttributes()
      Additional attributes for this tax response.
      The attributes for this tax response.
    • setTotalAmount

      public void setTotalAmount( totalAmount)
      The total amount of the items.
      totalAmount - The total amount of the items.
    • setTotalExemption

      public void setTotalExemption( totalExemption)
      The total amount that is not taxable from the items.
      totalExemption - The total amount that is not taxable from the items.
    • setTotalTaxable

      public void setTotalTaxable( totalTaxable)
      The total amount that is taxable from the items.
      totalTaxable - The total amount that is taxable from the items.
    • setTotalTaxCalculated

      public void setTotalTaxCalculated( totalTaxCalculated)
      The total tax calculated from all items.
      totalTaxCalculated - The total tax calculated from all items.
    • setFulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber

      public void setFulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber(String fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber)
      The fulfillment group reference number.
      fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber - The fulfillment group reference number
    • setTaxInfos

      public void setTaxInfos(Map<String,TaxInfo> taxInfos)
      The tax infos for each of the line items, keyed by fulfillmentGroupReferenceNumber + "-" + itemId.

      For example, if a fulfillment group reference number is 999 and the item ID is 1234, the tax info for that item will be 999-1234

      taxInfos - The tax infos for each of the line items.
    • setAttributes

      public void setAttributes(Map<String,Object> attributes)
      Additional attributes for this tax response.
      taxInfos - The attributes for this tax response.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object