Interface ExportManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ExportManager
While ExportService is purely in charge of CRUD-related operations on Export, this service is a higher level abstraction that performs the surrounding logic of processing export operations. This includes processing requests and emitting the required messages. It internally delegates to ExportService for CRUD operations.

Resource services should directly interact with this manager rather than the ExportService for export processing.

For actual processing of exports, the manager delegates to ExportProcessor, and for writing the files, the manager delegates to the ExportFileWriter.

Samarth Dhruva (samarthd)
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • initiateExport

      @Deprecated(since="2.0.1") Export initiateExport(ExportRequest request, String target, @Nullable String filterString, @Nullable contextInfo)
      since 2.0.1, in favor of initiateExport(ExportRequest, String, ContextInfo). The new implementation for export grids includes the filter string as part of the ExportRequest, instead of passing it as a parameter in the HTTP request.
      This method accepts an export request and the context of the request to build a Export and persist it in the data store.

      Sends a ProcessExportRequest message to request that the export be processed.

      request - a request to perform an Export.

      For each of the "exporting context" fields describing where the operation will be performed, the default implementation will first check if the field is supplied in ExportRequest, and if not, use the value from the ContextInfo.

      target - the target of the export. This is some value that can be mapped to a particular domain by the logic performing an export, rather than explicitly requiring the fully qualified classname. Used to populate
      filterString - if ExportRequest.getFilterString() is not provided, then this will be used instead as the filter string to find the records to export. Used to populate Export.filterString.
      contextInfo - context information surrounding sandboxing and multitenant state
      the newly created Export
      com.broadleafcommerce.common.error.validation.ValidationException - if the request failed validation
      IllegalArgumentException - if request is null or target is blank - if the currently authenticated user is not permitted to perform an export in the final determined exporting context
    • initiateExport

      Export initiateExport(ExportRequest request, String target, @Nullable contextInfo)
      This method accepts an export request and the context of the request to build a Export and persist it in the data store.

      Sends a ProcessExportRequest message to request that the export be processed.

      request - a request to perform an Export.

      The filter string that is used to filter the contents of the Export is also retrieved from ExportRequest.getFilterString().

      For each of the "exporting context" fields describing where the operation will be performed, the default implementation will first check if the field is supplied in ExportRequest, and if not, use the value from the ContextInfo.

      target - the target of the export. This is some value that can be mapped to a particular domain by the logic performing an export, rather than explicitly requiring the fully qualified classname. Used to populate
      contextInfo - context information surrounding sandboxing and multitenant state
      the newly created Export
      com.broadleafcommerce.common.error.validation.ValidationException - if the request failed validation
      IllegalArgumentException - if request is null or target is blank - if the currently authenticated user is not permitted to perform an export in the final determined exporting context
    • processExport

      void processExport(Export export)
      Performs an Export, processing the requested records and writing the file in batches while updating the status for the Export as it goes.

      Note: this method should always be called with the result of ExportService.setProcessingStatus(String) if the value is not null.

      The ExportManager will delegate processing to the first ExportProcessor for which ExportProcessor.canHandle(Export) returns true. Thus if more than one ExportProcessor can handle a request, the bean registered with the higher priority will be used.

      The ExportManager will delegate file writing to the first ExportFileWriter for which ExportFileWriter.canHandle(Export) returns true. Thus if more than one ExportFileWriter can handle a request, the bean registered with the higher priority will be used.

      export - the export to perform - this should always be the result of ExportService.setProcessingStatus(String) if it is not null