All Classes and Interfaces

The base class that is used to convert from given value to a Map row representation.
The common utility that contains some useful methods that can be reused in the export endpoints.
Holds state information required by CSVExportFileWriter.
An implementation of ExportFileWriter that can write CSV files.
CustomizedExportRepository<D extends>
Additional functionality necessary for a ExportRepository.
Default values that are supported for Export.fileType.
An entity that holds the basic information required to track the status of an export operation.
This interface is used for building a data normalizer, which can be used to pre-process the data before writing to the file.
Provides the ability to retrieve export files.
Holds state information particular to a specific export write operation.
Responsible for writing the headers and rows of an export to a file.
Response returned by ExportFileWriter to indicate the results of writing to a file.
The main JPA auto configuration that initializes the out of the box JPA repositories.
While ExportService is purely in charge of CRUD-related operations on Export, this service is a higher level abstraction that performs the surrounding logic of processing export operations.
Configuration for additional messaging functionality for exports.
Creates the NotificationStateAware.getNotificationStates() for the persistent counterpart of Export.
A listener that accepts triggered scheduled job events of type ExportOrphanCheckListener.EXPORT_ORPHAN_CHECK_JOBTYPE and adjusts the Export.status of any exports that are hanging to ExportStatus.ERROR.
Properties that can be used to configure how exports are processed.
While ExportManager is responsible for most of the coordination during an export, it will delegate to an ExportProcessor for performing the actual target- specific operations.
ExportRepository<D extends>
Repository for persistent counter-parts of Export
This is the request DTO which should be sent by API callers to request the creation of a Export.
Validates ExportRequest.
Service API for Exports.
Describes how an ExportProcessor can handle a particular export.
Represents the status of a Export operation.
Spring cloud stream messaging interface for receiving triggered job execution from the scheduled job microservice.
Persistent counter-part to a Export for use with a JPA datastore.
JPA domain-specific implementation of ExportRepository.
JPA domain-specific implementation of ExportRepository.
Utilizes Jpa to save and retrieve files for export
Serialize MonetaryAmount to String, during the export.
A message representing a request to perform (actually process) an Export.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
A listener that accepts a ProcessExportRequest and performs the export.
MessageFactory for creating ProcessExportRequest messages.
Configure the durable notification components for ProcessExportRequestProducer.
Configuration properties for the NotificationHandler and RetryHandler for ProcessExportRequestProducer.
Spring cloud data channel description for messaging output.
A response returned by ExportProcessor.readRecordsToProcess(Export) indicating the results of attempting to read all of the records to process in an export.
A response returned by ExportProcessor.generateRows(List, Export) indicating the results of producing some rows in an export.
Joins the elements of the provided Iterable into a single String containing the provided elements separated with a specified separator.
Excludes properties, that do not exist in the specification, during serialization and converts property names to header names.
The custom serializer that is used to serialize BigDecimal price to String value.
Extension needed to get ability to create new BeanPropertyWriter with new property name.
This normalizer is used to format the date values for specified time-zone.